Example usage for Java android.bluetooth BluetoothDevice fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
int | ERROR Sentinel error value for this class. |
String | ACTION_FOUND Broadcast Action: Remote device discovered. |
String | ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED Broadcast Action: Indicates a low level (ACL) connection has been established with a remote device. |
String | ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECT_REQUESTED Broadcast Action: Indicates that a low level (ACL) disconnection has been requested for a remote device, and it will soon be disconnected. |
String | ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED Broadcast Action: Indicates a low level (ACL) disconnection from a remote device. |
String | ACTION_NAME_CHANGED Broadcast Action: Indicates the friendly name of a remote device has been retrieved for the first time, or changed since the last retrieval. |
String | ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED Broadcast Action: Indicates a change in the bond state of a remote device. |
String | EXTRA_DEVICE Used as a Parcelable BluetoothDevice extra field in every intent broadcast by this class. |
String | EXTRA_BOND_STATE Used as an int extra field in #ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED intents. |
String | EXTRA_PREVIOUS_BOND_STATE Used as an int extra field in #ACTION_BOND_STATE_CHANGED intents. |
int | BOND_NONE Indicates the remote device is not bonded (paired). |
int | BOND_BONDING Indicates bonding (pairing) is in progress with the remote device. |
int | BOND_BONDED Indicates the remote device is bonded (paired). |
int | DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN Bluetooth device type, Unknown |
int | DEVICE_TYPE_CLASSIC Bluetooth device type, Classic - BR/EDR devices |
int | DEVICE_TYPE_LE Bluetooth device type, Low Energy - LE-only |
int | DEVICE_TYPE_DUAL Bluetooth device type, Dual Mode - BR/EDR/LE |
String | ACTION_UUID Broadcast Action: This intent is used to broadcast the UUID wrapped as a android.os.ParcelUuid of the remote device after it has been fetched. |
String | ACTION_PAIRING_REQUEST Broadcast Action: This intent is used to broadcast PAIRING REQUEST Requires android.Manifest.permission#BLUETOOTH_ADMIN to receive. |
String | EXTRA_UUID Used as an extra field in #ACTION_UUID intents, Contains the android.os.ParcelUuid s of the remote device which is a parcelable version of UUID . |
int | TRANSPORT_LE Prefer LE transport for GATT connections to remote dual-mode devices |
BluetoothGatt | connectGatt(Context context, boolean autoConnect, BluetoothGattCallback callback, int transport) Connect to GATT Server hosted by this device. |
BluetoothGatt | connectGatt(Context context, boolean autoConnect, BluetoothGattCallback callback) Connect to GATT Server hosted by this device. |
boolean | createBond() Start the bonding (pairing) process with the remote device. |
BluetoothSocket | createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(UUID uuid) Create an RFCOMM BluetoothSocket socket ready to start an insecure outgoing connection to this remote device using SDP lookup of uuid. |
BluetoothSocket | createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(UUID uuid) Create an RFCOMM BluetoothSocket ready to start a secure outgoing connection to this remote device using SDP lookup of uuid. |
boolean | equals(Object o) |
String | getAddress() Returns the hardware address of this BluetoothDevice. |
BluetoothClass | getBluetoothClass() Get the Bluetooth class of the remote device. |
int | getBondState() Get the bond state of the remote device. |
Class> | getClass() Returns the runtime class of this Object . |
String | getName() Get the friendly Bluetooth name of the remote device. |
int | getType() Get the Bluetooth device type of the remote device. |
ParcelUuid[] | getUuids() Returns the supported features (UUIDs) of the remote device. |