List of usage examples for android.content Context WIFI_SERVICE
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/** * This will be called by the static UiUpdater whenever the service has * changed state in a way that requires us to update our UI. We can't use * any myLog.l() calls in this function, because that will trigger an * endless loop of UI updates./* w ww . j av a 2 s . co m*/ */ public void updateUi() { myLog.l(Log.DEBUG, "Updating UI", true); WifiManager wifiMgr = (WifiManager) mActivity.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); int wifiState = wifiMgr.getWifiState(); WifiInfo info = wifiMgr.getConnectionInfo(); String wifiId = info != null ? info.getSSID() : null; boolean isWifiReady = FTPServerService.isWifiEnabled(); setText(, isWifiReady ? wifiId : getString(R.string.no_wifi_hint)); ImageView wifiImg = (ImageView) mRootView.findViewById(; wifiImg.setImageResource(isWifiReady ? R.drawable.wifi_state4 : R.drawable.wifi_state0); boolean running = FTPServerService.isRunning(); if (running) { myLog.l(Log.DEBUG, "updateUi: server is running", true); // Put correct text in start/stop button // Fill in wifi status and address InetAddress address = FTPServerService.getWifiIp(); if (address != null) { String port = ":" + FTPServerService.getPort(); ipText.setText( "ftp://" + address.getHostAddress() + (FTPServerService.getPort() == 21 ? "" : port)); } else { // could not get IP address, stop the service Context context = mActivity.getApplicationContext(); Intent intent = new Intent(context, FTPServerService.class); context.stopService(intent); ipText.setText(""); } } startStopButton.setEnabled(isWifiReady); TextView startStopButtonText = (TextView) mRootView.findViewById(; if (isWifiReady) { startStopButtonText.setText(running ? R.string.stop_server : R.string.start_server); startStopButtonText.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( running ? R.drawable.disconnect : R.drawable.connect, 0, 0, 0); startStopButtonText.setTextColor(running ? getResources().getColor(R.color.remote_disconnect_text) : getResources().getColor(R.color.remote_connect_text)); } else { if (FTPServerService.isRunning()) { Context context = mActivity.getApplicationContext(); Intent intent = new Intent(context, FTPServerService.class); context.stopService(intent); } startStopButtonText.setText(R.string.no_wifi); startStopButtonText.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); startStopButtonText.setTextColor(Color.GRAY); } ipText.setVisibility(running ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); instructionText.setVisibility(running ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); instructionTextPre.setVisibility(running ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); }
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public static String getSSID(Context context) { WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); WifiInfo info = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo(); return info.getBSSID(); }
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private void UpdateWiFi() { SupplicantState supState;//ww w . ja v a2s .c o m WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); WifiInfo wifiInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo(); supState = wifiInfo.getSupplicantState(); CommonHandler.WifiConnected = (supState == SupplicantState.COMPLETED); }
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@Override public void onCreate() { Log.i(Dian1Application.TAG, "Player Service onCreate"); mPlayerEngine = new PlayerEngineImpl(); mPlayerEngine.addListener(mLocalEngineListener); mAudioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(AUDIO_SERVICE); mAudioManager.requestAudioFocus(mAudioFocusListener, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, AudioManager.AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN); // mTelephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) this.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); // mPhoneStateListener = new PhoneStateListener() { ///*from ww w. ja v a 2 s.c o m*/ // @Override // public void onCallStateChanged(int state, String incomingNumber) { // Log.e(Dian1Application.TAG, "onCallStateChanged"); // if (state == TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE) { // // resume playback // } else { // if (mPlayerEngine != null) { // mPlayerEngine.pause(); // } // } // } // // }; // mTelephonyManager.listen(mPhoneStateListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE); mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); mWifiManager = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); mWifiLock = mWifiManager.createWifiLock(Dian1Application.TAG); mWifiLock.setReferenceCounted(false); Dian1Application.getInstance().setConcretePlayerEngine(mPlayerEngine); mRemoteEngineListeners = Dian1Application.getInstance().fetchPlayerEngineListener(); }
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@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if (D)// ww w. j av a 2s . com Log.e(TAG, "+++ ON CREATE +++"); // Set up the window layout requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE); setContentView(R.layout.main); getWindow().setFeatureInt(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE, R.layout.custom_title); // Set up the custom title mTitle = (TextView) findViewById(; mTitle.setText(R.string.app_name); mTitle = (TextView) findViewById(; mInfo = (TextView) findViewById(; Button mButton = (Button) findViewById(; mButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub openOptionsMenu(); } }); // Get local Bluetooth adapter mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); // If the adapter is null, then Bluetooth is not supported if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { Toast.makeText(this, "Bluetooth is not available", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); finish(); return; } // register for background service broadcast. IntentFilter ifilt = new IntentFilter(DeviceDicoverService.DEVICE_CONNECTION_ADDRESS); ifilt.addAction(DeviceDicoverService.DEVICE_CONNECTION_INFO); registerReceiver(mReceiver, ifilt); // just for test purpose, should be deleted if not in test procedure. Intent service = new Intent(this, DeviceDicoverService.class); startService(service); wifii = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); WifiInfo wInfo = wifii.getConnectionInfo(); }
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public static void init(Context context) throws Exception { mContext = context;/*from w w w . j a va2 s . co m*/ try { Logger.debug("initializing System..."); mStoragePath = getSettings().getString("PREF_SAVE_PATH", Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString()); mSessionName = "csploit-session-" + java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis(); mKnownIssues = new KnownIssues(); mPlugins = new ArrayList<>(); mOpenPorts = new SparseIntArray(3); mServices = new HashMap<>(); mPorts = new HashMap<>(); // if we are here, network initialization didn't throw any error, lock wifi WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); if (mWifiLock == null) mWifiLock = wifiManager.createWifiLock(WifiManager.WIFI_MODE_FULL, "wifiLock"); if (!mWifiLock.isHeld()) mWifiLock.acquire(); // wake lock if enabled if (getSettings().getBoolean("PREF_WAKE_LOCK", true)) { PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); if (mWakeLock == null) mWakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK, "wakeLock"); if (!mWakeLock.isHeld()) mWakeLock.acquire(); } // set ports try { HTTP_PROXY_PORT = Integer.parseInt(getSettings().getString("PREF_HTTP_PROXY_PORT", "8080")); HTTP_SERVER_PORT = Integer.parseInt(getSettings().getString("PREF_HTTP_SERVER_PORT", "8081")); HTTPS_REDIR_PORT = Integer.parseInt(getSettings().getString("PREF_HTTPS_REDIRECTOR_PORT", "8082")); MSF_RPC_PORT = Integer.parseInt(getSettings().getString("MSF_RPC_PORT", "55553")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { HTTP_PROXY_PORT = 8080; HTTP_SERVER_PORT = 8081; HTTPS_REDIR_PORT = 8082; MSF_RPC_PORT = 55553; } uncaughtReloadNetworkMapping(); ThreadHelper.getSharedExecutor().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { preloadServices(); preloadVendors(); } }); } catch (Exception e) { if (!(e instanceof NoRouteToHostException)) errorLogging(e); throw e; } }
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@SuppressLint("NewApi") @Override// w ww.ja va 2s . co m public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (intent.getAction().equals(WifiManager.SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION)) { context.unregisterReceiver(this); try { JSONArray neighs = new JSONArray(); WifiManager wm = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); for (ScanResult r : wm.getScanResults()) { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); o.put("frequency", r.frequency); o.put("level", r.level); if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) { o.put("timestamp", r.timestamp); } o.put("bssid", r.BSSID); o.put("ssid", r.SSID); neighs.put(o); } JSONObject wifi = new JSONObject(); wifi.put("list", neighs); Helpers.sendResultObj(context, "wifi_neigh", ts, wifi); } catch (JSONException jex) { Log.w(Constants.LOGTAG, "failed to create json object", jex); } // this will clean the CPU lock too if running on the bg Helpers.releaseWifiLock(); } }
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public static String getMacAddress() { String mac = ""; Context ctx = Cocos2dxActivity.getContext(); // first, try to get mac from wifi manager if (ctx.checkCallingPermission(permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); WifiInfo info = wifi.getConnectionInfo(); mac = info.getMacAddress();//from w w w . j a va2s. com } // if failed, try from network interface api if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mac)) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 9) { try { NetworkInterface ne = NetworkInterface .getByInetAddress(InetAddress.getByName(getLocalIpAddress())); byte[] b = ne.getHardwareAddress(); mac = byte2Hex(b); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // if failed, use fake if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mac)) { mac = "00:00:00:00:00:00"; } // return return mac; }
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/** * enable wifi device/* w w w. j a v a 2s. c om*/ * @param context */ public static void enableWifiNetwork(Context context) { WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); if (wifiManager.isWifiEnabled()) { // WIFI ALREADY ENABLED. GRAB THE MAC ADDRESS HERE Log.d(TAG, "WIFI ALREADY ENABLED."); } else { // ENABLE THE WIFI FIRST Log.d(TAG, "WIFI DISABLED. ENABLE THE WIFI FIRST"); wifiManager.setWifiEnabled(true); } return; }
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public ExoPlayerPlayback(MediaService service) { mService = service;//from w ww. j av a 2 s . c om mHandler = new Handler(); final Context ctx = service.getApplicationContext(); mAudioManager = (AudioManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); // Create the Wifi lock (this does not acquire the lock, this just creates it) mWifiLock = wifiManager.createWifiLock(WifiManager.WIFI_MODE_FULL, "nuclei_media_wifi_lock"); mWakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "nuclei_media_cpu_lock"); }