List of usage examples for android.content Intent ACTION_DIAL
To view the source code for android.content Intent ACTION_DIAL.
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private void processSelectedOption(int option) { if (selectedObject == null) { return;//from w ww.j a v a2s . c o m } switch (option) { case 3: { AndroidUtilities.addToClipboard(getMessageContent(selectedObject, 0, true)); break; } case 4: { String path = selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath; if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { File temp = new File(path); if (!temp.exists()) { path = null; } } if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner).toString(); } if (selectedObject.type == 3 || selectedObject.type == 1) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && getParentActivity().checkSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { getParentActivity() .requestPermissions(new String[] { Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, 4); selectedObject = null; return; } MediaController.saveFile(path, getParentActivity(), selectedObject.type == 3 ? 1 : 0, null, null); } break; } case 5: { File locFile = null; if (selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath != null && selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath.length() != 0) { File f = new File(selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath); if (f.exists()) { locFile = f; } } if (locFile == null) { File f = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner); if (f.exists()) { locFile = f; } } if (locFile != null) { if (locFile.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith("attheme")) { if (chatLayoutManager != null) { int lastPosition = chatLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPosition(); if (lastPosition < chatLayoutManager.getItemCount() - 1) { scrollToPositionOnRecreate = chatLayoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition(); RecyclerListView.Holder holder = (RecyclerListView.Holder) chatListView .findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(scrollToPositionOnRecreate); if (holder != null) { scrollToOffsetOnRecreate = holder.itemView.getTop(); } else { scrollToPositionOnRecreate = -1; } } else { scrollToPositionOnRecreate = -1; } } Theme.ThemeInfo themeInfo = Theme.applyThemeFile(locFile, selectedObject.getDocumentName(), true); if (themeInfo != null) { presentFragment(new ThemePreviewActivity(locFile, themeInfo)); } else { scrollToPositionOnRecreate = -1; if (getParentActivity() == null) { selectedObject = null; return; } AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName)); builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("IncorrectTheme", R.string.IncorrectTheme)); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null); showDialog(builder.create()); } } else { if (LocaleController.getInstance().applyLanguageFile(locFile, currentAccount)) { presentFragment(new LanguageSelectActivity()); } else { if (getParentActivity() == null) { selectedObject = null; return; } AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName)); builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("IncorrectLocalization", R.string.IncorrectLocalization)); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null); showDialog(builder.create()); } } } break; } case 6: { String path = selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath; if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { File temp = new File(path); if (!temp.exists()) { path = null; } } if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner).toString(); } Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType(selectedObject.getDocument().mime_type); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24) { try { intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, FileProvider.getUriForFile(getParentActivity(), BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".provider", new File(path))); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION); } catch (Exception ignore) { intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.fromFile(new File(path))); } } else { intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.fromFile(new File(path))); } getParentActivity().startActivityForResult( Intent.createChooser(intent, LocaleController.getString("ShareFile", R.string.ShareFile)), 500); break; } case 7: { String path = selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath; if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { File temp = new File(path); if (!temp.exists()) { path = null; } } if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner).toString(); } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && getParentActivity().checkSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { getParentActivity().requestPermissions(new String[] { Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, 4); selectedObject = null; return; } MediaController.saveFile(path, getParentActivity(), 0, null, null); break; } case 9: { showDialog( new StickersAlert(getParentActivity(), this, selectedObject.getInputStickerSet(), null, null)); break; } case 10: { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && getParentActivity().checkSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { getParentActivity().requestPermissions(new String[] { Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, 4); selectedObject = null; return; } String fileName = FileLoader.getDocumentFileName(selectedObject.getDocument()); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(fileName)) { fileName = selectedObject.getFileName(); } String path = selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath; if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { File temp = new File(path); if (!temp.exists()) { path = null; } } if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner).toString(); } MediaController.saveFile(path, getParentActivity(), selectedObject.isMusic() ? 3 : 2, fileName, selectedObject.getDocument() != null ? selectedObject.getDocument().mime_type : ""); break; } case 11: { TLRPC.Document document = selectedObject.getDocument(); MessagesController.getInstance(currentAccount).saveGif(selectedObject, document); break; } case 15: { Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putInt("user_id",; args.putString("phone",; args.putBoolean("addContact", true); presentFragment(new ContactAddActivity(args)); break; } case 16: { AndroidUtilities.addToClipboard(; break; } case 17: { try { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL, Uri.parse("tel:" +; intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); getParentActivity().startActivityForResult(intent, 500); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } break; } } selectedObject = null; }
From source
/** * Called when a key was pressed down and not handled by any of the views * inside of the activity. So, for example, key presses while the cursor * is inside a TextView will not trigger the event (unless it is a navigation * to another object) because TextView handles its own key presses. * // w w w.ja va 2 m * <p>If the focused view didn't want this event, this method is called. * * <p>The default implementation takes care of {@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_BACK} * by calling {@link #onBackPressed()}, though the behavior varies based * on the application compatibility mode: for * {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#ECLAIR} or later applications, * it will set up the dispatch to call {@link #onKeyUp} where the action * will be performed; for earlier applications, it will perform the * action immediately in on-down, as those versions of the platform * behaved. * * <p>Other additional default key handling may be performed * if configured with {@link #setDefaultKeyMode}. * * @return Return <code>true</code> to prevent this event from being propagated * further, or <code>false</code> to indicate that you have not handled * this event and it should continue to be propagated. * @see #onKeyUp * @see android.view.KeyEvent */ public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { if (getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ECLAIR) { event.startTracking(); } else { onBackPressed(); } return true; } if (mDefaultKeyMode == DEFAULT_KEYS_DISABLE) { return false; } else if (mDefaultKeyMode == DEFAULT_KEYS_SHORTCUT) { if (getWindow().performPanelShortcut(Window.FEATURE_OPTIONS_PANEL, keyCode, event, Menu.FLAG_ALWAYS_PERFORM_CLOSE)) { return true; } return false; } else { // Common code for DEFAULT_KEYS_DIALER & DEFAULT_KEYS_SEARCH_* boolean clearSpannable = false; boolean handled; if ((event.getRepeatCount() != 0) || event.isSystem()) { clearSpannable = true; handled = false; } else { handled = TextKeyListener.getInstance().onKeyDown(null, mDefaultKeySsb, keyCode, event); if (handled && mDefaultKeySsb.length() > 0) { // something useable has been typed - dispatch it now. final String str = mDefaultKeySsb.toString(); clearSpannable = true; switch (mDefaultKeyMode) { case DEFAULT_KEYS_DIALER: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL, Uri.parse("tel:" + str)); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); break; case DEFAULT_KEYS_SEARCH_LOCAL: startSearch(str, false, null, false); break; case DEFAULT_KEYS_SEARCH_GLOBAL: startSearch(str, false, null, true); break; } } } if (clearSpannable) { mDefaultKeySsb.clear(); mDefaultKeySsb.clearSpans(); Selection.setSelection(mDefaultKeySsb, 0); } return handled; } }
From source
/** * @inheritDoc/* w ww. j av a 2 s. c o m*/ */ public void dial(String phoneNumber) { Intent dialer = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_DIAL, Uri.parse("tel:" + phoneNumber)); getContext().startActivity(dialer); }
From source
private void processSelectedOption(int option) { if (selectedObject == null) { return;/*from ww w. j a va 2*/ } switch (option) { case 0: { if (SendMessagesHelper.getInstance().retrySendMessage(selectedObject, false)) { moveScrollToLastMessage(); } break; } case 1: { if (getParentActivity() == null) { selectedObject = null; return; } createDeleteMessagesAlert(selectedObject); break; } case 2: { forwaringMessage = selectedObject; Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putBoolean("onlySelect", true); args.putInt("dialogsType", 1); DialogsActivity fragment = new DialogsActivity(args); fragment.setDelegate(this); presentFragment(fragment); break; } case 3: { AndroidUtilities.addToClipboard(getMessageContent(selectedObject, 0, false)); break; } case 4: { String path = selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath; if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { File temp = new File(path); if (!temp.exists()) { path = null; } } if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner).toString(); } if (selectedObject.type == 3 || selectedObject.type == 1) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && getParentActivity().checkSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { getParentActivity() .requestPermissions(new String[] { Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, 4); selectedObject = null; return; } MediaController.saveFile(path, getParentActivity(), selectedObject.type == 3 ? 1 : 0, null, null); } break; } case 5: { File locFile = null; if (selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath != null && selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath.length() != 0) { File f = new File(selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath); if (f.exists()) { locFile = f; } } if (locFile == null) { File f = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner); if (f.exists()) { locFile = f; } } if (locFile != null) { if (LocaleController.getInstance().applyLanguageFile(locFile)) { presentFragment(new LanguageSelectActivity()); } else { if (getParentActivity() == null) { selectedObject = null; return; } AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName)); builder.setMessage( LocaleController.getString("IncorrectLocalization", R.string.IncorrectLocalization)); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null); showDialog(builder.create()); } } break; } case 6: { String path = selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath; if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { File temp = new File(path); if (!temp.exists()) { path = null; } } if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner).toString(); } Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType(selectedObject.getDocument().mime_type); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.fromFile(new File(path))); getParentActivity().startActivityForResult( Intent.createChooser(intent, LocaleController.getString("ShareFile", R.string.ShareFile)), 500); break; } case 7: { String path = selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath; if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { File temp = new File(path); if (!temp.exists()) { path = null; } } if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner).toString(); } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && getParentActivity().checkSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { getParentActivity().requestPermissions(new String[] { Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, 4); selectedObject = null; return; } MediaController.saveFile(path, getParentActivity(), 0, null, null); break; } case 8: { showReplyPanel(true, selectedObject, null, null, false, true); break; } case 9: { showDialog(new StickersAlert(getParentActivity(), this, selectedObject.getInputStickerSet(), null, bottomOverlayChat.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE ? chatActivityEnterView : null)); break; } case 10: { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && getParentActivity().checkSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { getParentActivity().requestPermissions(new String[] { Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, 4); selectedObject = null; return; } String fileName = FileLoader.getDocumentFileName(selectedObject.getDocument()); if (fileName == null || fileName.length() == 0) { fileName = selectedObject.getFileName(); } String path = selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath; if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { File temp = new File(path); if (!temp.exists()) { path = null; } } if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner).toString(); } MediaController.saveFile(path, getParentActivity(), selectedObject.isMusic() ? 3 : 2, fileName, selectedObject.getDocument() != null ? selectedObject.getDocument().mime_type : ""); break; } case 11: { TLRPC.Document document = selectedObject.getDocument(); MessagesController.getInstance().saveGif(document); showGifHint(); chatActivityEnterView.addRecentGif(document); break; } case 12: { if (getParentActivity() == null) { selectedObject = null; return; } if (searchItem != null && actionBar.isSearchFieldVisible()) { actionBar.closeSearchField(); chatActivityEnterView.setFieldFocused(); } mentionsAdapter.setNeedBotContext(false); chatListView.setOnItemLongClickListener(null); chatListView.setOnItemClickListener(null); chatListView.setClickable(false); chatListView.setLongClickable(false); chatActivityEnterView.setEditingMessageObject(selectedObject, !selectedObject.isMediaEmpty()); if (chatActivityEnterView.isEditingCaption()) { mentionsAdapter.setAllowNewMentions(false); } actionModeTitleContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); selectedMessagesCountTextView.setVisibility(View.GONE); checkEditTimer(); chatActivityEnterView.setAllowStickersAndGifs(false, false); final ActionBarMenu actionMode = actionBar.createActionMode(); actionMode.getItem(reply).setVisibility(View.GONE); actionMode.getItem(copy).setVisibility(View.GONE); actionMode.getItem(forward).setVisibility(View.GONE); actionMode.getItem(delete).setVisibility(View.GONE); if (editDoneItemAnimation != null) { editDoneItemAnimation.cancel(); editDoneItemAnimation = null; } editDoneItem.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); showEditDoneProgress(true, false); actionBar.showActionMode(); updatePinnedMessageView(true); updateVisibleRows(); TLRPC.TL_messages_getMessageEditData req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_getMessageEditData(); req.peer = MessagesController.getInputPeer((int) dialog_id); = selectedObject.getId(); editingMessageObjectReqId = ConnectionsManager.getInstance().sendRequest(req, new RequestDelegate() { @Override public void run(final TLObject response, TLRPC.TL_error error) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { editingMessageObjectReqId = 0; if (response == null) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName)); builder.setMessage( LocaleController.getString("EditMessageError", R.string.EditMessageError)); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), null); showDialog(builder.create()); if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setEditingMessageObject(null, false); } } else { showEditDoneProgress(false, true); } } }); } }); break; } case 13: { final int mid = selectedObject.getId(); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("PinMessageAlert", R.string.PinMessageAlert)); final boolean[] checks = new boolean[] { true }; FrameLayout frameLayout = new FrameLayout(getParentActivity()); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { frameLayout.setPadding(0, AndroidUtilities.dp(8), 0, 0); } CheckBoxCell cell = new CheckBoxCell(getParentActivity()); cell.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.list_selector); cell.setText(LocaleController.getString("PinNotify", R.string.PinNotify), "", true, false); cell.setPadding(LocaleController.isRTL ? AndroidUtilities.dp(8) : 0, 0, LocaleController.isRTL ? 0 : AndroidUtilities.dp(8), 0); frameLayout.addView(cell, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, 48, Gravity.TOP | Gravity.LEFT, 8, 0, 8, 0)); cell.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { CheckBoxCell cell = (CheckBoxCell) v; checks[0] = !checks[0]; cell.setChecked(checks[0], true); } }); builder.setView(frameLayout); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { MessagesController.getInstance().pinChannelMessage(currentChat, mid, checks[0]); } }); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName)); builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", R.string.Cancel), null); showDialog(builder.create()); break; } case 14: { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("UnpinMessageAlert", R.string.UnpinMessageAlert)); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", R.string.OK), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { MessagesController.getInstance().pinChannelMessage(currentChat, 0, false); } }); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", R.string.AppName)); builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", R.string.Cancel), null); showDialog(builder.create()); break; } case 15: { Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putInt("user_id",; args.putString("phone",; args.putBoolean("addContact", true); presentFragment(new ContactAddActivity(args)); break; } case 16: { AndroidUtilities.addToClipboard(; break; } case 17: { try { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL, Uri.parse("tel:" +; intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); getParentActivity().startActivityForResult(intent, 500); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e("tmessages", e); } break; } } selectedObject = null; }
From source
private void processSelectedOption(int option) { if (selectedObject == null) { return;/* ww w. j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ } switch (option) { case 0: { if (SendMessagesHelper.getInstance().retrySendMessage(selectedObject, false)) { moveScrollToLastMessage(); } break; } case 1: { if (getParentActivity() == null) { selectedObject = null; return; } createDeleteMessagesAlert(selectedObject); break; } case 2: { forwaringMessage = selectedObject; Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putBoolean("onlySelect", true); args.putInt("dialogsType", 1); DialogsActivity fragment = new DialogsActivity(args); fragment.setDelegate(this); presentFragment(fragment); break; } case 3: { AndroidUtilities.addToClipboard(getMessageContent(selectedObject, 0, false)); break; } case 4: { String path = selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath; if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { File temp = new File(path); if (!temp.exists()) { path = null; } } if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner).toString(); } if (selectedObject.type == 3 || selectedObject.type == 1) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && getParentActivity().checkSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { getParentActivity() .requestPermissions(new String[] { Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, 4); selectedObject = null; return; } MediaController.saveFile(path, getParentActivity(), selectedObject.type == 3 ? 1 : 0, null, null); } break; } case 5: { File locFile = null; if (selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath != null && selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath.length() != 0) { File f = new File(selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath); if (f.exists()) { locFile = f; } } if (locFile == null) { File f = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner); if (f.exists()) { locFile = f; } } if (locFile != null) { if (LocaleController.getInstance().applyLanguageFile(locFile)) { presentFragment(new LanguageSelectActivity()); } else { if (getParentActivity() == null) { selectedObject = null; return; } AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.AppName)); builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("IncorrectLocalization", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.IncorrectLocalization)); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.OK), null); showDialog(builder.create()); } } break; } case 6: { String path = selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath; if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { File temp = new File(path); if (!temp.exists()) { path = null; } } if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner).toString(); } Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType(selectedObject.getDocument().mime_type); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.fromFile(new File(path))); getParentActivity().startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(intent, LocaleController.getString("ShareFile", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.ShareFile)), 500); break; } case 7: { String path = selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath; if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { File temp = new File(path); if (!temp.exists()) { path = null; } } if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner).toString(); } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && getParentActivity().checkSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { getParentActivity().requestPermissions(new String[] { Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, 4); selectedObject = null; return; } MediaController.saveFile(path, getParentActivity(), 0, null, null); break; } case 8: { showReplyPanel(true, selectedObject, null, null, false, true); break; } case 9: { showDialog(new StickersAlert(getParentActivity(), this, selectedObject.getInputStickerSet(), null, bottomOverlayChat.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE ? chatActivityEnterView : null)); break; } case 10: { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && getParentActivity().checkSelfPermission( Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { getParentActivity().requestPermissions(new String[] { Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, 4); selectedObject = null; return; } String fileName = FileLoader.getDocumentFileName(selectedObject.getDocument()); if (fileName == null || fileName.length() == 0) { fileName = selectedObject.getFileName(); } String path = selectedObject.messageOwner.attachPath; if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { File temp = new File(path); if (!temp.exists()) { path = null; } } if (path == null || path.length() == 0) { path = FileLoader.getPathToMessage(selectedObject.messageOwner).toString(); } MediaController.saveFile(path, getParentActivity(), selectedObject.isMusic() ? 3 : 2, fileName, selectedObject.getDocument() != null ? selectedObject.getDocument().mime_type : ""); break; } case 11: { TLRPC.Document document = selectedObject.getDocument(); MessagesController.getInstance().saveGif(document); showGifHint(); chatActivityEnterView.addRecentGif(document); break; } case 12: { if (getParentActivity() == null) { selectedObject = null; return; } if (searchItem != null && actionBar.isSearchFieldVisible()) { actionBar.closeSearchField(); chatActivityEnterView.setFieldFocused(); } mentionsAdapter.setNeedBotContext(false); chatListView.setOnItemLongClickListener(null); chatListView.setOnItemClickListener(null); chatListView.setClickable(false); chatListView.setLongClickable(false); chatActivityEnterView.setEditingMessageObject(selectedObject, !selectedObject.isMediaEmpty()); if (chatActivityEnterView.isEditingCaption()) { mentionsAdapter.setAllowNewMentions(false); } actionModeTitleContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); selectedMessagesCountTextView.setVisibility(View.GONE); checkEditTimer(); chatActivityEnterView.setAllowStickersAndGifs(false, false); final ActionBarMenu actionMode = actionBar.createActionMode(); actionMode.getItem(reply).setVisibility(View.GONE); actionMode.getItem(copy).setVisibility(View.GONE); actionMode.getItem(forward).setVisibility(View.GONE); actionMode.getItem(delete).setVisibility(View.GONE); if (editDoneItemAnimation != null) { editDoneItemAnimation.cancel(); editDoneItemAnimation = null; } editDoneItem.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); showEditDoneProgress(true, false); actionBar.showActionMode(); updatePinnedMessageView(true); updateVisibleRows(); TLRPC.TL_messages_getMessageEditData req = new TLRPC.TL_messages_getMessageEditData(); req.peer = MessagesController.getInputPeer((int) dialog_id); = selectedObject.getId(); editingMessageObjectReqId = ConnectionsManager.getInstance().sendRequest(req, new RequestDelegate() { @Override public void run(final TLObject response, TLRPC.TL_error error) { AndroidUtilities.runOnUIThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { editingMessageObjectReqId = 0; if (response == null) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.AppName)); builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("EditMessageError", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.EditMessageError)); builder.setPositiveButton( LocaleController.getString("OK", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.OK), null); showDialog(builder.create()); if (chatActivityEnterView != null) { chatActivityEnterView.setEditingMessageObject(null, false); } } else { showEditDoneProgress(false, true); } } }); } }); break; } case 13: { final int mid = selectedObject.getId(); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setMessage( LocaleController.getString("PinMessageAlert", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.PinMessageAlert)); final boolean[] checks = new boolean[] { true }; FrameLayout frameLayout = new FrameLayout(getParentActivity()); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { frameLayout.setPadding(0, AndroidUtilities.dp(8), 0, 0); } CheckBoxCell cell = new CheckBoxCell(getParentActivity()); cell.setBackgroundResource(kr.wdream.storyshop.R.drawable.list_selector); cell.setText(LocaleController.getString("PinNotify", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.PinNotify), "", true, false); cell.setPadding(LocaleController.isRTL ? AndroidUtilities.dp(8) : 0, 0, LocaleController.isRTL ? 0 : AndroidUtilities.dp(8), 0); frameLayout.addView(cell, LayoutHelper.createFrame(LayoutHelper.MATCH_PARENT, 48, Gravity.TOP | Gravity.LEFT, 8, 0, 8, 0)); cell.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { CheckBoxCell cell = (CheckBoxCell) v; checks[0] = !checks[0]; cell.setChecked(checks[0], true); } }); builder.setView(frameLayout); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.OK), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { MessagesController.getInstance().pinChannelMessage(currentChat, mid, checks[0]); } }); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.AppName)); builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.Cancel), null); showDialog(builder.create()); break; } case 14: { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getParentActivity()); builder.setMessage(LocaleController.getString("UnpinMessageAlert", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.UnpinMessageAlert)); builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("OK", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.OK), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) { MessagesController.getInstance().pinChannelMessage(currentChat, 0, false); } }); builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("AppName", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.AppName)); builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", kr.wdream.storyshop.R.string.Cancel), null); showDialog(builder.create()); break; } case 15: { Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putInt("user_id",; args.putString("phone",; args.putBoolean("addContact", true); presentFragment(new ContactAddActivity(args)); break; } case 16: { AndroidUtilities.addToClipboard(; break; } case 17: { try { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL, Uri.parse("tel:" +; intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); getParentActivity().startActivityForResult(intent, 500); } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e("tmessages", e); } break; } } selectedObject = null; }