Example usage for android.content Context getApplicationContext

List of usage examples for android.content Context getApplicationContext


In this page you can find the example usage for android.content Context getApplicationContext.


public abstract Context getApplicationContext();

Source Link


Return the context of the single, global Application object of the current process.


From source file:Main.java

public static void ring(Context context) {
    if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - beepTime) > 6 * 1000) {
        Uri notification = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION);
        Ringtone r = RingtoneManager.getRingtone(context.getApplicationContext(), notification);
        r.play();//ww w .  ja va2  s .  c o  m
        beepTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    } else {
        beepTime = 0;


From source file:com.sublimis.urgentcallfilter.MyPreference.java

public synchronized static void setContext(Context context) {
    if (mContext == null)
        mContext = context.getApplicationContext();

From source file:com.liferay.alerts.database.DatabaseHelper.java

public static DatabaseHelper getInstance(Context context) {
    if (_instance == null) {
        _instance = new DatabaseHelper(context.getApplicationContext());
    }//  w w w  . j a  va  2  s .  c o m

    return _instance;

From source file:Main.java

public static void showSingleToast(Context ctx, String msg, int duration) {
    int showDuration = duration <= Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ? Toast.LENGTH_LONG : Toast.LENGTH_SHORT;
    if (null == toast) {
        toast = Toast.makeText(ctx.getApplicationContext(), msg, showDuration);
        toast.show();//from  w  ww.  ja v a  2 s  . com
        oneTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    } else {
        twoTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (msg.equals(oldMsg)) {
            if (twoTime - oneTime > showDuration) {
        } else {
            oldMsg = msg;
    oneTime = twoTime;

From source file:Main.java

public static boolean isAllowed(Context context, int op) {
    Log.d(TAG, "api level: " + Build.VERSION.SDK_INT);
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 19) {
        return true;
    }/*from  w  w w. j a  v a 2s . co  m*/
    Log.d(TAG, "op is " + op);
    String packageName = context.getApplicationContext().getPackageName();
    AppOpsManager aom = (AppOpsManager) context.getSystemService(Context.APP_OPS_SERVICE);
    Class<?>[] types = new Class[] { int.class, int.class, String.class };
    Object[] args = new Object[] { op, Binder.getCallingUid(), packageName };
    try {
        Method method = aom.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("checkOpNoThrow", types);
        Object mode = method.invoke(aom, args);
        Log.d(TAG, "invoke checkOpNoThrow: " + mode);
        if ((mode instanceof Integer) && ((Integer) mode == AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED)) {
            Log.d(TAG, "allowed");
            return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "invoke error: " + e);
    return false;

From source file:Main.java

 * Turns a string into an array of drawable resource IDs.
 * 'string' must contain string equivalent of valid drawable names without file endings
 * separated by commas.//  w  w w .j  a v  a  2 s . c  o  m
 * @param string
 * @param context
 * @return an array of drawable resource IDs
public static int[] stringToDrawableResIDArray(String string, Context context) {
    String[] strArray = string.split(",");
    int[] intArray = new int[strArray.length];
    Resources resources;
    int resId;
    int i = 0;

    for (String str : strArray) {
        resources = context.getApplicationContext().getResources();
        intArray[i] = resources.getIdentifier(strArray[i], "drawable", "com.domnibus.sfarinas.youtubetest");

    return intArray;

From source file:com.devsh.androidlogin.library.FacebookLoginUtil.java

public static void initialize(Context context) {
    sContext = context.getApplicationContext();

From source file:Main.java

public static ArrayList<String> getAllAccessibilityServices(Context context) {
    TextUtils.SimpleStringSplitter colonSplitter = new TextUtils.SimpleStringSplitter(':');
    ArrayList<String> allAccessibilityServices = new ArrayList<String>();

    String settingValue = Settings.Secure.getString(context.getApplicationContext().getContentResolver(),

    if (settingValue != null) {
        while (colonSplitter.hasNext()) {
            String accessabilityService = colonSplitter.next();
        }//from   www. j  a v a 2 s.c o m
    return allAccessibilityServices;

From source file:at.wada811.utils.PreferenceUtils.java

 * {@link PreferenceManager#getDefaultSharedPreferences(Context)} should pass application
 * context.//from   w  w w. ja  v  a2 s.c o m
 * @param context
 * @return
public static SharedPreferences getDefaultSharedPreferences(Context context) {
    return PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context.getApplicationContext());

From source file:Main.java

public static void showLongToast(final Context mContext, final int resId) {
    sharedHandler(mContext).post(() -> {
        if (toast != null) {
            toast.setText(resId);// w  ww. j  a  v a  2 s.c  om
        } else {
            toast = Toast.makeText(mContext.getApplicationContext(), resId, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);