Example usage for android.content Context getString

List of usage examples for android.content Context getString


In this page you can find the example usage for android.content Context getString.


public final String getString(@StringRes int resId) 

Source Link


Returns a localized string from the application's package's default string table.


From source file:eu.nubomedia.nubomedia_kurento_health_communicator_android.kc_and_communicator.services.CommandService.java

public static String getCommands(Context ctx, String lastSeq, String channelId)
        throws TransportException, InvalidDataException, NotFoundException, KurentoCommandException {
    if (channelId == null) {
        log.warn("Cannot get commands with channelId: {}", channelId);

        return null;
    }// w w  w .  j a  v  a 2 s.  c om

    String internalLastSeq = lastSeq;
    if (internalLastSeq == null || internalLastSeq.isEmpty()) {
        internalLastSeq = "0";

    log.debug("getComnands for lastSeq: {}, channelId: {}", internalLastSeq, channelId);

    String resource = Uri.parse(ctx.getString(R.string.url_command)).buildUpon()
            .appendQueryParameter(JsonKeys.LAST_SEQUENCE, internalLastSeq)
            .appendQueryParameter(JsonKeys.CHANNEL_ID, channelId).build().toString();

    HttpResp<String> resp = HttpManager.sendGetString(ctx, resource);

    return resp.getBody();

From source file:com.cyanogenmod.account.util.CMAccountUtils.java

private static Intent getWifiSetupIntent(Context context) {
    Intent intent = new Intent(CMAccount.ACTION_SETUP_WIFI);
    intent.putExtra(CMAccount.EXTRA_FIRST_RUN, true);
    intent.putExtra(CMAccount.EXTRA_ALLOW_SKIP, true);
    intent.putExtra(CMAccount.EXTRA_SHOW_BUTTON_BAR, true);
    intent.putExtra(CMAccount.EXTRA_ONLY_ACCESS_POINTS, true);
    intent.putExtra(CMAccount.EXTRA_SHOW_SKIP, true);
    intent.putExtra(CMAccount.EXTRA_AUTO_FINISH, true);
    intent.putExtra(CMAccount.EXTRA_PREF_BACK_TEXT, context.getString(R.string.skip));
    return intent;

From source file:com.cbsb.ftpserv.ProxyConnector.java

static public String stateToString(State s) {
    Context ctx = Globals.getContext();
    switch (s) {//w w  w  .j  a v  a 2 s .  c  o m
        return ctx.getString(R.string.pst_disconnected);
    case CONNECTING:
        return ctx.getString(R.string.pst_connecting);
    case CONNECTED:
        return ctx.getString(R.string.pst_connected);
    case FAILED:
        return ctx.getString(R.string.pst_failed);
        return ctx.getString(R.string.pst_unreachable);
        return ctx.getString(R.string.unknown);

From source file:com.geertvanderploeg.kiekeboek.client.NetworkUtilities.java

 * Connects to the server, authenticates the provided username and
 * password./*from w  w w.j a  va  2 s.c o m*/
 * @param username The user's username
 * @param password The user's password
 * @param handler The hander instance from the calling UI thread.
 * @param context The context of the calling Activity.
 * @return boolean The boolean result indicating whether the user was
 *         successfully authenticated.
public static boolean authenticate(String username, String password, Handler handler, final Context context) {
    final HttpResponse resp;

    final ArrayList<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
    params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("_method", "POST"));
    params.add(new BasicNameValuePair(PARAM_USERNAME, username));
    params.add(new BasicNameValuePair(PARAM_PASSWORD, password));
    HttpEntity entity = null;
    try {
        entity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params);
    } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        // this should never happen.
        throw new AssertionError(e);
    final HttpPost post = new HttpPost(context.getString(AUTH_URI_RESOURCE));
    post.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));
    HttpClient localHttpClient = getHttpClient();
    Log.d(TAG, "POST-ing params to URL '" + context.getString(AUTH_URI_RESOURCE) + "': " + params);
    try {
        resp = localHttpClient.execute(post);
        Log.d(TAG, "Authentication response status line: " + resp.getStatusLine());
        Log.d(TAG, "Authentication response headers: " + Arrays.asList(resp.getAllHeaders()));
        if (resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY
                && resp.getHeaders("Location") != null
                && resp.getHeaders("Location")[0].getValue().contains("/intranet/people")) {
            Log.v(TAG, "Successful authentication");
            sendResult(true, handler, context);
            return true;
        } else {
            Log.v(TAG, "Error authenticating " + resp.getStatusLine());
            sendResult(false, handler, context);
            return false;
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        Log.v(TAG, "IOException when getting authtoken", e);
        sendResult(false, handler, context);
        return false;
    } finally {
        Log.v(TAG, "getAuthtoken completing");

From source file:com.bt.heliniumstudentapp.UpdateClass.java

protected static void downloadAPK() {
    File oldUpdate = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS
            + "/heliniumstudentapp.apk");
    if (oldUpdate.exists()) //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
        oldUpdate.delete();//from  w w  w .ja v a2s.  co  m

    if (MainActivity.isOnline()) {
        DownloadManager.Request request;

        request = new DownloadManager.Request(Uri.parse(HeliniumStudentApp.URL_UPDATE_RELEASE));

        request.setTitle(context.getString(R.string.app_name) + " " + versionName);
        request.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, "/heliniumstudentapp.apk");


        ((DownloadManager) context.getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE)).enqueue(request);

        context.registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() {

            public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
                final Intent install = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
                        Uri.fromFile(new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/"
                                + Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS + "/heliniumstudentapp.apk")),
        }, new IntentFilter(DownloadManager.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE));
    } else {
        Toast.makeText(context, R.string.error_conn_no, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

From source file:es.uniovi.imovil.fcrtrainer.highscores.HighscoreManager.java

private static ArrayList<Highscore> jsonToHighscoreList(Context context, String highscoreJson)
        throws JSONException {
    ArrayList<Highscore> highscores = new ArrayList<Highscore>();

    JSONArray array;//from  w w  w.  j  a v  a  2 s  .c  o m
    array = new JSONArray(highscoreJson);

    for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
        JSONObject object;
        object = array.getJSONObject(i);
        int score = object.getInt(HIGHSCORE_SCORE_TAG);
        int exercise = object.getInt(HIGHSCORE_EXERCISE_TAG);
        String dateString = object.getString(HIGHSCORE_DATE_TAG);
        String userName = object.getString(HIGHSCORE_USERNAME_TAG);
        if (userName == null) {
            userName = context.getString(R.string.default_user_name);

        highscores.add(new Highscore(score, exercise, dateString, userName));

    return highscores;

From source file:info.papdt.blacklight.support.Utility.java

public static String addUnitToInt(Context context, int i) {
    String tenThousand = context.getString(R.string.ten_thousand);
    String million = context.getString(R.string.million);
    String hundredMillion = context.getString(R.string.hundred_million);
    String billion = context.getString(R.string.billion);

    if (tenThousand.equals("null")) { // English-styled number format
        if (i < 1000000) {
            return String.valueOf(i);
        } else if (i < 1000000000) { // million
            return String.valueOf(i / 1000000) + million;
        } else { // billion
            return String.valueOf(i / 1000000000) + billion;
        }//from   w  w w.ja  va2s . c o m
    } else { // Chinese-styled number format
        if (i < 10000) {
            return String.valueOf(i);
        } else if (i < 100000000) {
            return String.valueOf(i / 10000) + tenThousand;
        } else {
            return String.valueOf(i / 100000000) + hundredMillion;

From source file:de.escoand.readdaily.DownloadHandler.java

public static long startDownload(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final String signature,
        @NonNull final String responseData, @NonNull final String title, @Nullable final String mimeType) {
    final DownloadManager manager = (DownloadManager) context.getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);
    String name;/*from  w  w w . j  av  a 2 s . c  o  m*/

    try {
        name = new JSONObject(responseData).getString("productId");
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        return -1;

    LogHandler.log(Log.WARN, "load " + name);

    long id = manager
            .enqueue(new DownloadManager.Request(Uri.parse(context.getString(R.string.product_data_url)))
                    .addRequestHeader("App-Signature", signature)
                    .addRequestHeader("App-ResponseData", responseData).setTitle(title)
    Database.getInstance(context).addDownload(name, id, mimeType);

    return id;

From source file:com.dmbstream.android.util.Util.java

public static void toast(Context context, int messageId, boolean shortDuration) {
    toast(context, context.getString(messageId), shortDuration);

From source file:com.katamaditya.apps.weather4u.weathersync.Weather4USyncAdapter.java

 * Helper method to have the sync adapter sync immediately
 * @param context The context used to access the account service
 *//*from  w ww .j  av  a2s  .co  m*/
public static void syncImmediately(Context context) {
    //Log.d("Weather4USyncAdapter", "syncImmediately");
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_EXPEDITED, true);
    bundle.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL, true);
    ContentResolver.requestSync(getSyncAccount(context), context.getString(R.string.content_authority), bundle);