Example usage for android.content ContentResolver insert

List of usage examples for android.content ContentResolver insert


In this page you can find the example usage for android.content ContentResolver insert.


public final @Nullable Uri insert(@RequiresPermission.Write @NonNull Uri url, @Nullable ContentValues values) 

Source Link


Inserts a row into a table at the given URL.


From source file:org.awesomeapp.messenger.ui.legacy.DatabaseUtils.java

public static void insertAvatarBlob(ContentResolver resolver, Uri updateUri, long providerId, long accountId,
        byte[] data, String hash, String contact) {

    ContentValues values = new ContentValues(5);
    values.put(Imps.Avatars.CONTACT, contact);
    values.put(Imps.Avatars.DATA, data);
    values.put(Imps.Avatars.PROVIDER, providerId);
    values.put(Imps.Avatars.ACCOUNT, accountId);
    values.put(Imps.Avatars.HASH, hash);
    resolver.insert(updateUri, values);


From source file:Main.java

public static void IcsMakeNewCalendarEntry(String title, String description, String location, long startTime,
        long endTime, int allDay, int hasAlarm, int calendarId, int selectedReminderValue) {

    ContentResolver cr = activityObj.getContentResolver();
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put(Events.DTSTART, startTime);
    values.put(Events.DTEND, endTime);/*from w w  w.  j a  va 2 s. co  m*/
    values.put(Events.TITLE, title);
    values.put(Events.DESCRIPTION, description);
    values.put(Events.CALENDAR_ID, calendarId);

    if (allDay == 1) {
        values.put(Events.ALL_DAY, true);

    if (hasAlarm == 1) {
        values.put(Events.HAS_ALARM, true);

    //Get current timezone
    values.put(Events.EVENT_TIMEZONE, TimeZone.getDefault().getID());
    Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Timezone retrieved=>" + TimeZone.getDefault().getID());
    Uri uri = cr.insert(Events.CONTENT_URI, values);
    Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Uri returned=>" + uri.toString());
    // get the event ID that is the last element in the Uri
    long eventID = Long.parseLong(uri.getLastPathSegment());

    if (hasAlarm == 1) {
        ContentValues reminders = new ContentValues();
        reminders.put(Reminders.EVENT_ID, eventID);
        reminders.put(Reminders.METHOD, Reminders.METHOD_ALERT);
        reminders.put(Reminders.MINUTES, selectedReminderValue);

        Uri uri2 = cr.insert(Reminders.CONTENT_URI, reminders);


From source file:Main.java

 * A copy of the Android internals StoreThumbnail method, it used with the insertImage to
 * populate the android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media#insertImage with all the correct
 * meta data. The StoreThumbnail method is private so it must be duplicated here.
 * @see android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media (StoreThumbnail private method)
 *//* www.ja v a 2 s .  c o m*/
private static final Bitmap storeThumbnail(ContentResolver cr, Bitmap source, long id, float width,
        float height, int kind) {

    // create the matrix to scale it
    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();

    float scaleX = width / source.getWidth();
    float scaleY = height / source.getHeight();

    matrix.setScale(scaleX, scaleY);

    Bitmap thumb = Bitmap.createBitmap(source, 0, 0, source.getWidth(), source.getHeight(), matrix, true);

    ContentValues values = new ContentValues(4);
    values.put(MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.KIND, kind);
    values.put(MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.IMAGE_ID, (int) id);
    values.put(MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.HEIGHT, thumb.getHeight());
    values.put(MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.WIDTH, thumb.getWidth());

    Uri url = cr.insert(MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values);

    try {
        OutputStream thumbOut = cr.openOutputStream(url);
        thumb.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, thumbOut);
        return thumb;
    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
        return null;
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        return null;

From source file:Main.java

 * Store a picture that has just been saved to disk in the MediaStore.
 * // w  w  w  . j  a v  a  2s.  com
 * @param imageFile
 *            The File of the picture
 * @return The Uri provided by the MediaStore.
public static Uri storePicture(Context ctx, File imageFile, String imageName) {
    ContentResolver cr = ctx.getContentResolver();
    imageName = imageName.substring(imageName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues(7);
    values.put(Images.Media.TITLE, imageName);
    values.put(Images.Media.DISPLAY_NAME, imageName);
    values.put(Images.Media.DESCRIPTION, "");
    values.put(Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN, System.currentTimeMillis());
    values.put(Images.Media.MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg");
    values.put(Images.Media.ORIENTATION, 0);
    File parentFile = imageFile.getParentFile();
    String path = parentFile.toString().toLowerCase();
    String name = parentFile.getName().toLowerCase();
    values.put(Images.ImageColumns.BUCKET_ID, path.hashCode());
    values.put(Images.ImageColumns.BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME, name);
    values.put("_data", imageFile.toString());

    Uri uri = cr.insert(sStorageURI, values);

    return uri;

From source file:com.marvin.rocklock.PlaylistUtils.java

 * Adds a given song to an existing playlist
 * @param context the managing activity/*from w w  w.ja  v  a2  s . c om*/
 * @param playlistId the playlist id to append
 * @param id the song id to add
private static void addToPlaylist(RockLockActivity context, int playlistId, String id) {
    ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();
    Uri uri = MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.getContentUri("external", playlistId);
    // Get most recent play order ID from playlist, so we can append
    Cursor orderCursor = resolver.query(uri, new String[] { MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.PLAY_ORDER },
            null, null, MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.PLAY_ORDER + " DESC ");

    int playOrder = 0;
    if (orderCursor != null) {
        if (orderCursor.moveToFirst()) {
            playOrder = orderCursor.getInt(0) + 1;

    ContentValues value = new ContentValues();
    value.put(MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.AUDIO_ID, id);
    value.put(MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.PLAY_ORDER, playOrder++);
    resolver.insert(uri, value);

From source file:android.provider.Checkin.java

 * Helper function to report a crash./*from  w ww.  j av a 2s  . c  o m*/
 * @param resolver from {@link android.content.Context#getContentResolver}
 * @param crash data from {@link android.server.data.CrashData}
 * @return URI of the crash report that was added
static public Uri reportCrash(ContentResolver resolver, byte[] crash) {
    try {
        // If we are in a situation where crash reports fail (such as a full disk),
        // it's important that we don't get into a loop trying to report failures.
        // So discard all crash reports for a few seconds after reporting fails.
        long realtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        if (realtime - sLastCrashFailureRealtime < MIN_CRASH_FAILURE_RETRY) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Crash logging skipped, too soon after logging failure");
            return null;

        // HACK: we don't support BLOB values, so base64 encode it.
        byte[] encoded = Base64.encodeBase64(crash);
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        values.put(Crashes.DATA, new String(encoded));
        Uri uri = resolver.insert(Crashes.CONTENT_URI, values);
        if (uri == null) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Error reporting crash");
            sLastCrashFailureRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        return uri;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        // To avoid an infinite crash-reporting loop, swallow all errors and exceptions.
        Log.e(TAG, "Error reporting crash: " + t);
        sLastCrashFailureRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        return null;

From source file:com.filemanager.free.filesystem.FileUtil.java

public static boolean rmdir(final File file, Context context) {
    if (file == null)
        return false;
    if (!file.exists()) {
        return true;
    }// w  w  w  . j a va2  s . c o m
    if (!file.isDirectory()) {
        return false;
    String[] fileList = file.list();
    if (fileList != null && fileList.length > 0) {
        //  empty the folder.
        rmdir1(file, context);
    String[] fileList1 = file.list();
    if (fileList1 != null && fileList1.length > 0) {
        // Delete only empty folder.
        return false;
    // Try the normal way
    if (file.delete()) {
        return true;

    // Try with Storage Access Framework.
        DocumentFile document = getDocumentFile(file, true, context);
        return document.delete();

    // Try the Kitkat workaround.
        ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        values.put(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA, file.getAbsolutePath());
        resolver.insert(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values);

        // Delete the created entry, such that content provider will delete the file.
        resolver.delete(MediaStore.Files.getContentUri("external"), MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATA + "=?",
                new String[] { file.getAbsolutePath() });

    return !file.exists();

From source file:net.niyonkuru.koodroid.appwidget.WidgetConfigureActivity.java

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    mAppWidgetId = getIntent().getIntExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID,

    final Intent resultValue = new Intent();
    resultValue.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, mAppWidgetId);

    if (mAppWidgetId == AppWidgetManager.INVALID_APPWIDGET_ID) {
        setResult(RESULT_CANCELED, resultValue);
        finish();/* w  w w .j  a v a  2s  . c o  m*/

    // Create an empty adapter we will use to display the loaded data.
    mAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, android.R.layout.select_dialog_singlechoice, null,
            new String[] { Subscribers.SUBSCRIBER_ID }, new int[] { android.R.id.text1 }, 0);

    AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);

    builder.setSingleChoiceItems(mAdapter, 0, new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int position) {
            final Cursor cursor = mAdapter.getCursor();

            ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1);
            values.put(Settings.SUBSCRIBER, cursor.getString(SubscribersQuery.SUBSCRIBER_ID));

            ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
            cr.insert(Settings.buildAppWidgetUri(mAppWidgetId), values);

            mResultCode = RESULT_OK;
            setResult(mResultCode, resultValue);


    builder.setOnCancelListener(new OnCancelListener() {
        public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
            setResult(RESULT_CANCELED, resultValue);


    builder.setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

    mAlertDialog = builder.create();

    getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(0, null, this);

From source file:com.bchalk.GVCallback.callback.GVCommunicator.java

public static void insertPlaceholderCall(ContentResolver contentResolver, String number) {
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put(CallLog.Calls.NUMBER, number);
    values.put(CallLog.Calls.DATE, System.currentTimeMillis());
    values.put(CallLog.Calls.DURATION, 0);
    values.put(CallLog.Calls.TYPE, CallLog.Calls.OUTGOING_TYPE);
    values.put(CallLog.Calls.NEW, 1);/*from w  w  w  . ja  va2  s  .com*/
    values.put(CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NAME, "");
    values.put(CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE, 0);
    values.put(CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_LABEL, "");
    Log.d(TAG, "Inserting call log placeholder for " + number);
    contentResolver.insert(CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI, values);

From source file:ca.ualberta.cmput301w14t08.geochan.fragments.ExpandImageFragment.java

 * Initializes the UI of the fragment./*from  w ww  .j ava2  s .c o  m*/
public void onStart() {
    ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(getActivity());
    dialog.setMessage("Downloading Image");
    ImageView imageView = (ImageView) getView().findViewById(R.id.expanded_image);
    final Bitmap image = CacheManager.getInstance().deserializeImage(id);
    if (image == null) {
        // Start the image getter thread.
        ThreadManager.startGetImage(id, imageView, dialog);
    } else {
        ThreadManager.startGetImage(id, imageView, null);
    LinearLayout rlayout = (LinearLayout) getView().findViewById(R.id.expanded_image_relative);
    rlayout.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
    Button saveButton = (Button) getView().findViewById(R.id.save_image_button);
    saveButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
            values.put(Images.Media.TITLE, id);
            values.put(Images.Media.DESCRIPTION, id);
            values.put(Images.Media.MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg");
            values.put(Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN, System.currentTimeMillis());

            Uri uri = null;
            ContentResolver contentResolver = getActivity().getContentResolver();
            try {
                uri = contentResolver.insert(Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values);
                OutputStream imageOut = contentResolver.openOutputStream(uri);
                try {
                    image.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, imageOut);
                } finally {
                Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Saved to gallery.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Toaster.toastShort("Failed to save to gallery.");
                if (uri != null) {
                    contentResolver.delete(uri, null, null);
                    uri = null;