List of usage examples for android.content ContentValues getAsString
public String getAsString(String key)
From source
protected void populateOrganization(ContentValues row) { String company = row.getAsString(Organization.COMPANY), department = row.getAsString(Organization.DEPARTMENT), title = row.getAsString(Organization.TITLE), role = row.getAsString(Organization.JOB_DESCRIPTION); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(company) || !TextUtils.isEmpty(department)) { org = new; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(company)) org.addValue(company);/* w w w .j ava2s. c o m*/ if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(department)) org.addValue(department); contact.organization = org; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) contact.jobTitle = title; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(role)) contact.jobDescription = role; }
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protected void populateEvent(Contact c, ContentValues row) throws RemoteException { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.US); try {//w ww .jav a 2s. c o m Date date = formatter.parse(row.getAsString(CommonDataKinds.Event.START_DATE)); switch (row.getAsInteger(CommonDataKinds.Event.TYPE)) { case CommonDataKinds.Event.TYPE_ANNIVERSARY: c.setAnniversary(new Anniversary(date)); break; case CommonDataKinds.Event.TYPE_BIRTHDAY: c.setBirthDay(new Birthday(date)); break; } } catch (ParseException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't parse local birthday/anniversary date", e); } }
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@Override public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo); final Long id = extractId(menuInfo); if (id != null && id != -1) { RosterItem r = getJid(id);// ww w . j a va 2 s.c o m final boolean sessionEstablished = r != null && isSessionEstablished(r.getSessionObject()); MenuInflater m = new MenuInflater(getActivity()); try { Presence p = r.getSessionObject().getPresence().getBestPresence(r.getJid()); if (p != null && p.getType() == null) { SubMenu sm = menu.addSubMenu(, Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE, "Chat with"); prepareResources(sm, id); } } catch (Exception e) { } m.inflate(, menu); JaxmppCore jaxmpp = this.getMulti().get(r.getSessionObject()); if (jaxmpp != null && sessionEstablished) { GeolocationModule module = jaxmpp.getModule(GeolocationModule.class); if (module != null) { ContentValues location = module.getLocationForJid(r.getJid()); if (location != null) { Double lat = location.getAsDouble(GeolocationTableMetaData.FIELD_LAT); Double lon = location.getAsDouble(GeolocationTableMetaData.FIELD_LON); String uriStr = null; if (lon == null || lat == null) { String str = ""; String val = location.getAsString(GeolocationTableMetaData.FIELD_STREET); Log.v(TAG, "Street = " + String.valueOf(val)); if (val != null) { str += val; } val = location.getAsString(GeolocationTableMetaData.FIELD_LOCALITY); Log.v(TAG, "Locality = " + String.valueOf(val)); if (val != null) { if (!isEmpty(str)) { str += " "; } str += val; } val = location.getAsString(GeolocationTableMetaData.FIELD_COUNTRY); Log.v(TAG, "Country = " + String.valueOf(val)); if (val != null) { if (!isEmpty(str)) { str += " "; } str += val; } if (!isEmpty(str)) { str = str.replace(' ', '+'); uriStr = "geo:0,0?q=" + str; } } else { Log.v(TAG, "latitude = " + String.valueOf(lat)); Log.v(TAG, "longitude = " + String.valueOf(lon)); uriStr = "geo:" + String.valueOf(lat) + "," + String.valueOf(lon) + "?z=14"; } if (uriStr != null) { uriStr += "(" + RosterDisplayTools.getDisplayName(r) + ")"; Log.v(TAG, "created geolocation uri = " + uriStr); Uri uri = Uri.parse(uriStr); MenuItem item = menu.add(R.string.geolocation_show); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri); item.setIntent(intent); } } } } menu.setGroupVisible(, sessionEstablished); } }
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@Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); BusProvider.getInstance().register(this); inSelectMode = getActivity().getIntent().hasExtra(LocationActivity.LOCATION_ID_EXTRA); // Getting Google Play availability status int status = GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(getActivity()); // Showing status if (status != ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) { // Google Play Services are not available int requestCode = 10; Dialog dialog = GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog(status, getActivity(), requestCode);;//from w w w. j av a 2s . c om } else { // Google Play Services are available // Getting GoogleMap object from the fragment googleMap = getMap(); } ApiAdapterFactory.getApiAdapter().configureMapViewContextualMenu(this, new MapContextActionCallback() { private EditText editText; @Override public void onPrepare(Menu menu, Marker marker) { configureTitleWidget(marker); } @SuppressLint("NewApi") @Override public void onCreate(Menu menu) { editText = (EditText) menu.add(0, 0, 0, "name").setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_edit) .setActionView(R.layout.location_edit).getActionView().findViewById(; menu.add(0, 1, 0, R.string.item_add).setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_save); } private void configureTitleWidget(Marker marker) { if (null != marker && null != editText) { try { final long id = Long.parseLong(marker.getSnippet()); editText.setText(new LocationBroker(getActivity()).loadOrCreate(id).getAsString("name")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { LocationUtils.resolveAddress(getActivity(), marker.getPosition(), "", new AddressResolveCallback() { @Override public void onResolved(Address address) { if (getResources().getString(R.string.new_location) .equals(editText.getText().toString()) && null != address) { editText.setText(LocationUtils.formatAddress(address)); } } }); } } } @Override public boolean onClick(MenuItem item, Marker marker) { if (null != marker) { final ContentValues myLocation = new ContentValues(); try { final long id = Long.parseLong(marker.getSnippet()); myLocation.put(BaseColumns._ID, id); } catch (NumberFormatException nfex) { myLocation.put("provider", "fusion"); } if (null != editText) { myLocation.put("name", editText.getText().toString()); } myLocation.put("latitude", marker.getPosition().latitude); myLocation.put("longitude", marker.getPosition().longitude); myLocation.put("datetime", System.currentTimeMillis()); LocationUtils.resolveAddress(getActivity(), marker.getPosition(), myLocation.getAsString("name"), new AddressResolveCallback() { @Override public void onResolved(Address address) { if (null != address) { myLocation.put("resolved_address", LocationUtils.formatAddress(address)); } new LocationBroker(getActivity()).updateOrInsert(myLocation); } }); return true; } return false; } }); }
From source
protected void populateWebsite(ContentValues row) { Url url = new Url(row.getAsString(Website.URL)); if (row.containsKey(Website.TYPE)) switch (row.getAsInteger(Website.TYPE)) { case Website.TYPE_HOMEPAGE: url.setType(Contact.URL_TYPE_HOMEPAGE); break; case Website.TYPE_BLOG: url.setType(Contact.URL_TYPE_BLOG); break; case Website.TYPE_PROFILE: url.setType(Contact.URL_TYPE_PROFILE); break; case Website.TYPE_HOME: url.setType("home"); break; case Website.TYPE_WORK: url.setType("work"); break; case Website.TYPE_FTP: url.setType(Contact.URL_TYPE_FTP); break; case Website.TYPE_CUSTOM: String label = row.getAsString(Website.LABEL); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(label)) url.setType(labelToXName(label)); break; }/* w ww. j ava 2s . com*/ contact.getURLs().add(url); }
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/** * Used by the ContentProvider to insert a campaign and also insert into * interested tables. Don't use this directly; if you do, none of the * contentobservers, etc. that are listening to Campaigns, Surveys, or * SurveyPrompts will be notified.//from ww 2s .c o m * * @param values * a ContentValues collection, preferably generated by calling * {@link Campaign}'s toCV() method * @return the ID of the inserted record */ public long addCampaign(SQLiteDatabase db, ContentValues values) { long rowId = -1; // the row ID for the campaign that we'll eventually be // returning try { // start the transaction that will include inserting the campaign + // surveys + survey prompts db.beginTransaction(); // hold onto some variables for processing String configurationXml = values.getAsString(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_CONFIGURATION_XML); String campaignUrn = values.getAsString(Campaigns.CAMPAIGN_URN); // actually insert the campaign rowId = db.insert(Tables.CAMPAIGNS, null, values); if (configurationXml != null) { // xml parsing below, inserts into Surveys and SurveyPrompts if (populateSurveysFromCampaignXML(db, campaignUrn, configurationXml)) { // i think we're done now; finish up the transaction db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } // else we fail and the transaction gets rolled back } else { db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } } finally { db.endTransaction(); } return rowId; }
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protected void populateRelation(ContentValues row) { String name = row.getAsString(Relation.NAME); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) return;// ww w .java 2 s . c o m Related related = new Related(); related.setText(name); if (row.containsKey(Relation.TYPE)) switch (row.getAsInteger(Relation.TYPE)) { case Relation.TYPE_ASSISTANT: case Relation.TYPE_MANAGER: related.addType(RelatedType.CO_WORKER); break; case Relation.TYPE_BROTHER: case Relation.TYPE_SISTER: related.addType(RelatedType.SIBLING); break; case Relation.TYPE_CHILD: related.addType(RelatedType.CHILD); break; case Relation.TYPE_DOMESTIC_PARTNER: related.addType(RelatedType.CO_RESIDENT); break; case Relation.TYPE_FRIEND: related.addType(RelatedType.FRIEND); break; case Relation.TYPE_FATHER: case Relation.TYPE_MOTHER: case Relation.TYPE_PARENT: related.addType(RelatedType.PARENT); break; case Relation.TYPE_PARTNER: case Relation.TYPE_SPOUSE: related.addType(RelatedType.SWEETHEART); break; case Relation.TYPE_RELATIVE: related.addType(RelatedType.KIN); break; } contact.getRelations().add(related); }
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@SuppressWarnings("null") public Uploader add(ContentValues config) { if (config == null) { System.err.println("Add null!"); assert (false); return null; }/*from ww w. jav a2 s . com*/ String uploaderName = config.getAsString(DB.ACCOUNT.NAME); if (uploaderName == null) { System.err.println("name not found!"); return null; } if (uploaders.containsKey(uploaderName)) { return uploaders.get(uploaderName); } Uploader uploader = null; if (uploaderName.contentEquals(RunKeeperUploader.NAME)) { uploader = new RunKeeperUploader(this); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(GarminUploader.NAME)) { uploader = new GarminUploader(this); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(FunBeatUploader.NAME)) { uploader = new FunBeatUploader(this); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(MapMyRunUploader.NAME)) { uploader = new MapMyRunUploader(this); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(NikePlus.NAME)) { uploader = new NikePlus(this); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(JoggSE.NAME)) { uploader = new JoggSE(this); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(Endomondo.NAME)) { uploader = new Endomondo(this); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(RunningAHEAD.NAME)) { uploader = new RunningAHEAD(this); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(RunnerUpLive.NAME)) { uploader = new RunnerUpLive(context); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(DigifitUploader.NAME)) { uploader = new DigifitUploader(this); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(Strava.NAME)) { uploader = new Strava(this); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(Facebook.NAME)) { uploader = new Facebook(context, this); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(GooglePlus.NAME)) { uploader = new GooglePlus(this); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(RuntasticUploader.NAME)) { uploader = new RuntasticUploader(this); } else if (uploaderName.contentEquals(GoogleFitUploader.NAME)) { uploader = new GoogleFitUploader(context, this); } if (uploader != null) { if (!config.containsKey(DB.ACCOUNT.FLAGS)) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { String s = null; s.charAt(3); } } uploader.init(config); uploaders.put(uploaderName, uploader); uploadersById.put(uploader.getId(), uploader); } return uploader; }
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protected void populateSipAddress(ContentValues row) { try {/* w ww . j av a 2s .c o m*/ Impp impp = new Impp("sip:" + row.getAsString(SipAddress.SIP_ADDRESS)); if (row.containsKey(SipAddress.TYPE)) switch (row.getAsInteger(SipAddress.TYPE)) { case SipAddress.TYPE_HOME: impp.addType(ImppType.HOME); break; case SipAddress.TYPE_WORK: impp.addType(ImppType.WORK); break; case SipAddress.TYPE_CUSTOM: String customType = row.getAsString(SipAddress.LABEL); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(customType)) impp.addType(ImppType.get(labelToXName(customType))); } contact.getImpps().add(impp); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Constants.log.warn("Ignoring invalid locally stored SIP address"); } }
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private void preloadImages(final ContentValues... values) { if (values == null) return;/* w w w.j a v a 2s . c om*/ for (final ContentValues v : values) { if (mPreferences.getBoolean(KEY_PRELOAD_PROFILE_IMAGES, false)) { mImagePreloader.preloadImage(v.getAsString(Statuses.USER_PROFILE_IMAGE_URL)); mImagePreloader.preloadImage(v.getAsString(DirectMessages.SENDER_PROFILE_IMAGE_URL)); mImagePreloader.preloadImage(v.getAsString(DirectMessages.RECIPIENT_PROFILE_IMAGE_URL)); } if (mPreferences.getBoolean(KEY_PRELOAD_PREVIEW_IMAGES, false)) { final String textHtml = v.getAsString(Statuses.TEXT_HTML); for (final String link : MediaPreviewUtils.getSupportedLinksInStatus(textHtml)) { mImagePreloader.preloadImage(link); } } } }