List of usage examples for android.content Intent ACTION_MAIN
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private boolean hasLauncherIntent(String packageName) { Intent intentToResolve = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); intentToResolve.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); intentToResolve.setPackage(packageName); List<ResolveInfo> ris = getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(intentToResolve, 0); return ris != null && ris.size() > 0; }
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@Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); if (!LinphoneService.isReady()) { startService(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).setClass(this, LinphoneService.class)); }//from w ww.j ava m LinphoneCore lc = LinphoneManager.getLcIfManagerNotDestroyedOrNull(); if (lc != null) { lc.addListener(mListener); } if (isTablet()) { // Prevent fragmentContainer2 to be visible when rotating the device LinearLayout ll = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; if (currentFragment == FragmentsAvailable.DIALER || currentFragment == FragmentsAvailable.ABOUT || currentFragment == FragmentsAvailable.SETTINGS || currentFragment == FragmentsAvailable.ACCOUNT_SETTINGS) { ll.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } refreshAccounts(); if (getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.enable_in_app_purchase)) { isTrialAccount(); } updateMissedChatCount(); if (LinphonePreferences.instance().isFriendlistsubscriptionEnabled() && LinphoneManager.getLc().getDefaultProxyConfig() != null) { LinphoneManager.getInstance().subscribeFriendList(true); } else { LinphoneManager.getInstance().subscribeFriendList(false); } displayMissedCalls(LinphoneManager.getLc().getMissedCallsCount()); LinphoneManager.getInstance().changeStatusToOnline(); if (getIntent().getIntExtra("PreviousActivity", 0) != CALL_ACTIVITY && !doNotGoToCallActivity) { if (LinphoneManager.getLc().getCalls().length > 0) { LinphoneCall call = LinphoneManager.getLc().getCalls()[0]; LinphoneCall.State callState = call.getState(); if (callState == State.IncomingReceived) { startActivity(new Intent(this, CallIncomingActivity.class)); } else if (callState == State.OutgoingInit || callState == State.OutgoingProgress || callState == State.OutgoingRinging) { startActivity(new Intent(this, CallOutgoingActivity.class)); } else { startIncallActivity(call); } } } doNotGoToCallActivity = false; }
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private void addShortcut(Layoutelements path) { //Adding shortcut for MainActivity //on Home screen Intent shortcutIntent = new Intent(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), MainActivity.class); shortcutIntent.putExtra("path", path.getDesc()); shortcutIntent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); shortcutIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP); Intent addIntent = new Intent(); addIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT, shortcutIntent); addIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME, new File(path.getDesc()).getName()); addIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON_RESOURCE, Intent.ShortcutIconResource.fromContext(getActivity(), R.mipmap.ic_launcher)); addIntent.setAction(""); getActivity().sendBroadcast(addIntent); }
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@Override protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { super.onNewIntent(intent); // Close the menu if (Intent.ACTION_MAIN.equals(intent.getAction())) { // also will cancel mWaitingForResult. closeSystemDialogs();//from ww w .j a v a 2 s. c o m final boolean alreadyOnHome = ((intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT) != Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT); Runnable processIntent = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (mWorkspace == null) { // Can be cases where mWorkspace is null, this prevents a NPE return; } Folder openFolder = mWorkspace.getOpenFolder(); // In all these cases, only animate if we're already on home mWorkspace.exitWidgetResizeMode(); if (alreadyOnHome && mState == State.WORKSPACE && !mWorkspace.isTouchActive() && openFolder == null) { mWorkspace.moveToDefaultScreen(true); } closeFolder(); exitSpringLoadedDragMode(); // If we are already on home, then just animate back to the workspace, // otherwise, just wait until onResume to set the state back to Workspace if (alreadyOnHome) { showWorkspace(true); } else { mOnResumeState = State.WORKSPACE; } final View v = getWindow().peekDecorView(); if (v != null && v.getWindowToken() != null) { InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(v.getWindowToken(), 0); } // Reset AllApps to its initial state if (!alreadyOnHome && mAppsCustomizeTabHost != null) { mAppsCustomizeTabHost.reset(); } } }; if (alreadyOnHome && !mWorkspace.hasWindowFocus()) { // Delay processing of the intent to allow the status bar animation to finish // first in order to avoid janky animations. mWorkspace.postDelayed(processIntent, 350); } else { // Process the intent immediately.; } } }
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private static void applyChange(Activity context) { context.finish();//from w ww . ja v a 2s . co m context.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER) .addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT).addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_HOME)); }
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public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { if (currentFragment == FragmentsAvailable.SETTINGS) { //dialer.setVisibility(View.GONE); settings.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); //mCall.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); }/*from w ww . j av a2 s . c o m*/ if (currentFragment == FragmentsAvailable.DIALER || currentFragment == FragmentsAvailable.CONTACTS || currentFragment == FragmentsAvailable.HISTORY || currentFragment == FragmentsAvailable.CHATLIST || currentFragment == FragmentsAvailable.ABOUT_INSTEAD_OF_CHAT || currentFragment == FragmentsAvailable.ABOUT_INSTEAD_OF_SETTINGS) { boolean isBackgroundModeActive = LinphonePreferences.instance().isBackgroundModeEnabled(); if (!isBackgroundModeActive) { stopService(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).setClass(this, LinphoneService.class)); finish(); } else if (LinphoneUtils.onKeyBackGoHome(this, keyCode, event)) { return true; } } else { if (isTablet()) { if (currentFragment == FragmentsAvailable.SETTINGS) { updateAnimationsState(); } } } } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU && statusFragment != null) { if (event.getRepeatCount() < 1) { statusFragment.openOrCloseStatusBar(true); } } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); }
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public static String getLauncherClassName(Context context) { try {/* www . j av a 2 s. c om*/ PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); List<ResolveInfo> resolveInfos = pm.queryIntentActivities(intent, 0); for (ResolveInfo resolveInfo : resolveInfos) { String pkgName = resolveInfo.activityInfo.applicationInfo.packageName; if (pkgName.equalsIgnoreCase(context.getPackageName())) { return; } } } catch (Throwable e) { FileLog.e("tmessages", e); } return null; }
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private static String getLauncherClassName(Context context) { try {//from www .java 2 s . c om PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); List<ResolveInfo> resolveInfos = pm.queryIntentActivities(intent, 0); for (ResolveInfo resolveInfo : resolveInfos) { String pkgName = resolveInfo.activityInfo.applicationInfo.packageName; if (pkgName.equalsIgnoreCase(context.getPackageName())) { return; } } } catch (Throwable e) { FileLog.e("tmessages", e); } return null; }
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private static void changeDefaultLauncher(Context context) { PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager(); ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(context, FakeActivity.class); packageManager.setComponentEnabledSetting(componentName, PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP); Intent selector = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); selector.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_HOME); selector.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.startActivity(selector);/*from w w w. java 2 s . com*/ packageManager.setComponentEnabledSetting(componentName, PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP); }
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public void onDropCompleted(View target, DragObject d, boolean isFlingToDelete, boolean success) { mDropAccepted = success;/* w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ Log.d(TAG, "sxsexe---------> onDropCompleted dragInfo " + d.dragInfo + " success " + success + " mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted " + mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted + " mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon " + mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon + " item count " + getItemCount() + " mHasDirtyData " + mHasDirtyData); /*YUNOS BEGIN*/ //##module(component name) //##date:2014/03/28 //there is a cellayout outline when drag icon in folder, otherwise, hide it showDragOutline(false); /*YUNOS END*/ mShortcutInfoCache = (ShortcutInfo) d.dragInfo; mLauncher.setCurrentFolder(this); if (success) { if (target instanceof DeleteDropTarget && mShortcutInfoCache.itemType == Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION) { /* YUNOS BEGIN PB*/ //##modules(HomeShell): ##author:guoshuai.lgs //##BugID:(5221896) ##date:2014/09/03 //##decrpition: support mainmenu feature, cancel drop feature, page management feature, and so on if (!LauncherApplication.isMainmenuMode()) { //go to uninstall or remove, Log.d(TAG, "sxsexe---------> onDropCompleted do not need to replaceFolderWithFinalItem"); mHasDirtyData = true; /*YUNOS BEGIN*/ //##date:2014/01/18 ##author:hao.liuhaolh ##BugID:83464 //app icon remove issue in folder if ((mShortcutInfoCache.intent != null) && (mShortcutInfoCache.intent.getComponent() != null) && (mShortcutInfoCache.intent.getComponent().getPackageName() != null)) { boolean storgeMount = Environment.getExternalStorageState() .equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED); String packageName = mShortcutInfoCache.intent.getComponent().getPackageName(); final PackageManager packageManager = ((Context) mLauncher).getPackageManager(); final Intent mainIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null); mainIntent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); mainIntent.setPackage(packageName); final List<ResolveInfo> apps = packageManager.queryIntentActivities(mainIntent, 0); if ((apps == null || apps.size() == 0) && (storgeMount == true)) { Log.d(TAG, "no app info, so it need to be cleaned"); mHasDirtyData = false; } } } /*YUNOS END PB*/ /*YUNOS END*/ } /*YUNOS BEGIN*/ //##date:2014/7/2 ##author:yangshan.ys##BugID:134407 //if the target is workspace or hotseat when drag or fling icon ,call this method mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted = mInfo.count() <= 1; if (mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted && !mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon && !(target instanceof DeleteDropTarget)) { /*YUNOS END*/ if (!mHasDirtyData) { //drag to workspace or hotseat replaceFolderWithFinalItem(); this.setNeedReplaceFolderWithFinalItemFlase(); } } } else { Log.d(TAG, "sxsexe---------> onDropCompleted drag failed need to get the item back "); /*YUNOS BEGIN*/ //##date:2014/06/18 ##author:guoshuai.lgs ##BugID: //support the folder feature in mainmenu if (LauncherApplication.isMainmenuMode() && (mInfo.isMainmenuFolder())) { // Exit spring loaded mode if we have not successfully dropped or have not handled the // drop in Workspace //Delete the dragview d.deferDragViewCleanupPostAnimation = false; mLauncher.exitSpringLoadedDragMode(); } else { // The drag failed, we need to return the item to the folder mFolderIcon.onDrop(d); } /*YUNOS END*/ // We're going to trigger a "closeFolder" which may occur before this item has // been added back to the folder -- this could cause the folder to be deleted if (mOnExitAlarm.alarmPending()) { mSuppressFolderDeletion = true; } } if (target != this) { if (mOnExitAlarm.alarmPending()) { mOnExitAlarm.cancelAlarm(); completeDragExit(); } } mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted = false; mDragInProgress = false; mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon = false; mCurrentDragInfo = null; mCurrentDragView = null; mSuppressOnAdd = false; /* YUNOS BEGIN */ // ##date:2014/07/04 ##author:yangshan.ys##BugID:135044 // prevent the position of editfoldericon moving in folder if (target == this && mInfo.isEditFolderInContents() && mEditFolderTempView != null) { int childId = mEditFolderTempView.getId(); CellLayout.LayoutParams params = (CellLayout.LayoutParams) mEditFolderTempView.getLayoutParams(); mContentList.get(mInfo.getmEditFolderShortcutInfo().screen).addViewToCellLayout(mEditFolderTempView, -1, childId, params, true); mEditFolderHidden = false; } /* YUNOS END */ // Reordering may have occured, and we need to save the new item locations. We do this once // at the end to prevent unnecessary database operations. /*YUNOS BEGIN*/ //##date:2014/06/10 ##author:guoshuai.lgs ##BugID: //support the folder feature in mainmenu if (mInfo.isMainmenuFolder() && (LauncherApplication.isMainmenuMode())) { // TODO: do nothing? } else { updateItemLocationsInDatabase(); } /*YUNOS END*/ mLauncher.getWorkspace().cleanDragInfoFromFolder(); mLauncher.getWorkspace().checkAndRemoveEmptyCell(); }