List of usage examples for android.content ContentValues getAsLong
public Long getAsLong(String key)
From source
private void onNewItemsInserted(final Uri uri, final int count, final ContentValues... values) { if (uri == null || values == null || values.length == 0 || count == 0) return;//from w ww .j a v a 2 s. c om if ("false".equals(uri.getQueryParameter(QUERY_PARAM_NOTIFY))) return; final Context context = getContext(); final Resources res = context.getResources(); final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context); final boolean display_screen_name = NAME_DISPLAY_OPTION_SCREEN_NAME .equals(mPreferences.getString(PREFERENCE_KEY_NAME_DISPLAY_OPTION, NAME_DISPLAY_OPTION_BOTH)); final boolean display_hires_profile_image = res.getBoolean(R.bool.hires_profile_image); switch (getTableId(uri)) { case URI_STATUSES: { if (!mPreferences.getBoolean(PREFERENCE_KEY_NOTIFICATION_ENABLE_HOME_TIMELINE, false)) return; final String message = res.getQuantityString(R.plurals.Ntweets, mNewStatusesCount, mNewStatusesCount); final Intent delete_intent = new Intent(BROADCAST_NOTIFICATION_CLEARED); final Bundle delete_extras = new Bundle(); delete_extras.putInt(INTENT_KEY_NOTIFICATION_ID, NOTIFICATION_ID_HOME_TIMELINE); delete_intent.putExtras(delete_extras); final Intent content_intent = new Intent(context, HomeActivity.class); content_intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); content_intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); final Bundle content_extras = new Bundle(); content_extras.putInt(INTENT_KEY_INITIAL_TAB, HomeActivity.TAB_POSITION_HOME); content_intent.putExtras(content_extras); builder.setOnlyAlertOnce(true); final Notification notification = buildNotification(builder, res.getString(R.string.new_notifications), message, message, R.drawable.ic_stat_tweet, null, content_intent, delete_intent); mNotificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID_HOME_TIMELINE, notification); break; } case URI_MENTIONS: { if (!mPreferences.getBoolean(PREFERENCE_KEY_NOTIFICATION_ENABLE_MENTIONS, false)) return; if (mNewMentionsCount > 1) { builder.setNumber(mNewMentionsCount); } final Intent delete_intent = new Intent(BROADCAST_NOTIFICATION_CLEARED); final Bundle delete_extras = new Bundle(); delete_extras.putInt(INTENT_KEY_NOTIFICATION_ID, NOTIFICATION_ID_MENTIONS); delete_intent.putExtras(delete_extras); final Intent content_intent; final List<String> screen_names = new NoDuplicatesArrayList<String>(); ContentValues notification_value = null; int notified_count = 0; for (final ContentValues value : values) { final String screen_name = value.getAsString(Statuses.SCREEN_NAME); if (!isFiltered(mDatabase, screen_name, value.getAsString(Statuses.SOURCE), value.getAsString(Statuses.TEXT_PLAIN))) { if (notification_value == null) { notification_value = value; } screen_names.add(screen_name); notified_count++; } } if (notified_count == 1) { final Uri.Builder uri_builder = new Uri.Builder(); uri_builder.scheme(SCHEME_TWIDERE); uri_builder.authority(AUTHORITY_STATUS); uri_builder.appendQueryParameter(QUERY_PARAM_ACCOUNT_ID, notification_value.getAsString(Statuses.ACCOUNT_ID)); uri_builder.appendQueryParameter(QUERY_PARAM_STATUS_ID, notification_value.getAsString(Statuses.STATUS_ID)); content_intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,; } else { content_intent = new Intent(context, HomeActivity.class); content_intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); content_intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); final Bundle content_extras = new Bundle(); content_extras.putInt(INTENT_KEY_INITIAL_TAB, HomeActivity.TAB_POSITION_MENTIONS); content_intent.putExtras(content_extras); } if (notification_value == null) return; final String title; if (screen_names.size() > 1) { title = res.getString(R.string.notification_mention_multiple, display_screen_name ? notification_value.getAsString(Statuses.SCREEN_NAME) : notification_value.getAsString(Statuses.NAME), screen_names.size() - 1); } else { title = res.getString(R.string.notification_mention, display_screen_name ? notification_value.getAsString(Statuses.SCREEN_NAME) : notification_value.getAsString(Statuses.NAME)); } final String message = notification_value.getAsString(Statuses.TEXT_PLAIN); final String profile_image_url_string = notification_value.getAsString(Statuses.PROFILE_IMAGE_URL); final File profile_image_file = mProfileImageLoader.getCachedImageFile( display_hires_profile_image ? getBiggerTwitterProfileImage(profile_image_url_string) : profile_image_url_string); final int w = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_large_icon_width); final int h = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_large_icon_height); builder.setLargeIcon(Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(profile_image_file != null && profile_image_file.isFile() ? BitmapFactory.decodeFile(profile_image_file.getPath()) : BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, R.drawable.ic_profile_image_default), w, h, true)); final Notification notification = buildNotification(builder, title, title, message, R.drawable.ic_stat_mention, null, content_intent, delete_intent); mNotificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID_MENTIONS, notification); break; } case URI_DIRECT_MESSAGES_INBOX: { if (!mPreferences.getBoolean(PREFERENCE_KEY_NOTIFICATION_ENABLE_DIRECT_MESSAGES, false)) return; if (mNewMessagesCount > 1) { builder.setNumber(mNewMessagesCount); } final List<String> screen_names = new NoDuplicatesArrayList<String>(); final ContentValues notification_value = values[0]; for (final ContentValues value : values) { screen_names.add(value.getAsString(DirectMessages.SENDER_SCREEN_NAME)); } if (notification_value == null) return; final String title; if (screen_names.size() > 1) { title = res.getString(R.string.notification_direct_message_multiple, display_screen_name ? notification_value.getAsString(DirectMessages.SENDER_SCREEN_NAME) : notification_value.getAsString(DirectMessages.SENDER_NAME), screen_names.size() - 1); } else { title = res.getString(R.string.notification_direct_message, display_screen_name ? notification_value.getAsString(DirectMessages.SENDER_SCREEN_NAME) : notification_value.getAsString(DirectMessages.SENDER_NAME)); } final String message = notification_value.getAsString(DirectMessages.TEXT_PLAIN); final String profile_image_url_string = notification_value .getAsString(DirectMessages.SENDER_PROFILE_IMAGE_URL); final File profile_image_file = mProfileImageLoader.getCachedImageFile( display_hires_profile_image ? getBiggerTwitterProfileImage(profile_image_url_string) : profile_image_url_string); final int w = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_large_icon_width); final int h = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_large_icon_height); builder.setLargeIcon(Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(profile_image_file != null && profile_image_file.isFile() ? BitmapFactory.decodeFile(profile_image_file.getPath()) : BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res, R.drawable.ic_profile_image_default), w, h, true)); final Intent delete_intent = new Intent(BROADCAST_NOTIFICATION_CLEARED); final Bundle delete_extras = new Bundle(); delete_extras.putInt(INTENT_KEY_NOTIFICATION_ID, NOTIFICATION_ID_DIRECT_MESSAGES); delete_intent.putExtras(delete_extras); final Intent content_intent; if (values.length == 1) { final Uri.Builder uri_builder = new Uri.Builder(); final long account_id = notification_value.getAsLong(DirectMessages.ACCOUNT_ID); final long conversation_id = notification_value.getAsLong(DirectMessages.SENDER_ID); uri_builder.scheme(SCHEME_TWIDERE); uri_builder.authority(AUTHORITY_DIRECT_MESSAGES_CONVERSATION); uri_builder.appendQueryParameter(QUERY_PARAM_ACCOUNT_ID, String.valueOf(account_id)); uri_builder.appendQueryParameter(QUERY_PARAM_CONVERSATION_ID, String.valueOf(conversation_id)); content_intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,; } else { content_intent = new Intent(context, HomeActivity.class); content_intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); content_intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); final Bundle content_extras = new Bundle(); content_extras.putInt(INTENT_KEY_INITIAL_TAB, HomeActivity.TAB_POSITION_MESSAGES); content_intent.putExtras(content_extras); } final Notification notification = buildNotification(builder, title, title, message, R.drawable.ic_stat_direct_message, null, content_intent, delete_intent); mNotificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID_DIRECT_MESSAGES, notification); break; } } }
From source
/** * Given a live cursor pointing to a data item and/or a set of contentValues loaded from the network, * attempt to sync./*from w ww . j a v*/ * Either c or cvNet can be null, but not both. * @param c A cursor pointing to the data item. Null is OK here. * @param jsonObject JSON object for the item as loaded from the network. null is OK here. * @param sync An empty JsonSyncableItem object. * @param publicPath TODO * * @return True if the item has been modified on either end. * @throws IOException */ private boolean syncItem(Uri toSync, Cursor c, JSONObject jsonObject, JsonSyncableItem sync, SyncProgressNotifier syncProgress, String publicPath) throws SyncException, IOException { boolean modified = false; boolean needToCloseCursor = false; boolean toSyncIsIndex = false; final SyncMap syncMap = sync.getSyncMap(); Uri locUri = null; final Uri origToSync = toSync; ContentValues cvNet = null; final Context context = getApplicationContext(); final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver(); if (jsonObject != null) { if ("http".equals(toSync.getScheme()) || "https".equals(toSync.getScheme())) { // we successfully loaded it from the 'net, but toSync is really for local URIs. Erase it. toSync = sync.getContentUri(); if (toSync == null) { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(TAG, "cannot get local URI for " + origToSync + ". Skipping..."); } return false; } } try { cvNet = JsonSyncableItem.fromJSON(context, null, jsonObject, syncMap); } catch (final Exception e) { final SyncException se = new SyncException("Problem loading JSON object."); se.initCause(e); throw se; } } final String contentType = cr.getType(toSync); if (c != null) { if (contentType.startsWith(CONTENT_TYPE_PREFIX_DIR)) { locUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(toSync, c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(JsonSyncableItem._ID))) .buildUpon().query(null).build(); toSyncIsIndex = true; } else { locUri = toSync; } // skip any items already sync'd if (mLastUpdated.isUpdatedRecently(locUri)) { return false; } final int draftCol = c.getColumnIndex(TaggableItem._DRAFT); if (draftCol != -1 && c.getInt(draftCol) != 0) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, locUri + " is marked a draft. Not syncing."); } return false; } syncMap.onPreSyncItem(cr, locUri, c); } else if (contentType.startsWith(CONTENT_TYPE_PREFIX_DIR)) { // strip any query strings toSync = toSync.buildUpon().query(null).build(); } // if (c != null){ // MediaProvider.dumpCursorToLog(c, sync.getFullProjection()); // } // when the PUBLIC_URI is null, that means it's only local final int pubUriColumn = (c != null) ? c.getColumnIndex(JsonSyncableItem._PUBLIC_URI) : -1; if (c != null && (c.isNull(pubUriColumn) || c.getString(pubUriColumn) == "")) { // new content on the local side only. Gotta publish. try { jsonObject = JsonSyncableItem.toJSON(context, locUri, c, syncMap); if (publicPath == null) { publicPath = MediaProvider.getPostPath(this, locUri); } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Posting " + locUri + " to " + publicPath); } // The response from a post to create a new item should be the newly created item, // which contains the public ID that we need. jsonObject = nc.postJson(publicPath, jsonObject); final ContentValues cvUpdate = JsonSyncableItem.fromJSON(context, locUri, jsonObject, syncMap); if (cr.update(locUri, cvUpdate, null, null) == 1) { // at this point, server and client should be in sync. mLastUpdated.markUpdated(locUri); if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "Hooray! " + locUri + " has been posted succesfully."); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "update of " + locUri + " failed"); } modified = true; } catch (final Exception e) { final SyncException se = new SyncException(getString(R.string.error_sync_no_post)); se.initCause(e); throw se; } // only on the remote side, so pull it in. } else if (c == null && cvNet != null) { if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "Only on the remote side, using network-provided values."); } final String[] params = { cvNet.getAsString(JsonSyncableItem._PUBLIC_URI) }; c = cr.query(toSync, sync.getFullProjection(), JsonSyncableItem._PUBLIC_URI + "=?", params, null); needToCloseCursor = true; if (!c.moveToFirst()) { locUri = cr.insert(toSync, cvNet); modified = true; } else { locUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(toSync, c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(JsonSyncableItem._ID))) .buildUpon().query(null).build(); syncMap.onPreSyncItem(cr, locUri, c); } } // we've now found data on both sides, so sync them. if (!modified && c != null) { publicPath = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(JsonSyncableItem._PUBLIC_URI)); try { if (cvNet == null) { try { if (publicPath == null && toSyncIsIndex && !MediaProvider.canSync(locUri)) { // At this point, we've already checked the index and it doesn't contain the item (otherwise it would be in the syncdItems). // If we can't sync individual items, it's possible that the index is paged or the item has been deleted. if (DEBUG) { Log.w(TAG, "Asked to sync " + locUri + " but item wasn't in server index and cannot sync individual entries. Skipping and hoping it is up to date."); } return false; } else { if (mLastUpdated.isUpdatedRecently(nc.getFullUri(publicPath))) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "already sync'd! " + publicPath); } return false; } if (jsonObject == null) { jsonObject = nc.getObject(publicPath); } cvNet = JsonSyncableItem.fromJSON(context, locUri, jsonObject, syncMap); } } catch (final HttpResponseException hre) { if (hre.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) { final SyncItemDeletedException side = new SyncItemDeletedException(locUri); side.initCause(hre); throw side; } } } if (cvNet == null) { Log.e(TAG, "got null values from fromJSON() on item " + locUri + ": " + (jsonObject != null ? jsonObject.toString() : "<< no json object >>")); return false; } final Date netLastModified = new Date(cvNet.getAsLong(JsonSyncableItem._MODIFIED_DATE)); final Date locLastModified = new Date(c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(JsonSyncableItem._MODIFIED_DATE))); if (netLastModified.equals(locLastModified)) { // same! yay! We don't need to do anything. if (DEBUG) { Log.d("LocastSync", locUri + " doesn't need to sync."); } } else if (netLastModified.after(locLastModified)) { // remote is more up to date, update! cr.update(locUri, cvNet, null, null); if (DEBUG) { Log.d("LocastSync", cvNet + " is newer than " + locUri); } modified = true; } else if (netLastModified.before(locLastModified)) { // local is more up to date, propagate! jsonObject = nc.putJson(publicPath, JsonSyncableItem.toJSON(context, locUri, c, syncMap)); if (DEBUG) { Log.d("LocastSync", cvNet + " is older than " + locUri); } modified = true; } mLastUpdated.markUpdated(nc.getFullUri(publicPath)); } catch (final JSONException e) { final SyncException se = new SyncException( "Item sync error for path " + publicPath + ": invalid JSON."); se.initCause(e); throw se; } catch (final NetworkProtocolException e) { final SyncException se = new SyncException( "Item sync error for path " + publicPath + ": " + e.getHttpResponseMessage()); se.initCause(e); throw se; } finally { if (needToCloseCursor) { c.close(); needToCloseCursor = false; } } } if (needToCloseCursor) { c.close(); } if (locUri == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Never got a local URI for a sync'd item."); } // two calls are made in two different contexts. Which context you use depends on the application. syncMap.onPostSyncItem(context, locUri, jsonObject, modified); sync.onPostSyncItem(context, locUri, jsonObject, modified); mLastUpdated.markUpdated(locUri); // needed for things that may have requested a sync with a different URI than what was eventually produced. if (origToSync != locUri) { mLastUpdated.markUpdated(origToSync); cr.notifyChange(origToSync, null); } return modified; }