Example usage for android.app ListActivity subclass-usage

List of usage examples for android.app ListActivity subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.app ListActivity subclass-usage.


From source file com.github.wakhub.monodict.activity.settings.DownloadsActivity.java

@OptionsMenu({ R.menu.downloads })
public class DownloadsActivity extends ListActivity {

    private static final String TAG = BrowserActivity.class.getSimpleName();

From source file com.TomatoSauceStudio.OnTimeBirthdayPost.OnTimeBirthdayPost.java

public class OnTimeBirthdayPost extends ListActivity {
    // Define some constants.
    private static final int HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = 0xff440044;
    private static final double LONGITUDE_TOLERANCE = 140.0;
    private static final int DAYS_PAST = 1;
    private static final int DAYS_AHEAD = 2;

From source file fr.cph.chicago.activity.BusBoundActivity.java

 * Activity that represents the bus bound activity
 * @author Carl-Philipp Harmant
 * @version 1

From source file net.stefanopallicca.android.awsmonitor.MainActivity.java

 * Main UI for the demo app.
public class MainActivity extends ListActivity {

    public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE = "message";

From source file org.cirdles.chroni.FilePickerActivity.java

public class FilePickerActivity extends ListActivity {

    // Sets whether hidden files should be visible in the list or not
    public final static String EXTRA_SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES = "show_hidden_files";

    // The allowed file extensions in an ArrayList of Strings

From source file de.hshannover.f4.trust.ironcontrol.view.list_activities.ListVendorMetadataActivity.java

public class ListVendorMetadataActivity extends ListActivity
        implements LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<Cursor>, MultichoiceDialogEvent {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ListVendorMetadataActivity.class);

    private static final int REMOVE_ID = Menu.FIRST + 1;

From source file com.example.moneymeterexample.ViewExpenseActivity.java

public class ViewExpenseActivity extends ListActivity implements OnClickListener {

    static final ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
    ListView lv;
    TextView txt_id, total;
    Button home_btn;

From source file com.github.developerpaul123.filepickerlibrary.FilePickerActivity.java

 * Created by Paul Tsouchlos
 * Contains all the logic for selecting files or directories.
public class FilePickerActivity extends ListActivity implements NameFileDialogInterface {

From source file com.android.music.AlbumBrowserActivity.java

public class AlbumBrowserActivity extends ListActivity
        implements View.OnCreateContextMenuListener, MusicUtils.Defs, ServiceConnection {
    private String mCurrentAlbumId;
    private String mCurrentAlbumName;
    private String mCurrentArtistNameForAlbum;
    boolean mIsUnknownArtist;

From source file com.development.androrb.listfolders.java

public class listfolders extends ListActivity {
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */

    private static final String TAG = "listfolders";
    String TextUpdate;
    String html;