List of usage examples for FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener interface-usage
From source file
* Demonstrates a "card-flip" animation using custom fragment transactions ({@link
*, int)}).
* <p>This sample shows an "info" action bar button that shows the back of a "card", rotating the
* front of the card out and the back of the card in. The reverse animation is played when the user
From source file
* Demonstrates a "card-flip" animation using custom fragment transactions ({@link
*, int)}).
* <p>This sample shows an "info" action bar button that shows the back of a "card", rotating the
* front of the card out and the back of the card in. The reverse animation is played when the user
From source file
* Demonstrates a "card-flip" animation using custom fragment transactions ({@link
*, int)}).
* <p>This sample shows an "info" action bar button that shows the back of a "card", rotating the
* front of the card out and the back of the card in. The reverse animation is played when the user
From source file
* A multi-pane activity, where the primary navigation pane is a
* {@link tw.idv.gasolin.pycontw2012.ui.ScheduleFragment}, that shows
* {@link SessionsFragment} and {@link SessionDetailFragment} as popups.
* This activity requires API level 11 or greater because of its use of
From source file
* Demonstrates a "card-flip" animation using custom fragment transactions ({@link
*, int)}).
* <p>This sample shows an "info" action bar button that shows the back of a "card", rotating the
* front of the card out and the back of the card in. The reverse animation is played when the user
From source file
* A multi-pane activity, where the primary navigation pane is a
* {@link}, that
* shows {@link SessionsFragment} and {@link SessionDetailFragment} as popups.
* This activity requires API level 11 or greater because of its use of {@link FragmentBreadCrumbs}.
From source file
* A multi-pane activity, where the primary navigation pane is a
* {@link org.androidtitlan.estoesgoogle.ui.ScheduleFragment}, that
* shows {@link SessionsFragment} and {@link SessionDetailFragment} as popups.
* This activity requires API level 11 or greater because of its use of {@link FragmentBreadCrumbs}.
From source file
* A multi-pane activity, where the primary navigation pane is a
* {@link}, that
* shows {@link SessionsFragment} and {@link SessionDetailFragment} as popups.
* This activity requires API level 11 or greater because of its use of {@link FragmentBreadCrumbs}.
From source file
/** * A multi-pane activity to display a Google ({@link MapView}. */ public class MapActivity extends BaseMultiPaneMapActivity implements View.OnClickListener, FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener {
From source file
* A multi-pane activity, where the primary navigation pane is a {@link MapFragment}, that shows
* {@link SessionsFragment}, {@link SessionDetailFragment}, {@link VendorsFragment}, and
* {@link VendorDetailFragment} as popups.
* This activity requires API level 11 or greater because of its use of {@link FragmentBreadCrumbs}.