List of usage examples for android.content Context BLUETOOTH_SERVICE
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@Override @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); activity = this; context = getApplicationContext();/*from w w w . j a va 2 s. c om*/ if (!getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.isTablet)) setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); // Set portrait mode only - for small screens like phones else { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_FULL_USER); // Full screen rotation else setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_FULL_SENSOR); // Full screen rotation new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { // Hack to hide keyboard when the layout it rotated @Override public void run() { InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); // Hide the keyboard - this is needed when the device is rotated imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(getWindow().getDecorView().getApplicationWindowToken(), 0); } }, 1000); } setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); // Get local Bluetooth adapter if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) mBluetoothAdapter = ((BluetoothManager) getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE)).getAdapter(); else mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); // If the adapter is null, then Bluetooth is not supported if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { showToast("Bluetooth is not available", Toast.LENGTH_LONG); finish(); return; } // get sensorManager and initialize sensor listeners SensorManager mSensorManager = (SensorManager) getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE); mSensorFusion = new SensorFusion(getApplicationContext(), mSensorManager); // Set up the action bar. final ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar(); actionBar.setNavigationMode(ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS); actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); // Create the adapter that will return a fragment for each of the primary sections of the app. ViewPagerAdapter mViewPagerAdapter = new ViewPagerAdapter(getApplicationContext(), getSupportFragmentManager()); // Set up the ViewPager with the adapter. CustomViewPager mViewPager = (CustomViewPager) findViewById(; mViewPager.setAdapter(mViewPagerAdapter); if (getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.isTablet)) mViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(2); // Since two fragments is selected in landscape mode, this is used to smooth things out // Bind the underline indicator to the adapter mUnderlinePageIndicator = (UnderlinePageIndicator) findViewById(; mUnderlinePageIndicator.setViewPager(mViewPager); mUnderlinePageIndicator.setFades(false); // When swiping between different sections, select the corresponding // tab. We can also use ActionBar.Tab#select() to do this if we have // a reference to the Tab. mUnderlinePageIndicator.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener() { @Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { if (D) Log.d(TAG, "ViewPager position: " + position); if (position < actionBar.getTabCount()) // Needed for when in landscape mode actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem(position); else mUnderlinePageIndicator.setCurrentItem(position - 1); } }); int count = mViewPagerAdapter.getCount(); Resources mResources = getResources(); boolean landscape = false; if (mResources.getBoolean(R.bool.isTablet) && mResources.getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { landscape = true; count -= 1; // There is one less tab when in landscape mode } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { // For each of the sections in the app, add a tab to the action bar String text; if (landscape && i == count - 1) text = mViewPagerAdapter.getPageTitle(i) + " & " + mViewPagerAdapter.getPageTitle(i + 1); // Last tab in landscape mode have two titles in one tab else text = mViewPagerAdapter.getPageTitle(i).toString(); // Create a tab with text corresponding to the page title defined by // the adapter. Also specify this Activity object, which implements // the TabListener interface, as the callback (listener) for when // this tab is selected. actionBar.addTab(actionBar.newTab().setText(text).setTabListener(this)); } try { PackageManager mPackageManager = getPackageManager(); if (mPackageManager != null) BalanbotActivity.appVersion = mPackageManager.getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0).versionName; // Read the app version name } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
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@Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { if (mBluetoothChangeReceiver == null) { mBluetoothChangeReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override// www . j av a 2s . c o m public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { final int state = intent.getIntExtra(BluetoothAdapter.EXTRA_STATE, BluetoothAdapter.ERROR); switch (state) { case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON: onStartCommand(null, 0, 0); break; case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF: break; default: break; } } }; IntentFilter mif = new IntentFilter(); mif.addAction(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_STATE_CHANGED); registerReceiver(mBluetoothChangeReceiver, mif); } if (mSmartWatchAnnotationReceiver == null) { mSmartWatchAnnotationReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (mEventList == null) return; String via = intent.getStringExtra("ess.imu_logger.libs.data_save.extra.annotationVia"); mEventList.add(new CigaretteEvent(new Date(), via == null ? "intent" : via, null)); } }; // create watch ui intent listener IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter("ess.imu_logger.libs.data_save.annotate"); registerReceiver(mSmartWatchAnnotationReceiver, filter); } // For API level 18 and above, get a reference to BluetoothAdapter through // BluetoothManager. //if (serviceIsInitialized) // return START_STICKY; mBluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); if (mBluetoothManager == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to initialize BluetoothManager."); return START_NOT_STICKY; } mBluetoothAdapter = mBluetoothManager.getAdapter(); if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to obtain a BluetoothAdapter."); return START_NOT_STICKY; } // for DEBUGGING only // PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).edit().clear().apply(); /** check if we are already bound to a device, if not start scanning for one */ mBluetoothDeviceAddress = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).getString(KEY_DEVICEADDR, null); mLastBatteryVoltage = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).getFloat(KEY_BATVOLTAGE, 0.0f); mBatteryEmpty = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).getBoolean(KEY_BATEMTPY, false); super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); /** load the stored events */ if (mEventList == null) { mEventList = CigAnnotationWriter.readCigaretteList(this); mEventList.register(rCigAnnotationWriter); mEventList.register(rCigIntentBroadcaster); } /** set-up the location service, we need this to run here, since we need to *access the location whenever there is a chang to the cigarette model. */ mLocationClient = new LocationClient(this, mLocationHandler, mLocationHandler); mEventList.register(new DelayedObserver(1000, mLocationHandler)); /** start to scan for LE devices in the area */ mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());; /** create a notification on a pending connection */ PendingIntent i = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, new Intent(this, MainActivity.class), PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); mNotification = (new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)).setContentText("downloading cigarette events") .setContentTitle("iLitIt").setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_cigarette_black).setProgress(0, 0, true) .setAutoCancel(true).setContentIntent(i).build(); mLowBatteryWarning = (new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)).setContentTitle("iLitIt - battery low") .setContentText("replace battery as soons as possible").setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_launcher) .build(); return START_STICKY; }
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private void createScanner() { BluetoothManager btManager = (BluetoothManager) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); BluetoothAdapter btAdapter = btManager.getAdapter(); if (btAdapter == null || !btAdapter.isEnabled()) { Intent enableBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE); startActivityForResult(enableBtIntent, Constants.REQUEST_CODE_ENABLE_BLE); }//from ww w . j a va 2 s. co m if (btAdapter == null || !btAdapter.isEnabled()) { Log.e(TAG, "Can't enable Bluetooth"); Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Can't enable Bluetooth", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return; } scanner = btAdapter.getBluetoothLeScanner(); }
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/** * Initializes a reference to the local Bluetooth adapter. * * @return Return true if the initialization is successful. *///from w w w. jav a 2 s . c om public boolean initialize() { // For API level 18 and above, get a reference to BluetoothAdapter through // BluetoothManager. if (mBluetoothManager == null) { mBluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); if (mBluetoothManager == null) { Log.e(TAG, "SDingBaLanYan Unable to initialize BluetoothManager."); return false; } } mBluetoothAdapter = mBluetoothManager.getAdapter(); if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { Log.e(TAG, "SDingBaLanYan Unable to obtain a BluetoothAdapter."); return false; } return true; }
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@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) @Override/*from w w w.j a v a2s .c o m*/ public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); MovementProfile.status = 0; startingPosition = 0; registBroadcastReceiver(); getInstanceIdToken(); mDeviceAdapter = new DeviceListAdapter(this, R.layout.device_item); mHandler = new Handler(); if (!getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_BLUETOOTH_LE)) { Toast.makeText(this, "BLE Not Supported", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); finish(); } mBluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); mBluetoothAdapter = mBluetoothManager.getAdapter(); timer = new Timer(); mBluetoothDeviceList = new ArrayList<BluetoothDevice>(); // Register the BroadcastReceiver mFilter = new IntentFilter(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_STATE_CHANGED); mFilter.addAction(ACTION_GATT_CONNECTED); mFilter.addAction(ACTION_GATT_DISCONNECTED); mFilter.addAction(ACTION_GATT_SERVICES_DISCOVERED); mFilter.addAction(ACTION_DATA_NOTIFY); mFilter.addAction(ACTION_DATA_WRITE); mFilter.addAction(ACTION_DATA_READ); if (isRegister == 0) { registerReceiver(mReceiver, mFilter); } mainActivity = this; Thread queueThread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { while (true) { executeQueue(); try { Thread.sleep(0, 100000); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }; queueThread.start(); }
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@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) private void initBluetoothAdapter() { Activity activity = cordova.getActivity(); BluetoothManager bluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); bluetoothAdapter = bluetoothManager.getAdapter(); }
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public AndroidBle(BleService service) { mService = service;//from w ww .j a v a2 s .c om // btQuery = BTQuery.getInstance(); if (!mService.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_BLUETOOTH_LE)) { mService.bleNotSupported(); return; } final BluetoothManager bluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) mService .getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); mBtAdapter = bluetoothManager.getAdapter(); if (mBtAdapter == null) { mService.bleNoBtAdapter(); } mBluetoothGatts = new HashMap<String, BluetoothGatt>(); }
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@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); requestPermission();/* w ww. j av a 2s.c o m*/ context = getApplicationContext(); mHeaderImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(; Picasso.with(context).load(R.drawable.sunset_road_landscape).into(mHeaderImageView); // Toolbar mToolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; setSupportActionBar(mToolbar); mCollapsingTb = (CollapsingToolbarLayout) findViewById(; mCollapsingTb.setTitle("Shoe sensor"); mCollapsingTb.setExpandedTitleGravity(Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.TOP); // Bluetooth final BluetoothManager mBleMan = (BluetoothManager) getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); mBleAdapter = mBleMan.getAdapter(); mBleScanner = mBleAdapter.getBluetoothLeScanner(); mCharList = new ArrayList<>(); mBleSem = new Semaphore(1); mBleThread = new BleThread(mBleSem); mBleThread.start(); mBleReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_STATE_CHANGED.equals(intent.getAction())) { if (mBleAdapter.getState() == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "BT ON"); mScanFab.setEnabled(true); if (mSnackBar != null) { if (mSnackBar.isShown()) mSnackBar.dismiss(); } } else { mScanFab.setEnabled(false); bleEnable(); } } } }; // Text mDevNameTv = (TextView) findViewById(; mDevNameTv.setText(getString(R.string.device_name) + " No device found"); mRssiTv = (TextView) findViewById(; mAddrTv = (TextView) findViewById(; // Buttons and switches mScanFab = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById(; mScanFab.setOnClickListener(this); mConnSwitch = (Switch) findViewById(; mConnSwitch.setOnClickListener(this); //Graph mDataGraph = (GraphView) findViewById(; mDataXSeries = new LineGraphSeries<>(); mDataYSeries = new LineGraphSeries<>(); mDataYSeries.setBackgroundColor(Color.RED); mDataGraph.addSeries(mDataXSeries); mDataGraph.addSeries(mDataYSeries); mDataGraph.getViewport().setXAxisBoundsManual(true); mDataGraph.getViewport().setMinX(0); mDataGraph.getViewport().setMaxX(20); // Animation mRotateAnim = new RotateAnimation(0, 720, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f); mRotateAnim.setDuration(SCAN_PERIOD); mRotateAnim.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator()); bleEnable(); }
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void btInit() { // Initializes a Bluetooth adapter. For API level 18 and above, get a reference to // BluetoothAdapter through BluetoothManager. final BluetoothManager bluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); mBluetoothAdapter = bluetoothManager.getAdapter(); //with the swipe refresh, we need to manually set refresh to true through a runnable on app start or it doesn't work Runnable() { @Override//from w ww. j a v a2 s. co m public void run() { swipeContainer.setRefreshing(true); } }); }
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@Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); mDeviceListeners = new ArrayList<BleDeviceListener>(); bleDevices = new BleDevices() { @Override/*from www .j a v a 2s .c o m*/ public void onDeviceAdded(BluetoothDevice device, int rssi, byte[] scanRecord) { for (BleDeviceListener listener : mDeviceListeners) { listener.onDeviceAdded(device); } } @Override public void onDeviceRemoved(BluetoothDevice device) { for (BleDeviceListener listener : mDeviceListeners) { listener.onDeviceRemoved(device); } } }; handler = new Handler(new Handler.Callback() { @Override public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) { if (MSG_PRUNE == msg.what && bleDevices != null) { Log.v(TAG, "Pruning devices"); BluetoothManager manager = (BluetoothManager) getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE); bleDevices.pruneOldDevices(manager.getConnectedDevices(BluetoothProfile.GATT)); } return false; } }); }