Example usage for Java android.app TaskStackBuilder fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
TaskStackBuilder | addNextIntent(Intent nextIntent) Add a new Intent to the task stack. |
TaskStackBuilder | addNextIntentWithParentStack(Intent nextIntent) Add a new Intent with the resolved chain of parents for the target activity to the task stack. |
TaskStackBuilder | addParentStack(Activity sourceActivity) Add the activity parent chain as specified by the Activity#getParentActivityIntent() getParentActivityIntent() method of the activity specified and the android.R.attr#parentActivityName parentActivityName attributes of each successive activity (or activity-alias) element in the application's manifest to the task stack builder. |
TaskStackBuilder | addParentStack(Class> sourceActivityClass) Add the activity parent chain as specified by the android.R.attr#parentActivityName parentActivityName attribute of the activity (or activity-alias) element in the application's manifest to the task stack builder. |
TaskStackBuilder | addParentStack(ComponentName sourceActivityName) Add the activity parent chain as specified by the android.R.attr#parentActivityName parentActivityName attribute of the activity (or activity-alias) element in the application's manifest to the task stack builder. |
TaskStackBuilder | create(Context context) Return a new TaskStackBuilder for launching a fresh task stack consisting of a series of activities. |
PendingIntent | getPendingIntent(int requestCode, @PendingIntent.Flags int flags) Obtain a PendingIntent for launching the task constructed by this builder so far. |
void | startActivities() Start the task stack constructed by this builder. |