Example usage for android.content ContentValues get

List of usage examples for android.content ContentValues get


In this page you can find the example usage for android.content ContentValues get.


public Object get(String key) 

Source Link


Gets a value.


From source file:org.opendatakit.services.instance.provider.InstanceProvider.java

public synchronized int update(@NonNull Uri uri, ContentValues cv, String where, String[] whereArgs) {

    List<String> segments = uri.getPathSegments();

    if (segments.size() != 3) {
        throw new SQLException("Unknown URI (does not specify instance!) " + uri);
    }//from  w  ww  .  j  ava2s.  com

    String appName = segments.get(0);

    String tableId = segments.get(1);
    String instanceId = segments.get(2);

    DbHandle dbHandleName = OdkConnectionFactorySingleton.getOdkConnectionFactoryInterface()
    OdkConnectionInterface db = null;
    int count = 0;
    try {
        // +1 referenceCount if db is returned (non-null)
        db = OdkConnectionFactorySingleton.getOdkConnectionFactoryInterface().getConnection(appName,

        boolean success = false;
        try {
            success = ODKDatabaseImplUtils.get().hasTableId(db, tableId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SQLException("Unknown URI (exception testing for tableId) " + uri);
        if (!success) {
            throw new SQLException("Unknown URI (missing data table for tableId) " + uri);

        internalUpdate(db, uri, appName, tableId);

        // run the query to get all the ids...
        List<IdStruct> idStructs = new ArrayList<IdStruct>();
        Cursor ref = null;
        try {
            // use this provider's query interface to get the set of ids that
            // match (if any)
            ref = internalQuery(db, uri, appName, tableId, instanceId, null, where, whereArgs, null);
            if (ref.getCount() != 0) {
                do {
                    String iId = CursorUtils.getIndexAsString(ref, ref.getColumnIndex(InstanceColumns._ID));
                    String iIdDataTable = CursorUtils.getIndexAsString(ref,
                    idStructs.add(new IdStruct(iId, iIdDataTable));
                } while (ref.moveToNext());
        } finally {
            if (ref != null) {

        // update the values string...
        if (cv.containsKey(InstanceColumns.XML_PUBLISH_STATUS)) {
            Date xmlPublishDate = new Date();
            String xmlPublishStatus = cv.getAsString(InstanceColumns.XML_PUBLISH_STATUS);
            if (!cv.containsKey(InstanceColumns.DISPLAY_SUBTEXT)) {
                String text = getDisplaySubtext(xmlPublishStatus, xmlPublishDate);
                cv.put(InstanceColumns.DISPLAY_SUBTEXT, text);

        Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        for (String key : cv.keySet()) {
            values.put(key, cv.get(key));

        Object[] args = new String[1];
        for (IdStruct idStruct : idStructs) {
            args[0] = idStruct.idUploadsTable;
            count += db.update(DatabaseConstants.UPLOADS_TABLE_NAME, values, InstanceColumns._ID + "=?", args);
    } finally {
        if (db != null) {
            try {
                if (db.inTransaction()) {
            } finally {
                try {
                } finally {
                    // this closes the connection
    getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null);
    return count;

From source file:watch.oms.omswatch.actioncenter.helpers.WatchTransDBParser.java

private void processJsonData(String servertableName, JSONObject tableJSON) {

    Iterator tableIterator;/*  w w  w  . ja v a 2  s . c o m*/
    ContentValues contentvalues = new ContentValues();
    String colName;
    String primaryKeyVal;
    Double timeStamp;

    Set cols = new HashSet<String>();
    cols = sp.getStringSet(servertableName, cols);

    String colVal;

    try {

        //adding root attribute to table if it is there in table
        if (rootAttribute != null) {
            for (String rootKey : rootAttribute.keySet()) {
                if (cols != null && cols.contains(rootKey)) {
                    contentvalues.put(rootKey, rootAttribute.get(rootKey));
                } else {
                    Log.d(TAG, "skipping server column:" + rootKey);

        tableIterator = tableJSON.keys();
        while (tableIterator.hasNext()) {
            colName = (String) tableIterator.next();
            if (colName.equalsIgnoreCase(OMSDatabaseConstants.UNIQUE_ROW_ID)) {
                primaryKeyVal = tableJSON.getString(colName);
                contentvalues.put(colName, primaryKeyVal);
            } else if (colName.equalsIgnoreCase(OMSDatabaseConstants.MODIFIED_DATE)) {
                timeStamp = tableJSON.getDouble(colName);
                contentvalues.put(colName, timeStamp);
            } else {
                if (cols != null && cols.contains(colName)) {
                    colVal = tableJSON.getString(colName);
                    contentvalues.put(colName, colVal.trim());
                } else {
                    Log.d(TAG, "skipping server column:" + colName);


    } catch (JSONException je) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Error:" + je.getMessage());
    // This changes are for Oasis Project. # Start
    //Oasis Tables only
    //                           if(servertableName.equalsIgnoreCase("BillToDetails")
    //                                 ||servertableName.equalsIgnoreCase("OrdSearchCriteriaList")
    //                                 ||servertableName.equalsIgnoreCase("OrderDetails")
    //                                 ||servertableName.equalsIgnoreCase("OrderSearch")
    //                                 ||servertableName.equalsIgnoreCase("OrderTitles")
    //                                 ||servertableName.equalsIgnoreCase("Orders")
    //                                 ||servertableName.equalsIgnoreCase("DeliveryInfo")
    //                                 ||servertableName.equalsIgnoreCase("ShipmentDetails")
    //                                 ||servertableName.equalsIgnoreCase("AccountShipToDetail"))
    //                              contentvalues.put("isdelete", 0);   
    // This changes are for Oasis Project. # End

    if (OMSConstants.tableKeyMap.size() > 0 && OMSConstants.tableKeyMap.containsKey(servertableName)) {
        String serverPrimaryKeyVal = contentvalues.get(OMSConstants.tableKeyMap.get(servertableName))
        Log.d(TAG, "serverPrimaryKey:" + servertableName + "." + OMSConstants.tableKeyMap.get(servertableName)
                + "[" + serverPrimaryKeyVal + "]");
        if (serverPrimaryKeyVal != null) {
            contentvalues.put(OMSDatabaseConstants.UNIQUE_ROW_ID, serverPrimaryKeyVal);
    //Log.d(TAG, "contentvalues:"+contentvalues);
    int insertedRowId = configDBParserHelper.insertOrUpdateTransDB(servertableName, contentvalues);
    Log.d(TAG, "Inserted into " + servertableName + " insert value : " + insertedRowId);


From source file:org.opendatakit.services.forms.provider.FormsProvider.java

public synchronized int update(@NonNull Uri uri, ContentValues values, String where, String[] whereArgs) {

    List<String> segments = uri.getPathSegments();

    PatchedFilter pf = extractUriFeatures(uri, segments, where, whereArgs);
    WebLoggerIf logger = WebLogger.getLogger(pf.appName);

    /*/*ww  w.ja v  a2  s.c  o  m*/
     * First, find out what records match this query. Replicate the 
     * ContentValues if there are multiple tableIds/formIds involved
     * and the contentValues do not have formId and tableId specified.
     * Otherwise, it is an error to specify the tableId or formId in
     * the ContentValues and have those not match the where results.
    String contentTableId = (values != null && values.containsKey(FormsColumns.TABLE_ID))
            ? values.getAsString(FormsColumns.TABLE_ID)
            : null;
    String contentFormId = (values != null && values.containsKey(FormsColumns.FORM_ID))
            ? values.getAsString(FormsColumns.FORM_ID)
            : null;

    HashMap<FormSpec, HashMap<String, Object>> matchedValues = new HashMap<FormSpec, HashMap<String, Object>>();

    DbHandle dbHandleName = OdkConnectionFactorySingleton.getOdkConnectionFactoryInterface()
    OdkConnectionInterface db = null;
    try {
        // +1 referenceCount if db is returned (non-null)
        db = OdkConnectionFactorySingleton.getOdkConnectionFactoryInterface().getConnection(pf.appName,
        Cursor c = null;
        try {
            c = db.query(DatabaseConstants.FORMS_TABLE_NAME, null, pf.whereId, pf.whereIdArgs, null, null, null,

            if (c == null) {
                throw new SQLException(
                        "FAILED Update of " + uri + " -- query for existing row did not return a cursor");
            if (c.moveToFirst()) {
                int idxId = c.getColumnIndex(FormsColumns._ID);
                int idxTableId = c.getColumnIndex(FormsColumns.TABLE_ID);
                int idxFormId = c.getColumnIndex(FormsColumns.FORM_ID);

                Integer idValue = null;
                String tableIdValue = null;
                String formIdValue = null;

                do {
                    idValue = CursorUtils.getIndexAsType(c, Integer.class, idxId);
                    tableIdValue = CursorUtils.getIndexAsString(c, idxTableId);
                    formIdValue = CursorUtils.getIndexAsString(c, idxFormId);

                    if (contentTableId != null && !contentTableId.equals(tableIdValue)) {
                        throw new SQLException("Modification of tableId for an existing form is prohibited");
                    if (contentFormId != null && !contentFormId.equals(formIdValue)) {
                        throw new SQLException("Modification of formId for an existing form is prohibited");

                    HashMap<String, Object> cv = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                    if (values != null) {
                        for (String key : values.keySet()) {
                            cv.put(key, values.get(key));
                    cv.put(FormsColumns.TABLE_ID, tableIdValue);
                    cv.put(FormsColumns.FORM_ID, formIdValue);
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < c.getColumnCount(); ++idx) {
                        String colName = c.getColumnName(idx);
                        if (colName.equals(FormsColumns._ID)) {
                            // don't insert the PK

                        if (c.isNull(idx)) {
                            cv.put(colName, null);
                        } else {
                            // everything else, we control...
                            Class<?> dataType = CursorUtils.getIndexDataType(c, idx);
                            if (dataType == String.class) {
                                cv.put(colName, CursorUtils.getIndexAsString(c, idx));
                            } else if (dataType == Long.class) {
                                cv.put(colName, CursorUtils.getIndexAsType(c, Long.class, idx));
                            } else if (dataType == Double.class) {
                                cv.put(colName, CursorUtils.getIndexAsType(c, Double.class, idx));

                    FormSpec formSpec = patchUpValues(pf.appName, cv);
                    formSpec._id = idValue.toString();
                    formSpec.success = false;
                    matchedValues.put(formSpec, cv);

                } while (c.moveToNext());
            } else {
                // no match on where clause...
                return 0;
        } finally {
            if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) {

        // go through the entries and update the database with these patched-up values...

        for (Entry<FormSpec, HashMap<String, Object>> e : matchedValues.entrySet()) {
            FormSpec fs = e.getKey();
            HashMap<String, Object> cv = e.getValue();

            if (db.update(DatabaseConstants.FORMS_TABLE_NAME, cv, FormsColumns._ID + "=?",
                    new String[] { fs._id }) > 0) {
                fs.success = true;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.w(t, "FAILED Update of " + uri + " -- query for existing row failed: " + e.toString());

        if (e instanceof SQLException) {
            throw (SQLException) e;
        } else {
            throw new SQLException(
                    "FAILED Update of " + uri + " -- query for existing row failed: " + e.toString());
    } finally {
        if (db != null) {
            try {
                if (db.inTransaction()) {
            } finally {
                try {
                } finally {
                    // this closes the connection
                            .removeConnection(pf.appName, dbHandleName);

    int failureCount = 0;
    for (FormSpec fs : matchedValues.keySet()) {
        if (fs.success) {
            Uri formUri = Uri
                                    Uri.parse("content://" + getFormsAuthority()), pf.appName), fs.tableId),
            getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(formUri, null);
            Uri idUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(
                    Uri.withAppendedPath(Uri.parse("content://" + getFormsAuthority()), pf.appName), fs._id);
            getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(idUri, null);
        } else {
    getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null);

    int count = matchedValues.size();
    if (failureCount != 0) {
        throw new SQLiteException(
                "Unable to update all forms (" + (count - failureCount) + " of " + count + " updated)");
    return count;

From source file:org.restcomm.app.qoslib.Services.LibPhoneStateListener.java

public void processNewMMCSignal(SignalEx signal) {
    ContentValues values = null;
    // if in a service outage, store a null signal
    // (I've seen cases where phone was out of service yet it was still returning a signal level)
    try {//from   w w  w  . j  a  v  a2 s .c o m
        if (mPhoneState.getLastServiceState() == ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE)
            signal = null;

        // avoid storing repeating identical signals
        if (mPhoneState.lastKnownMMCSignal != null && mPhoneState.lastKnownMMCSignal.getSignalStrength() != null
                && signal != null && signal.getSignalStrength() != null)
            if (mPhoneState.lastKnownMMCSignal.getSignalStrength().toString().equals(
                    signal.getSignalStrength().toString()) && tmlastSig + 3000 > System.currentTimeMillis())
        tmlastSig = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Integer dbmValue = 0;
        boolean isLTE = false;
        if (signal == null)
            dbmValue = -256;
        else if (signal.getSignalStrength() == null)
            dbmValue = 0;

        //store the last known signal
        if (signal != null && signal.getSignalStrength() != null) {
            prevMMCSignal = mPhoneState.lastKnownMMCSignal; // used for looking at signal just before a call ended
            mPhoneState.lastKnownMMCSignal = signal;
        } else if (signal == null)
            mPhoneState.lastKnownMMCSignal = null;

        //push the new signal level into the sqlite database
        long stagedEventId = owner.getEventManager().getStagedEventId();
        int serviceState = mPhoneState.getLastServiceState();
        int wifiSignal = -1;
        WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) owner.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
        WifiInfo wifiinfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo();
        if (wifiinfo != null && wifiinfo.getBSSID() != null)
            wifiSignal = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getRssi();

        //if (signal != null) //  disabled because we do want the no-signal to be written to the signals table
            values = ContentValuesGenerator.generateFromSignal(signal, telephonyManager.getPhoneType(),
                    telephonyManager.getNetworkType(), serviceState, telephonyManager.getDataState(),
                    stagedEventId, wifiSignal, mPhoneState.mServicemode);
            Integer valSignal = (Integer) values.get("signal");
            if (mPhoneState.getNetworkType() == PhoneState.NETWORK_NEWTYPE_LTE) // && phoneStateListener.previousNetworkState == TelephonyManager.DATA_CONNECTED)
                valSignal = (Integer) values.get("lteRsrp");
            if (valSignal != null && dbmValue != null && valSignal > -130 && valSignal < -30) //  && (dbmValue <= -120 || dbmValue >= -1))
                dbmValue = valSignal;
            if ((dbmValue > -120 || mPhoneState.getNetworkType() == PhoneState.NETWORK_NEWTYPE_LTE)
                    && dbmValue < -40)
                this.validSignal = true;
            if (this.validSignal) // make sure phone has at least one valid signal before recording
                owner.getDBProvider(owner).insert(TablesEnum.SIGNAL_STRENGTHS.getContentUri(), values);

        //update the signal strength percentometer, chart, and look for low/high signal event
        if (dbmValue != null) {
            if (dbmValue < -120) // might be -256 if no service, but want to display as -120 on livestatus chart
                dbmValue = -120;

            owner.getIntentDispatcher().updateSignalStrength(dbmValue, mPhoneState.getNetworkType(),
                    owner.bWifiConnected, wifiSignal);

            // Store signal in a sharedPreference for tools such as Indoor/Transit sample mapper, which dont have reference to service
            if (isLTE == true) // improve the value of the signal for LTE, so that Indoor samples don't look redder in LTE
                        .putInt(PreferenceKeys.Miscellaneous.SIGNAL_STRENGTH, (dbmValue + 15)).commit();
                        .putInt(PreferenceKeys.Miscellaneous.SIGNAL_STRENGTH, dbmValue).commit();

    } catch (Exception e) {
        LoggerUtil.logToFile(LoggerUtil.Level.ERROR, TAG, "processNewMMCSignal", "exception", e);
        LoggerUtil.logToFile(LoggerUtil.Level.ERROR, TAG, "processNewMMCSignal", "values: " + values);
    } catch (Error err) {
        LoggerUtil.logToFile(LoggerUtil.Level.ERROR, TAG, "processNewMMCSignal", "error" + err.getMessage());

From source file:com.zns.comicdroid.activity.Edit.java

private void UpdateComics() {
    final ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    final DateFormat dateFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat(this);
    String title = mEtTitle.getText().toString().trim();
    if (title.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("the ")) {
        title = title.substring(4) + ", The";
    }/*from ww  w .ja v  a2s . c om*/

    if (mComics != null && mComics.size() > 1) {
        if (!isEmpty(mEtTitle))
            values.put("Title", title);
        if (!isEmpty(mEtSubtitle))
            values.put("SubTitle", mEtSubtitle.getText().toString());
        if (!isEmpty(mEtAuthor))
            values.put("Author", mEtAuthor.getText().toString());
        if (!isEmpty(mEtIllustrator))
            values.put("Illustrator", mEtIllustrator.getText().toString());
        if (!isEmpty(mEtPublisher))
            values.put("Publisher", mEtPublisher.getText().toString());
        if (mSpGroup.getSelectedItemPosition() > 0) {
            Group g = (Group) mSpGroup.getSelectedItem();
            values.put("GroupId", g.getId());
    } else {
        values.put("Title", title);
        values.put("SubTitle", mEtSubtitle.getText().toString());
        values.put("Author", mEtAuthor.getText().toString());
        values.put("Illustrator", mEtIllustrator.getText().toString());
        values.put("Publisher", mEtPublisher.getText().toString());
        values.put("Issues", mEtIssues.getText().toString());
        if (!isEmpty(mEtIssue)) {
            if (isValidInt(mEtIssue.getText().toString())) {
                values.put("Issue", Integer.parseInt(mEtIssue.getText().toString()));
            } else {
                Toast.makeText(this, R.string.edit_issueerror, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        } else {
        if (!isEmpty(mEtPageCount)) {
            if (isValidInt(mEtPageCount.getText().toString())) {
                values.put("PageCount", Integer.parseInt(mEtPageCount.getText().toString()));
            } else {
                Toast.makeText(this, R.string.edit_pagecounterror, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        } else {
        try {
            if (!isEmpty(mEtPublished)) {

                        getDBHelper().GetDateStamp(mEtPublished.getText().toString(), dateFormat));
            } else {
            if (!isEmpty(mEtAdded)) {
                values.put("AddedDate", getDBHelper().GetDateStamp(mEtAdded.getText().toString(), dateFormat));
            } else {
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            Toast.makeText(this, getString(R.string.edit_dateerror) + " " + dateFormat.format(new Date()),
        if (mNewImage != null) {
            values.put("ImageUrl", "");
            values.put("Image", new File(mNewImage).getName());
        if (mSpGroup.getSelectedItemPosition() > 0) {
            Group g = (Group) mSpGroup.getSelectedItem();
            values.put("GroupId", g.getId());
        } else {

    if (mComics != null) {
        StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder("_id IN (");
        String[] ids = new String[mComics.size()];
        int i = 0;
        for (Comic c : mComics) {
            ids[i] = Integer.toString(c.getId());
        sbWhere.setLength(sbWhere.length() - 1);

        getDBHelper().update("tblBooks", values, sbWhere.toString(), ids);
    } else {
        if (!values.containsKey("AddedDate") || values.get("AddedDate") == null) {
            values.put("AddedDate", (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L));
        long id = getDBHelper().insert("tblBooks", values);
        Comic comic = getDBHelper().getComic((int) id);
        if (comic != null) {
            mComics = new ArrayList<Comic>();

    BackupManager m = new BackupManager(this);


    Toast.makeText(this, getResources().getString(R.string.edit_done), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

From source file:org.opendatakit.services.database.utlities.ODKDatabaseImplUtils.java

 * Insert a row into a local only table// ww  w .  ja v a 2  s . c om
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
 * @param rowValues
 * @throws ActionNotAuthorizedException
public void insertLocalOnlyRow(OdkConnectionInterface db, String tableId, ContentValues rowValues)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {

    if (rowValues == null || rowValues.size() <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(t + ": No values to add into table " + tableId);

    HashMap<String, Object> cvDataTableVal = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    for (String key : rowValues.keySet()) {
        cvDataTableVal.put(key, rowValues.get(key));

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        db.insertOrThrow(tableId, null, cvDataTableVal);

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:org.opendatakit.services.database.utlities.ODKDatabaseImplUtils.java

 * Update a row in a local only table//from  w ww  . j av  a2s  . c o m
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
 * @param rowValues
 * @param whereClause
 * @param bindArgs
 * @throws ActionNotAuthorizedException
public void updateLocalOnlyRow(OdkConnectionInterface db, String tableId, ContentValues rowValues,
        String whereClause, Object[] bindArgs) throws IllegalArgumentException {

    if (rowValues == null || rowValues.size() <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(t + ": No values to add into table " + tableId);

    HashMap<String, Object> cvDataTableVal = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    for (String key : rowValues.keySet()) {
        cvDataTableVal.put(key, rowValues.get(key));

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        db.update(tableId, cvDataTableVal, whereClause, bindArgs);

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:org.opendatakit.services.database.utlities.ODKDatabaseImplUtils.java

 * Insert the given rowId with the values in the cvValues. If certain metadata
 * values are not specified in the cvValues, then suitable default values may
 * be supplied for them.//from  w  w w.j  a  va2  s .c  om
 * <p/>
 * If a row with this rowId and certain matching metadata fields is present,
 * then an exception is thrown.
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
 * @param orderedColumns
 * @param cvValues
 * @param rowId
 * @param activeUser
 * @param rolesList
 * @param locale
public void insertRowWithId(OdkConnectionInterface db, String tableId, OrderedColumns orderedColumns,
        ContentValues cvValues, String rowId, String activeUser, String rolesList, String locale)
        throws ActionNotAuthorizedException {

    if (cvValues == null || cvValues.size() <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(t + ": No values to add into table " + tableId);

    HashMap<String, Object> cvDataTableVal = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    cvDataTableVal.put(DataTableColumns.ID, rowId);
    for (String key : cvValues.keySet()) {
        cvDataTableVal.put(key, cvValues.get(key));

    upsertDataIntoExistingTable(db, tableId, orderedColumns, cvDataTableVal, false, false, activeUser,
            rolesList, locale, false);

From source file:org.opendatakit.services.database.utilities.ODKDatabaseImplUtils.java

 * Insert a row into a local only table/*from www. j a v a 2s . c om*/
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
 * @param rowValues
 * @throws ActionNotAuthorizedException
public void insertLocalOnlyRow(OdkConnectionInterface db, String tableId, ContentValues rowValues)
        throws IllegalArgumentException {

    if (rowValues == null || rowValues.size() <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(t + ": No values to add into table " + tableId);

    HashMap<String, Object> cvDataTableVal = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    for (String key : rowValues.keySet()) {
        cvDataTableVal.put(key, rowValues.get(key));

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        if (!tableId.startsWith("L_")) {
            tableId = "L_" + tableId;

        db.insertOrThrow(tableId, null, cvDataTableVal);

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

From source file:org.opendatakit.services.database.utilities.ODKDatabaseImplUtils.java

 * Update a row in a local only table/*from  ww  w  . j a  v  a2 s  .c  o m*/
 * @param db
 * @param tableId
 * @param rowValues
 * @param whereClause
 * @param bindArgs
 * @throws ActionNotAuthorizedException
public void updateLocalOnlyRow(OdkConnectionInterface db, String tableId, ContentValues rowValues,
        String whereClause, Object[] bindArgs) throws IllegalArgumentException {

    if (rowValues == null || rowValues.size() <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(t + ": No values to add into table " + tableId);

    HashMap<String, Object> cvDataTableVal = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    for (String key : rowValues.keySet()) {
        cvDataTableVal.put(key, rowValues.get(key));

    boolean dbWithinTransaction = db.inTransaction();
    try {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {

        if (!tableId.startsWith("L_")) {
            tableId = "L_" + tableId;

        db.update(tableId, cvDataTableVal, whereClause, bindArgs);

        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {
    } finally {
        if (!dbWithinTransaction) {