Example usage for android.app Service subclass-usage

List of usage examples for android.app Service subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.app Service subclass-usage.


From source file cc.arduino.mvd.services.ElisService.java

 * This is the Elis integration of MVD. This is using WebSockets to send and receive messages to and
 * from the Elis "service".
 * @author Andreas Goransson, 2015-04-08

From source file fr.enseirb.odroidx.videomanager.Uploader.java

public class Uploader extends Service {
    private static final int CONNECTION_ERROR = 1;
    private static final int UNKNOWN = 2;
    private static final int HTTP_SERVER = 3;
    static int NOTIFY_ID = 1;
    static int PART_SIZE = 6024;

From source file org.wso2.iot.agent.services.NetworkInfoService.java

public class NetworkInfoService extends Service {

    private static final String TAG = NetworkInfoService.class.getSimpleName();

    private static int cellSignalStrength = 99; // Invalid signal strength is represented with 99.
    private static ObjectMapper mapper;

From source file com.example.helloworldlinked.backend.HelloWorldService.java

public class HelloWorldService extends Service {
    private static final String TAG = HelloWorldService.class.getSimpleName();
    private static final String HELLO_WORLD_PROVIDER_PACKAGE_NAME = "com.samsung.smcl.helloworldprovider";
    private static final String HELLO_WORLD_PROVIDER_SERVICE_NAME = "com.samsung.smcl.example.helloworldprovider.backend.HelloWorldProviderService";
    private static final String BUNDLE_DATA = "bundle_data";
    private static final int MSG_REGISTER_CLIENT = 1;

From source file org.wso2.carbon.iot.android.sense.data.publisher.DataPublisherService.java

 * This is an android service which publishes the data to the server.
public class DataPublisherService extends Service {
    private static final String TAG = "Data Publisher";
    private static String KEY_TAG = "key";

From source file com.android.settings.locationprivacy.SendDataService.java

public class SendDataService extends Service {

    public class SendData implements Runnable {
        private static final String TAG = "Runnable SendData";
        private ArrayList<String> appsToSend;
        private Context context;

From source file com.ec.android.module.bluetooth40.BluetoothLeService.java

 * Service for managing connection and data communication with a GATT server hosted on a
 * given Bluetooth LE device.
public class BluetoothLeService extends Service {

From source file ch.carteggio.provider.sync.NotificationService.java

 * This service is responsible to show notifications.
 * Design considerations: the service is very similar to an
 * IntentService. It however is implemented as an extension

From source file com.android.gallery3d2.ingest.IngestService.java

public class IngestService extends Service
        implements ImportTask.Listener, MtpDeviceIndex.ProgressListener, MtpClient.Listener {

    public class LocalBinder extends Binder {
        IngestService getService() {
            return IngestService.this;

From source file com.configurer.easyscreenlock.service.ForegroundSensorService.java

 * <p> 
 * This service run in the "foreground". This supported Android 2.0 APIs and Up.
 * </p> 
 * referenced from {@link link http://www.vogella.com/code/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/ForegroundService.html}