List of usage examples for android.content ContentResolver query
public final @Nullable Cursor query(@RequiresPermission.Read @NonNull Uri uri, @Nullable String[] projection, @Nullable String selection, @Nullable String[] selectionArgs, @Nullable String sortOrder)
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private List<Todo> getTodosWithSelection(ContentResolver contentResolver, String selection) { Cursor cursor = contentResolver.query(TodoContentProvider.CONTENT_URI, null, selection, null, null); List<Todo> list = new ArrayList<Todo>(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { int localId = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TodoContentProvider.COLUMN_ID)); int serverId = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TodoContentProvider.COLUMN_SERVER_ID)); String name = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TodoContentProvider.COLUMN_TITLE)); int status = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TodoContentProvider.COLUMN_STATUS_FLAG)); Todo currentTodo = new Todo(); if (status == StatusFlag.ADD) { currentTodo.setId((long) localId); } else {/* w ww . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ currentTodo.setId((long) serverId); } currentTodo.setTitle(name); currentTodo.setStatus(status); list.add(currentTodo); } cursor.close(); return list; }
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protected Cursor openCursorForURL(Uri nativeUri) { ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); try {/*w w w.ja v a2 s . com*/ return contentResolver.query(nativeUri, null, null, null, null); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return null; } }
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public Todo isTodoInDb(ContentResolver contentResolver, Long serverId) { Todo todo = null;//from ww w . j a v a 2s. c o m Cursor cursor = contentResolver.query(TodoContentProvider.CONTENT_URI, null, TodoContentProvider.COLUMN_SERVER_ID + "=" + serverId, null, null); if (cursor.moveToNext()) { String name = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TodoContentProvider.COLUMN_TITLE)); int status = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(TodoContentProvider.COLUMN_STATUS_FLAG)); todo = new Todo(); todo.setId(serverId); todo.setTitle(name); todo.setStatus(status); } cursor.close(); return todo; }
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public HttpCache onForceLoad(ContentObserver observer) { HttpCache tag = new HttpCache(); tag.local = mBuilder.localUri();/* ww w . j a v a2 s. c om*/ Uri authority = HttpCacheConfiguration.configure(mContext).authority; ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); tag.cursor = cr.query(authority, PROJECTION, "local = ?", new String[] { tag.local }, null); if (tag.cursor == null) { // cursor only null if provider is not set throw new IllegalStateException("is tag provider set properly?"); } tag.cursor.getCount(); tag.cursor.registerContentObserver(observer); tag.cursor.setNotificationUri(mContext.getContentResolver(), authority.buildUpon().appendEncodedPath(tag.local).build()); if (tag.cursor.moveToFirst()) { // cache stored in database tag.loaded = true; tag.remote = tag.cursor.getString(0); tag.content = tag.cursor.getString(1); tag.expiry = tag.cursor.getLong(2); tag.error = tag.cursor.getInt(3); byte[] trace = tag.cursor.getBlob(4); if (trace != null) { tag.trace = SerializationUtils.deserialize(trace); } tag.status = tag.cursor.getInt(5); } return tag; }
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public String getContactDisplayNameByNumber(String number) { Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(ContactsContract.PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI, Uri.encode(number)); String name = "?"; ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver(); Cursor contactLookup = contentResolver.query(uri, new String[] { BaseColumns._ID, ContactsContract.PhoneLookup.DISPLAY_NAME }, null, null, null); try {/* w ww.j ava2 s .com*/ if (contactLookup != null && contactLookup.getCount() > 0) { contactLookup.moveToNext(); name = contactLookup.getString(contactLookup.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Data.DISPLAY_NAME)); //String contactId = contactLookup.getString(contactLookup.getColumnIndex(BaseColumns._ID)); hashMap.put(name, number); } } finally { if (contactLookup != null) { contactLookup.close(); } } return name; }
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private void getDataFromDB() { mMovieArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); ContentResolver resolver = getActivity().getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor = resolver.query(MovieContract.MovieEntry.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do {//from w ww .j a v a2s. c o m String title = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(MovieContract.MovieEntry.TITLE)); String movie_id = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(MovieContract.MovieEntry.MOVIE_ID)); String poster = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(MovieContract.MovieEntry.POSTER)); String backdrop = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(MovieContract.MovieEntry.BACKDROP)); String overview = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(MovieContract.MovieEntry.OVERVIEW)); String vote_average = cursor .getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(MovieContract.MovieEntry.VOTE_AVERAGE)); String release_date = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(MovieContract.MovieEntry.DATE)); Movie movie = new Movie(title, release_date, poster, vote_average, overview, backdrop, movie_id); mMovieArrayList.add(movie); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } } if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); }
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private static Media getLastVideoThumbnail(ContentResolver resolver) { Media internalMedia = null;/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s . co m*/ Media externalMedia = null; String name = getName(); try { Uri baseUri = Video.Media.INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; Uri query = baseUri.buildUpon().appendQueryParameter("limit", "1").build(); String[] projection = new String[] { VideoColumns._ID, VideoColumns.DATA, VideoColumns.DATE_TAKEN }; String selection = VideoColumns.DATA + " like '%" + name + "%' AND " + VideoColumns.MIME_TYPE + "='video/mp4'"; String order = VideoColumns.DATE_TAKEN + " DESC," + VideoColumns._ID + " DESC"; Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = resolver.query(query, projection, selection, null, order); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { final long id = cursor.getLong(0); internalMedia = new Media(id, 0, cursor.getLong(2), ContentUris.withAppendedId(baseUri, id)); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { } try { Uri baseUri = Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI; Uri query = baseUri.buildUpon().appendQueryParameter("limit", "1").build(); String[] projection = new String[] { VideoColumns._ID, VideoColumns.DATA, VideoColumns.DATE_TAKEN }; String selection = VideoColumns.DATA + " like '%" + name + "%' AND " + VideoColumns.MIME_TYPE + "='video/mp4'"; String order = VideoColumns.DATE_TAKEN + " DESC," + VideoColumns._ID + " DESC"; Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = resolver.query(query, projection, selection, null, order); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { final long id = cursor.getLong(0); externalMedia = new Media(id, 0, cursor.getLong(2), ContentUris.withAppendedId(baseUri, id)); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } } catch (Exception e) { } if (internalMedia == null) { return externalMedia; } else if (externalMedia == null) { return internalMedia; } else { return internalMedia.dateTaken > externalMedia.dateTaken ? internalMedia : externalMedia; } }
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public void seedProfilesIfNeed() { ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); Cursor cursor = contentResolver.query(JasperMobileDbProvider.SERVER_PROFILES_CONTENT_URI, new String[] { ServerProfilesTable._ID }, null, null, null); if (cursor != null) { try {/*from w ww. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ if (cursor.getCount() == 0) { ServerProfiles testProfile = new ServerProfiles(); testProfile.setAlias(DEFAULT_ALIAS); testProfile.setServerUrl(DEFAULT_SERVER_URL); testProfile.setOrganization(DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION); testProfile.setUsername(DEFAULT_USERNAME); testProfile.setPassword(DEFAULT_PASS); contentResolver.insert(JasperMobileDbProvider.SERVER_PROFILES_CONTENT_URI, testProfile.getContentValues()); populateTestInstances(contentResolver); } } finally { cursor.close(); } } }
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private void scheduleAllStarredBlocks() { final ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver(); final Cursor c = cr.query( ScheduleContract.Sessions.CONTENT_STARRED_URI, new String[] { "distinct " + ScheduleContract.Sessions.BLOCK_START, ScheduleContract.Sessions.BLOCK_END }, null, null, null);//from w w w . j av a2 s.c o m if (c == null) { return; } while (c.moveToNext()) { final long sessionStart = c.getLong(0); final long sessionEnd = c.getLong(1); scheduleAlarm(sessionStart, sessionEnd, UNDEFINED_ALARM_OFFSET); } }
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/** * Retrieve the encryption information for this uri. * * @param mUri either an instance URI (if previously saved) or a form URI * @param instanceMetadata/*from w ww.ja v a 2 s . com*/ * @return */ public static EncryptedFormInformation getEncryptedFormInformation(Uri mUri, InstanceMetadata instanceMetadata) { ContentResolver cr = Collect.getInstance().getContentResolver(); // fetch the form information String formId; String formVersion; PublicKey pk; Base64Wrapper wrapper; Cursor formCursor = null; try { if (cr.getType(mUri) == InstanceColumns.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE) { // chain back to the Form record... String[] selectionArgs = null; String selection = null; Cursor instanceCursor = null; try { instanceCursor = cr.query(mUri, null, null, null, null); if (instanceCursor.getCount() != 1) { Log.e(t, "Not exactly one record for this instance!"); return null; // save unencrypted. } instanceCursor.moveToFirst(); String jrFormId = instanceCursor .getString(instanceCursor.getColumnIndex(InstanceColumns.JR_FORM_ID)); int idxJrVersion = instanceCursor.getColumnIndex(InstanceColumns.JR_VERSION); if (!instanceCursor.isNull(idxJrVersion)) { selectionArgs = new String[] { jrFormId, instanceCursor.getString(idxJrVersion) }; selection = FormsColumns.JR_FORM_ID + " =? AND " + FormsColumns.JR_VERSION + "=?"; } else { selectionArgs = new String[] { jrFormId }; selection = FormsColumns.JR_FORM_ID + " =? AND " + FormsColumns.JR_VERSION + " IS NULL"; } } finally { if (instanceCursor != null) { instanceCursor.close(); } } formCursor = cr.query(FormsColumns.CONTENT_URI, null, selection, selectionArgs, null); if (formCursor.getCount() != 1) { Log.e(t, "Not exactly one blank form matches this jr_form_id"); return null; // save unencrypted } formCursor.moveToFirst(); } else if (cr.getType(mUri) == FormsColumns.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE) { formCursor = cr.query(mUri, null, null, null, null); if (formCursor.getCount() != 1) { Log.e(t, "Not exactly one blank form!"); return null; // save unencrypted. } formCursor.moveToFirst(); } formId = formCursor.getString(formCursor.getColumnIndex(FormsColumns.JR_FORM_ID)); if (formId == null || formId.length() == 0) { Log.e(t, "No FormId specified???"); return null; } int idxVersion = formCursor.getColumnIndex(FormsColumns.JR_VERSION); int idxBase64RsaPublicKey = formCursor.getColumnIndex(FormsColumns.BASE64_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY); formVersion = formCursor.isNull(idxVersion) ? null : formCursor.getString(idxVersion); String base64RsaPublicKey = formCursor.isNull(idxBase64RsaPublicKey) ? null : formCursor.getString(idxBase64RsaPublicKey); if (base64RsaPublicKey == null || base64RsaPublicKey.length() == 0) { return null; // this is legitimately not an encrypted form } int version = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (version < 8) { Log.e(t, "Phone does not support encryption."); return null; // save unencrypted } // this constructor will throw an exception if we are not // running on version 8 or above (if Base64 is not found). try { wrapper = new Base64Wrapper(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { Log.e(t, "Phone does not have Base64 class but API level is " + version); e.printStackTrace(); return null; // save unencrypted } // OK -- Base64 decode (requires API Version 8 or higher) byte[] publicKey = wrapper.decode(base64RsaPublicKey); X509EncodedKeySpec publicKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(publicKey); KeyFactory kf; try { kf = KeyFactory.getInstance(RSA_ALGORITHM); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { Log.e(t, "Phone does not support RSA encryption."); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } try { pk = kf.generatePublic(publicKeySpec); } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e(t, "Invalid RSA public key."); return null; } } finally { if (formCursor != null) { formCursor.close(); } } // submission must have an OpenRosa metadata block with a non-null // instanceID value. if (instanceMetadata.instanceId == null) { Log.e(t, "No OpenRosa metadata block or no instanceId defined in that block"); return null; } // For now, prevent encryption if the BouncyCastle implementation is not present. // try { Cipher.getInstance(EncryptionUtils.SYMMETRIC_ALGORITHM, ENCRYPTION_PROVIDER); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e(t, "No BouncyCastle implementation of symmetric algorithm!"); return null; } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e(t, "No BouncyCastle provider for implementation of symmetric algorithm!"); return null; } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.e(t, "No BouncyCastle provider for padding implementation of symmetric algorithm!"); return null; } return new EncryptedFormInformation(formId, formVersion, instanceMetadata, pk, wrapper); }