Example usage for android.content ComponentName getPackageName

List of usage examples for android.content ComponentName getPackageName


In this page you can find the example usage for android.content ComponentName getPackageName.


public @NonNull String getPackageName() 

Source Link


Return the package name of this component.


From source file:com.wbtech.common.CommonUtil.java

 * PackageName/*from   w  w  w . ja  v a2  s .  c  om*/
 * @param context
 * @return
public static String getPackageName(Context context) {
    ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);

    if (checkPermissions(context, "android.permission.GET_TASKS")) {
        ComponentName cn = am.getRunningTasks(1).get(0).topActivity;
        return cn.getPackageName();
    } else {
        if (UmsConstants.DebugMode) {
            Log.e("lost permission", "android.permission.GET_TASKS");

        return null;


From source file:com.nxp.ltsm.ltsmclient.tools.Utils.java

static String getForeGroundKK(Context context) {
    ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
    // get the info from the currently running task
    List<ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> taskInfo = am.getRunningTasks(1);

    Log.d("topActivity", "CURRENT Activity ::" + taskInfo.get(0).topActivity.getClassName());
    String s = taskInfo.get(0).topActivity.getClassName();

    ComponentName componentInfo = taskInfo.get(0).topActivity;
    return componentInfo.getPackageName();

From source file:androidx.media.SessionToken2.java

private static String getSessionIdFromService(PackageManager manager, String serviceInterface,
        ComponentName serviceComponent) {
    Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(serviceInterface);
    // Use queryIntentServices to find services with MediaLibraryService2.SERVICE_INTERFACE.
    // We cannot use resolveService with intent specified class name, because resolveService
    // ignores actions if Intent.setClassName() is specified.

    List<ResolveInfo> list = manager.queryIntentServices(serviceIntent, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
    if (list != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            ResolveInfo resolveInfo = list.get(i);
            if (resolveInfo == null || resolveInfo.serviceInfo == null) {
            }//  w ww  . j  av a 2 s.c  o m
            if (TextUtils.equals(resolveInfo.serviceInfo.name, serviceComponent.getClassName())) {
                return getSessionId(resolveInfo);
    return null;

From source file:com.radiusnetworks.scavengerhunt.ScavengerHuntApplication.java

public static boolean isApplicationSentToBackground(final Context context) {
    if (context != null) {
        ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
        List<ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> tasks = am.getRunningTasks(1);
        if (!tasks.isEmpty()) {
            ComponentName topActivity = tasks.get(0).topActivity;
            if (!topActivity.getPackageName().equals(context.getPackageName())) {
                return true;
            }/*from   w  w w  . j a  va 2 s.c om*/
    return false;

From source file:androidx.core.app.NotificationManagerCompat.java

 * Get the set of packages that have an enabled notification listener component within them.
 *///from  w  w  w . j ava2 s. co  m
public static Set<String> getEnabledListenerPackages(@NonNull Context context) {
    final String enabledNotificationListeners = Settings.Secure.getString(context.getContentResolver(),
    synchronized (sEnabledNotificationListenersLock) {
        // Parse the string again if it is different from the last time this method was called.
        if (enabledNotificationListeners != null
                && !enabledNotificationListeners.equals(sEnabledNotificationListeners)) {
            final String[] components = enabledNotificationListeners.split(":");
            Set<String> packageNames = new HashSet<String>(components.length);
            for (String component : components) {
                ComponentName componentName = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(component);
                if (componentName != null) {
            sEnabledNotificationListenerPackages = packageNames;
            sEnabledNotificationListeners = enabledNotificationListeners;
        return sEnabledNotificationListenerPackages;

From source file:net.lp.actionbarpoirot.helpers.DualNavUtils.java

 * Obtain an {@link Intent} that will launch an explicit target activity
 * specified by sourceActivityClass's {@link #PARENT_ACTIVITY}
 * &lt;meta-data&gt; element in the application's manifest.
 * /*w  w  w.j  a va  2  s .c o m*/
 * @param context
 *            Context for looking up the activity component for the source
 *            activity
 * @param componentName
 *            ComponentName for the source Activity
 * @return a new Intent targeting the defined parent activity of
 *         sourceActivity
 * @throws NameNotFoundException
 *             if the ComponentName for sourceActivityClass is invalid
public static Intent getParentActivityIntent(Context context, ComponentName componentName)
        throws NameNotFoundException {
    String parentActivity = getParentActivityName(context, componentName);
    if (parentActivity == null)
        return null;

    // If the parent itself has no parent, generate a main activity intent.
    ComponentName target = new ComponentName(componentName.getPackageName(), parentActivity);
    String grandparent = null;
    try {
        grandparent = getParentActivityName(context, target);
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
        // ***ActionBarPoirot
        // added*************************************************************************************************************************************
        if (PoirotWindow.DEBUG)
        // If this runs in an extension app, then the grandparent search is
        // going to throw an error. It can be equated with null, so the MAIN
        // intent is created below.
        final String mainPackageName = ((ActivityHelperUser) context).getHomePackageName();
        if (!mainPackageName.equalsIgnoreCase(componentName.getPackageName())
                && componentName.getPackageName().startsWith(mainPackageName)) {
            target = new ComponentName(mainPackageName, parentActivity);
        } else {
            throw e;
    final Intent parentIntent = grandparent == null ? IntentCompat.makeMainActivity(target)
            : new Intent().setComponent(target);
    return parentIntent;

From source file:ch.ethz.dcg.jukefox.commons.utils.AndroidUtils.java

public static String getVersionName() {
    try {/*from  w ww  .  j  a v  a2s.c o m*/
        Context context = JukefoxApplication.getAppContext();
        ComponentName comp = new ComponentName(context, JukefoxApplication.class);
        PackageInfo pinfo = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(comp.getPackageName(), 0);
        return pinfo.versionName;
    } catch (android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
        return "";

From source file:ch.ethz.dcg.jukefox.commons.utils.AndroidUtils.java

public static int getVersionCode() {
    try {//from w  w w . ja va  2 s.  co  m
        Context context = JukefoxApplication.getAppContext();
        ComponentName comp = new ComponentName(context, JukefoxApplication.class);
        PackageInfo pinfo = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(comp.getPackageName(), 0);
        return pinfo.versionCode;
    } catch (android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
        return -1;

From source file:com.google.android.apps.dashclock.ExtensionPackageChangeReceiver.java

public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
    ExtensionManager extensionManager = ExtensionManager.getInstance(context);
    if (extensionManager.cleanupExtensions()) {
        LOGD(TAG, "Extension cleanup performed and action taken.");

        Intent widgetUpdateIntent = new Intent(context, DashClockService.class);
        startWakefulService(context, widgetUpdateIntent);
    }/*from w  w  w  . j  a v  a 2 s . co m*/

    // If this is a replacement or change in the package, update all active extensions from
    // this package.
    String action = intent.getAction();
    if (Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_CHANGED.equals(action) || Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_REPLACED.equals(action)) {
        String packageName = intent.getData().getSchemeSpecificPart();
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(packageName)) {

        Set<ComponentName> activeExtensions = extensionManager.getActiveExtensionNames();
        for (ComponentName cn : activeExtensions) {
            if (packageName.equals(cn.getPackageName())) {
                LOGD(TAG, "Package for extension " + cn + " changed; asking it for an update.");
                Intent extensionUpdateIntent = new Intent(context, DashClockService.class);
                startWakefulService(context, extensionUpdateIntent);

From source file:com.neal.repairer.ease.receiver.CallReceiver.java

private boolean isRunningForeground(Context context) {
    ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
    ComponentName cn = am.getRunningTasks(1).get(0).topActivity;
    String currentPackageName = cn.getPackageName();
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(currentPackageName) && currentPackageName.equals(context.getPackageName())) {
        return true;
    }/*from www .j a v  a2s  . c  o  m*/

    return false;