Example usage for android.content AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter subclass-usage

List of usage examples for android.content AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.content AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter subclass-usage.


From source file com.odoo.core.service.OSyncAdapter.java

public class OSyncAdapter extends AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter {
    public static final String TAG = OSyncAdapter.class.getSimpleName();
    public static final Integer REQUEST_SIGN_IN_ERROR = 11244;
    public static final String KEY_AUTH_ERROR = "key_authentication_error";
    private Context mContext;
    private Class<? extends OModel> mModelClass;

From source file com.example.android.basicsyncadapter.SyncAdapter.java

 * Define a sync adapter for the app.
 * <p>This class is instantiated in {@link SyncService}, which also binds SyncAdapter to the system.
 * SyncAdapter should only be initialized in SyncService, never anywhere else.

From source file com.murrayc.galaxyzoo.app.syncadapter.SyncAdapter.java

 * Created by murrayc on 10/4/14.
public class SyncAdapter extends AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter {
    private static final String COUNT_AS_COUNT = "COUNT(*) AS count";
    private static final String PARAM_PART_CLASSIFICATION = "classification";

From source file de.azapps.mirakel.sync.taskwarrior.services.SyncAdapter.java

public class SyncAdapter extends AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter {
    private final static String TAG = "SyncAdapter";
    public static final String BUNDLE_SERVER_URL = "url";
    public static final String BUNDLE_ORG = "de.azapps.mirakel.org";
    public static final String BUNDLE_SERVER_TYPE = "type";
    public static final String TASKWARRIOR_KEY = "key";

From source file de.stkl.gbgvertretungsplan.sync.SyncAdapter.java

 * Created by Steffen Klee on 10.12.13.
public class SyncAdapter extends AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter {
    private final String LOG_TAG = "SyncAdapter";
    private final AccountManager mAccountManager;

From source file com.example.jumpnote.android.SyncAdapter.java

 * JumpNote SyncAdapter implementation. The sync adapter does the following:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Device registration/unregistration when auto-sync settings for the account
 *     (or global settings) have changed, via the <code>devices.register</code> (and similar)
 *     RPC method.</li>

From source file com.samsung.android.remindme.SyncAdapter.java

 * RemindMe SyncAdapter implementation. The sync adapter does the following:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Device registration/unregistration when auto-sync settings for the account
 *     (or global settings) have changed, via the <code>devices.register</code> (and similar)
 *     RPC method.</li>

From source file com.rowland.hashtrace.sync.TweetHashTracerSyncAdapter.java

 * @author Rowland
public class TweetHashTracerSyncAdapter extends AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter {

From source file com.katamaditya.apps.weather4u.weathersync.Weather4USyncAdapter.java

 * An abstract implementation of a SyncAdapter that spawns a thread to invoke a sync operation.
 * If a sync operation is already in progress when a sync request is received, an error will be
 * returned to the new request and the existing request will be allowed to continue. However if
 * there is no sync in progress then a thread will be spawned and
 * onPerformSync(Account, Bundle, String, ContentProviderClient, SyncResult) will be invoked on that thread.

From source file co.carlosjimenez.android.currencyalerts.app.sync.ForexSyncAdapter.java

public class ForexSyncAdapter extends AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter {

    public static final String LOG_TAG = ForexSyncAdapter.class.getSimpleName();

    public static final String ACTION_DATA_UPDATED = "co.carlosjimenez.android.currencyalerts.app.ACTION_DATA_UPDATED";
    public static final String FOREX_DATA_STATUS = "FOREX_DATA_STATUS";