Example usage for android.content Context getCacheDir

List of usage examples for android.content Context getCacheDir


In this page you can find the example usage for android.content Context getCacheDir.


public abstract File getCacheDir();

Source Link


Returns the absolute path to the application specific cache directory on the filesystem.


From source file:org.sogrey.frame.utils.FileUtil.java

 * ???./*from w  ww.  java2  s  . c  o m*/
 * @param context
 *         the context
public static void initFileDir(Context context) {

    PackageInfo info = AppUtil.getPackageInfo(context);

    // .
    String downloadRootPath = File.separator + AppConfig.DOWNLOAD_ROOT_DIR + File.separator + info.packageName
            + File.separator;

    // .
    String imageDownloadPath = downloadRootPath + AppConfig.DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_DIR + File.separator;

    // .
    String fileDownloadPath = downloadRootPath + AppConfig.DOWNLOAD_FILE_DIR + File.separator;

    // .
    String cacheDownloadPath = downloadRootPath + AppConfig.CACHE_DIR + File.separator;

    // DB.
    String dbDownloadPath = downloadRootPath + AppConfig.DB_DIR + File.separator;

    // .
    String logPath = downloadRootPath + AppConfig.LOG_DIR + File.separator;

    try {
        if (!isCanUseSD()) {
            downloadRootDir = context.getFilesDir().getPath();
            cacheDownloadDir = context.getCacheDir().getPath();
            imageDownloadDir = downloadRootDir;
            fileDownloadDir = downloadRootDir;
            dbDownloadDir = downloadRootDir;
            logDir = downloadRootDir;
        } else {

            File root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
            File downloadDir = new File(root.getAbsolutePath() + downloadRootPath);
            if (!downloadDir.exists()) {

            downloadRootDir = downloadDir.getPath();

            File cacheDownloadDirFile = new File(root.getAbsolutePath() + cacheDownloadPath);
            if (!cacheDownloadDirFile.exists()) {

            cacheDownloadDir = cacheDownloadDirFile.getPath();

            File imageDownloadDirFile = new File(root.getAbsolutePath() + imageDownloadPath);
            if (!imageDownloadDirFile.exists()) {
            imageDownloadDir = imageDownloadDirFile.getPath();

            File fileDownloadDirFile = new File(root.getAbsolutePath() + fileDownloadPath);
            if (!fileDownloadDirFile.exists()) {
            fileDownloadDir = fileDownloadDirFile.getPath();

            File dbDownloadDirFile = new File(root.getAbsolutePath() + dbDownloadPath);
            if (!dbDownloadDirFile.exists()) {
            dbDownloadDir = dbDownloadDirFile.getPath();

            File logDirFile = new File(root.getAbsolutePath() + logPath);
            if (!logDirFile.exists()) {
            logDir = logDirFile.getPath();

    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:es.javocsoft.android.lib.toolbox.ToolBox.java

 * Enables http cache. (when using webview for example)
 * /*  w ww  .ja va2  s  .c o  m*/
 * @param ctx
public static void web_enableHttpResponseCache(Context ctx) {
    try {
        long httpCacheSize = HTTP_CACHE_SIZE;
        File httpCacheDir = new File(ctx.getCacheDir(), "http");
        Class.forName("android.net.http.HttpResponseCache").getMethod("install", File.class, long.class)
                .invoke(null, httpCacheDir, httpCacheSize);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (LOG_ENABLE)
            Log.e(TAG, "Http Response cache could not be initialized [" + e.getMessage() + "]", e);

From source file:com.landenlabs.all_devtool.PackageFragment.java

 * Delete cache files./*from  w  ww .  j ava2  s.c  om*/
private void deleteCaches() {
    ArrayList<PackageInfo> uninstallList = new ArrayList<PackageInfo>();
    for (PackingItem packageItem : m_list) {
        if (packageItem.m_checked) {

            try {
                PackageInfo packInfo = packageItem.m_packInfo;
                long cacheSize = 0;
                long fileCount = 0;
                Context mContext = getActivity().createPackageContext(packInfo.packageName,

                File cacheDirectory = null;
                Utils.DirSizeCount cacheDirSize = null;
                if (mContext.getCacheDir() != null) {
                    cacheDirectory = mContext.getCacheDir();
                    // cacheSize = cacheDirectory.length()/1024;
                    cacheDirSize = Utils.getDirectorySize(cacheDirectory);
                    if (cacheDirSize == null) {
                        // Cache is not readable or empty,
                        // Try and map cache dir to one of the sd storage paths
                        for (String storageDir : m_storageDirs) {
                            try {
                                File cacheDirectory2 = new File(cacheDirectory.getCanonicalPath()
                                        .replace("/data/data", storageDir + "/Android/data"));
                                if (cacheDirectory2.exists()) {
                                    cacheDirectory = cacheDirectory2;
                                    cacheDirSize = Utils.getDirectorySize(cacheDirectory);
                            } catch (Exception ex) {

                    if (cacheDirSize != null) {
                        List<String> deletedFiles = Utils.deleteFiles(cacheDirectory);
                        if (deletedFiles == null || deletedFiles.isEmpty()) {

                        } else {
                            String fileMsg = TextUtils.join("\n", deletedFiles.toArray());
                            Toast.makeText(getContext(), packageItem.m_appName + "\n" + fileMsg,

            } catch (Exception ex) {

    // ((BaseExpandableListAdapter) m_listView.getExpandableListAdapter()).notifyDataSetChanged();
    // updateList();

From source file:org.mariotaku.twidere.util.Utils.java

public static File getBestCacheDir(final Context context, final String cache_dir_name) {
    final File ext_cache_dir = EnvironmentAccessor.getExternalCacheDir(context);
    if (ext_cache_dir != null && ext_cache_dir.isDirectory()) {
        final File cache_dir = new File(ext_cache_dir, cache_dir_name);
        if (cache_dir.isDirectory() || cache_dir.mkdirs())
            return cache_dir;
    }/*  w  w w  .j a  v  a  2s  . c o m*/
    return new File(context.getCacheDir(), cache_dir_name);

From source file:org.chromium.android_webview.test.AwSettingsTest.java

@Feature({ "AndroidWebView", "Preferences" })
public void testBlockNetworkLoadsWithHttpResources() throws Throwable {
    final TestAwContentsClient contentClient = new TestAwContentsClient();
    final AwTestContainerView testContainer = createAwTestContainerViewOnMainSync(contentClient);
    final AwContents awContents = testContainer.getAwContents();
    final AwSettings awSettings = getAwSettingsOnUiThread(awContents);
    ImagePageGenerator generator = new ImagePageGenerator(0, false);

    TestWebServer webServer = null;/*  w  w  w  . j av a  2 s.  co  m*/
    String fileName = null;
    try {
        // Set up http image.
        webServer = new TestWebServer(false);
        final String httpPath = "/image.png";
        final String imageUrl = webServer.setResponseBase64(httpPath, generator.getImageSourceNoAdvance(),

        // Set up file html that loads http iframe.
        String pageHtml = "<img src='" + imageUrl + "' " + "onload=\"document.title='img_onload_fired';\" "
                + "onerror=\"document.title='img_onerror_fired';\" />";
        Context context = getInstrumentation().getTargetContext();
        fileName = context.getCacheDir() + "/block_network_loads_test.html";
        TestFileUtil.deleteFile(fileName); // Remove leftover file if any.
        TestFileUtil.createNewHtmlFile(fileName, "unset", pageHtml);

        // Actual test. Blocking should trigger onerror handler.
        loadUrlSync(awContents, contentClient.getOnPageFinishedHelper(), "file:///" + fileName);
        assertEquals(0, webServer.getRequestCount(httpPath));
        assertEquals("img_onerror_fired", getTitleOnUiThread(awContents));

        // Unblock should load normally.
        loadUrlSync(awContents, contentClient.getOnPageFinishedHelper(), "file:///" + fileName);
        assertEquals(1, webServer.getRequestCount(httpPath));
        assertEquals("img_onload_fired", getTitleOnUiThread(awContents));
    } finally {
        if (fileName != null)
        if (webServer != null)

From source file:org.codarama.haxsync.services.ContactsSyncAdapterService.java

private static void performSync(Context context, Account account, Bundle extras, String authority,
        ContentProviderClient provider, SyncResult syncResult) throws OperationCanceledException {
    SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(context.getPackageName() + "_preferences",
            MODE_MULTI_PROCESS);//  w  w  w.  ja  v a 2  s  .  com

    mContentResolver = context.getContentResolver();


    //TODO: Clean up stuff that isn't needed anymore since Graph API
    boolean cropPhotos = true;
    boolean sync = prefs.getBoolean("sync_status", true);
    boolean syncNew = prefs.getBoolean("status_new", true);
    boolean syncLocation = prefs.getBoolean("sync_location", true);
    boolean syncSelf = prefs.getBoolean("sync_self", false);
    boolean imageDefault = prefs.getBoolean("image_primary", true);

    boolean oldStatus = sync && (!syncNew || (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 15));
    boolean faceDetect = true;

    boolean root = prefs.getBoolean("root_enabled", false);
    int rootSize = 512;

    if (FacebookUtil.authorize(context, account)) {

        HashMap<String, SyncEntry> localContacts = getLocalContacts(account);
        HashMap<String, Long> names = loadPhoneContacts(context);
        HashMap<String, Long> uids = loadHTCData(context);
        //Log.i("CONTACTS", names.toString());
        boolean phoneOnly = prefs.getBoolean("phone_only", true);
        /*if (phoneOnly){
           names = loadPhoneContacts(context);
        boolean wifiOnly = prefs.getBoolean("wifi_only", false);
        boolean syncEmail = prefs.getBoolean("sync_facebook_email", false);
        boolean syncBirthday = prefs.getBoolean("sync_contact_birthday", true);
        boolean force = prefs.getBoolean("force_dl", false);
        boolean google = prefs.getBoolean("update_google_photos", false);
        boolean ignoreMiddleaNames = prefs.getBoolean("ignore_middle_names", false);
        boolean addMeToFriends = prefs.getBoolean("add_me_to_friends", false);
        Log.i("google", String.valueOf(google));
        int fuzziness = Integer.parseInt(prefs.getString("fuzziness", "2"));
        Set<String> addFriends = prefs.getStringSet("add_friends", new HashSet<String>());
        Log.i(TAG, "phone_only: " + Boolean.toString(phoneOnly));
        Log.i(TAG, "wifi_only: " + Boolean.toString(wifiOnly));
        Log.i(TAG, "is wifi: " + Boolean.toString(DeviceUtil.isWifi(context)));
        Log.i(TAG, "phone contacts: " + names.toString());
        Log.i(TAG, "using old status api: " + String.valueOf(oldStatus));
        Log.i(TAG, "ignoring middle names : " + String.valueOf(ignoreMiddleaNames));
        Log.i(TAG, "add me to friends : " + String.valueOf(addMeToFriends));
        boolean chargingOnly = prefs.getBoolean("charging_only", false);
        int maxsize = BitmapUtil.getMaxSize(context.getContentResolver());
        File cacheDir = context.getCacheDir();
        Log.i("CACHE DIR", cacheDir.getAbsolutePath());
        Log.i("MAX IMAGE SIZE", String.valueOf(maxsize));
        if (!((wifiOnly && !DeviceUtil.isWifi(context)) || (chargingOnly && !DeviceUtil.isCharging(context)))) {
            try {
                if (syncSelf) {
                    addSelfContact(account, maxsize, cropPhotos, faceDetect, force, root, rootSize, cacheDir,
                List<FacebookGraphFriend> friends = FacebookUtil.getFriends(maxsize, addMeToFriends);
                for (FacebookGraphFriend friend : friends) {
                    String uid = friend.getUserName();
                    String friendName = friend.getName(ignoreMiddleaNames);
                    if (friendName != null && uid != null) {
                        String match = matches(names.keySet(), friendName, fuzziness);

                        if (!(phoneOnly && (match == null) && !uids.containsKey(uid))
                                || addFriends.contains(friendName)) {
                            // STEP 1. Add contact - if the contact is not part of the HTCData records and does not match any
                            // of the fuzziness names we add them to the list of contacts with the intention to make them available
                            // for manual merge (I guess)
                            if (localContacts.get(uid) == null) {
                                //String name = friend.getString("name");
                                //Log.i(TAG, name + " already on phone: " + Boolean.toString(names.contains(name)));

                                addContact(account, friendName, uid);

                                SyncEntry entry = new SyncEntry();
                                Uri rawContactUr = RawContacts.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon()
                                        .appendQueryParameter(RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME, account.name)
                                        .appendQueryParameter(RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE, account.type)
                                        .appendQueryParameter(RawContacts.Data.DATA1, uid).build();
                                Cursor c = mContentResolver.query(rawContactUr,
                                        new String[] { BaseColumns._ID }, null, null, null);
                                long id = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(BaseColumns._ID));
                                //   Log.i("ID", Long.toString(id));
                                entry.raw_id = id;
                                localContacts.put(uid, entry);
                                if (uids.containsKey(uid)) {
                                    ContactUtil.merge(context, uids.get(uid), id);
                                } else if (names.containsKey(match)) {
                                    ContactUtil.merge(context, names.get(match), id);
                                //localContacts = loadContacts(accounts, context);

                            // STEP 2. Set contact photo

                            SyncEntry contact = localContacts.get(uid);

                            updateContactPhoto(contact.raw_id, friend.getPicTimestamp(), maxsize, cropPhotos,
                                    friend.getPicURL(), faceDetect, force, root, rootSize, cacheDir, google,

                            if (syncEmail && !FacebookUtil.RESPECT_FACEBOOK_POLICY)
                                ContactUtil.addEmail(context, contact.raw_id, friend.getEmail());

                            if (syncLocation && !FacebookUtil.RESPECT_FACEBOOK_POLICY) {
                                ContactUtil.updateContactLocation(contact.raw_id, friend.getLocation());

                            if (oldStatus && !FacebookUtil.RESPECT_FACEBOOK_POLICY) {
                                ArrayList<Status> statuses = friend.getStatuses();
                                if (statuses.size() >= 1) {
                                    updateContactStatus(contact.raw_id, statuses.get(0).getMessage(),

                            if (syncBirthday && !FacebookUtil.RESPECT_FACEBOOK_POLICY) {
                                String birthday = friend.getBirthday();

                                if (birthday != null) {
                                    ContactUtil.addBirthday(contact.raw_id, birthday);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                // FIXME catching the generic Exception class is not hte best thing to do
                Log.e("ERROR", e.toString());

            if (root) {
                try {
                } catch (ShellException e) {
                    Log.e("Error", e.getLocalizedMessage());
            if (force) {
                SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
                editor.putBoolean("force_dl", false);


        } else {
            SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
            editor.putBoolean("missed_contact_sync", true);

From source file:com.landenlabs.all_devtool.PackageFragment.java

 * Load installed (user or system) packages.
 * TODO - include/*from w  ww .j  ava  2  s .c  om*/
 *    /data/local/tmp
 *    /sdcard/local/tmp ?
 *    /storage/sdcardx/LOST.DIR/
 *    /sdcard/download
void loadCachedPackages() {
    try {
        // m_pkgUninstallBtn.setText(R.string.package_uninstall);
        m_uninstallResId = R.string.package_del_cache;
        m_pkgUninstallBtn.post(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

        m_workList = new ArrayList<PackingItem>();

        // PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES | PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS | PackageManager.GET_PROVIDERS;
        int flags1 = PackageManager.GET_META_DATA | PackageManager.GET_SHARED_LIBRARY_FILES
                | PackageManager.GET_INTENT_FILTERS;
        int flags2 = PackageManager.GET_META_DATA | PackageManager.GET_SHARED_LIBRARY_FILES;
        int flags3 = PackageManager.GET_META_DATA;
        int flags4 = 0;

        List<PackageInfo> packList = getActivity().getPackageManager().getInstalledPackages(flags1);
        packList = mergePackages(packList,
        packList = mergePackages(packList,
        packList = mergePackages(packList,

        if (packList != null)
            for (int idx = 0; idx < packList.size(); idx++) {
                PackageInfo packInfo = packList.get(idx);
                long cacheSize = 0;
                long fileCount = 0;

                if (packInfo == null || packInfo.lastUpdateTime <= 0) {
                    continue; // Bad package

                Context pkgContext;
                try {
                    m_log.d(String.format("%3d/%d : %s", idx, packList.size(), packInfo.packageName));
                    pkgContext = getActivity().createPackageContext(packInfo.packageName,
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    continue; // Bad package

                File cacheDirectory = null;
                Utils.DirSizeCount cacheDirSize = null;
                if (pkgContext.getCacheDir() != null) {
                    cacheDirectory = pkgContext.getCacheDir();
                } else {
                    // cacheDirectory = new File(mContext.getPackageResourcePath());
                    if (pkgContext.getFilesDir() != null) {
                        String dataPath = pkgContext.getFilesDir().getPath(); // "/data/data/"
                        cacheDirectory = new File(dataPath, pkgContext.getPackageName() + "/cache");

                if (cacheDirectory != null) {
                    // cacheSize = cacheDirectory.length()/1024;
                    cacheDirSize = Utils.getDirectorySize(cacheDirectory);
                    if (true) {
                        // Cache is not readable or empty,
                        // Try and map cache dir to one of the sd storage paths
                        for (String storageDir : m_storageDirs) {
                            try {
                                File cacheDirectory2 = new File(cacheDirectory.getCanonicalPath()
                                        .replace("/data/data", storageDir + "/Android/data"));
                                if (cacheDirectory2.exists()) {
                                    cacheDirectory = cacheDirectory2;
                                    Utils.DirSizeCount dirSize = Utils.getDirectorySize(cacheDirectory2);
                                    if (cacheDirSize == null || dirSize.size > cacheDirSize.size) {
                                        cacheDirSize = dirSize;
                                        cacheDirectory = cacheDirectory2;
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                } else {
                    m_log.d(packInfo.packageName + " missing cache dir");

                Utils.DirSizeCount datDirSize = null;
                if (packInfo.applicationInfo.dataDir != null) {
                    try {
                        datDirSize = Utils.getDirectorySize(new File(packInfo.applicationInfo.dataDir));
                    } catch (Exception ex) {


                                    Method getPackageSizeInfo;
                                    try {
                getPackageSizeInfo = getActivity().getPackageManager().getClass().getMethod(
                        "getPackageSizeInfo", String.class,
                getPackageSizeInfo.invoke(getActivity().getPackageManager(), packInfo.packageName,
                        new IPackageStatsObserver() {
                            public void onGetStatsCompleted(
                                    PackageStats pStats, boolean succeeded)
                                    throws RemoteException {
                                totalSize = totalSize + pStats.cacheSize;
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                /* if ((packInfo.applicationInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 0) */ {
                    ArrayListPairString pkgList = new ArrayListPairString();
                    String appName = "unknown";
                    try {
                        appName = packInfo.applicationInfo.loadLabel(getActivity().getPackageManager())
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                    long pkgSize = 0;

                    addList(pkgList, "Version", packInfo.versionName);
                    addList(pkgList, "TargetSDK", String.valueOf(packInfo.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion));
                    String installTyp = "auto";
                    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) {
                        switch (packInfo.installLocation) {
                        case PackageInfo.INSTALL_LOCATION_AUTO:
                        case PackageInfo.INSTALL_LOCATION_INTERNAL_ONLY:
                            installTyp = "internal";
                        case PackageInfo.INSTALL_LOCATION_PREFER_EXTERNAL:
                            installTyp = "external";
                    addList(pkgList, "Install", installTyp);

                    // Add application info.
                    try {
                        addList(pkgList, "Allow Backup",
                                String.valueOf((packInfo.applicationInfo.flags & FLAG_ALLOW_BACKUP) != 0));
                        addList(pkgList, "Debuggable", String.valueOf(
                                (packInfo.applicationInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE) != 0));
                        addList(pkgList, "External Storage", String.valueOf(
                                (packInfo.applicationInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != 0));
                        String themeName = getResourceName(packInfo, packInfo.applicationInfo.theme);
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(themeName))
                            addList(pkgList, "Theme", themeName);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        Log.d("foo", ex.getMessage());

                    try {
                        File file = new File(packInfo.applicationInfo.sourceDir);
                        pkgSize = file.length();
                    } catch (Exception ex) {

                    addList(pkgList, "Apk File", packInfo.applicationInfo.publicSourceDir);
                    addList(pkgList, "Apk Size",

                    addList(pkgList, "Src Dir", packInfo.applicationInfo.sourceDir);
                    addList(pkgList, "lib Dir", packInfo.applicationInfo.nativeLibraryDir);

                    addList(pkgList, "dat Dir", packInfo.applicationInfo.dataDir);
                    if (null != datDirSize) {
                        addList(pkgList, "*  Dir Size",
                        addList(pkgList, "*  File Count",

                    if (null != cacheDirectory) {
                        addList(pkgList, "Cache", cacheDirectory.getCanonicalPath());
                        if (null != cacheDirSize) {
                            cacheSize = cacheDirSize.size;
                            addList(pkgList, "*  Dir Size", NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.getDefault())
                            addList(pkgList, "*  File Count", NumberFormat

                    if (null != packInfo.applicationInfo.sharedLibraryFiles
                            && packInfo.applicationInfo.sharedLibraryFiles.length != 0) {
                        addList(pkgList, "ShareLibs", NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.getDefault())
                        for (String shrLibStr : packInfo.applicationInfo.sharedLibraryFiles) {
                            addList(pkgList, "  ", shrLibStr);

                    if (true) {
                        // packInfo.configPreferences; use with flag= GET_CONFIGURATIONS;
                        // packInfo.providers use with GET_PROVIDERS;

                        List<IntentFilter> outFilters = new ArrayList<IntentFilter>();
                        List<ComponentName> outActivities = new ArrayList<ComponentName>();
                        int num = getActivity().getPackageManager().getPreferredActivities(outFilters,
                                outActivities, packInfo.packageName);
                        if (num > 0) {
                            addList(pkgList, "Preferred #", String.valueOf(num));

                    /* if (null != cacheDirectory) */
                    // if (cacheDirSize != null)
                        m_workList.add(new PackingItem(packInfo.packageName.trim(), pkgList, packInfo,
                                cacheSize, appName));

    } catch (Exception ex) {

From source file:de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.Utils.java

public static File getInternalCacheDir(final Context context, final String cacheDirName) {
    if (context == null)
        throw new NullPointerException();
    final File cacheDir = new File(context.getCacheDir(), cacheDirName);
    if (cacheDir.isDirectory() || cacheDir.mkdirs())
        return cacheDir;
    return new File(context.getCacheDir(), cacheDirName);

From source file:com.dwdesign.tweetings.util.Utils.java

public static File getBestCacheDir(final Context context, final String cache_dir_name) {
        final File ext_cache_dir = GetExternalCacheDirAccessor.getExternalCacheDir(context);
        if (ext_cache_dir != null && ext_cache_dir.isDirectory()) {
            final File cache_dir = new File(ext_cache_dir, cache_dir_name);
            if (cache_dir.isDirectory() || cache_dir.mkdirs())
                return cache_dir;
        }/*w ww .  jav a  2s .c o  m*/
    } else {
        final File ext_storage_dir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
        if (ext_storage_dir != null && ext_storage_dir.isDirectory()) {
            final String ext_cache_path = ext_storage_dir.getAbsolutePath() + "/Android/data/"
                    + context.getPackageName() + "/cache/";
            final File cache_dir = new File(ext_cache_path, cache_dir_name);
            if (cache_dir.isDirectory() || cache_dir.mkdirs())
                return cache_dir;
    return new File(context.getCacheDir(), cache_dir_name);

From source file:de.vanita5.twittnuker.util.Utils.java

public static File getBestCacheDir(final Context context, final String cacheDirName) {
    if (context == null)
        throw new NullPointerException();
    final File extCacheDir;
    try {//  w ww.  jav  a 2  s  .  c o m
        // Workaround for https://github.com/mariotaku/twidere/issues/138
        extCacheDir = context.getExternalCacheDir();
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        return new File(context.getCacheDir(), cacheDirName);
    if (extCacheDir != null && extCacheDir.isDirectory()) {
        final File cacheDir = new File(extCacheDir, cacheDirName);
        if (cacheDir.isDirectory() || cacheDir.mkdirs())
            return cacheDir;
    return new File(context.getCacheDir(), cacheDirName);