Example usage for Java android.app.admin DevicePolicyManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
String | ACTION_PROVISION_MANAGED_USER Activity action: Starts the provisioning flow which sets up a managed user. |
String | EXTRA_PROVISIONING_ADMIN_EXTRAS_BUNDLE A android.os.Parcelable extra of type android.os.PersistableBundle that allows a mobile device management application or NFC programmer application which starts managed provisioning to pass data to the management application instance after provisioning. |
String | EXTRA_PROVISIONING_DEVICE_ADMIN_PACKAGE_NAME A String extra holding the package name of the mobile device management application that will be set as the profile owner or device owner. |
String | EXTRA_PROVISIONING_TIME_ZONE A String extra holding the time zone android.app.AlarmManager that the device will be set to. |
String | EXTRA_PROVISIONING_LOCAL_TIME A Long extra holding the wall clock time (in milliseconds) to be set on the device's android.app.AlarmManager . |
String | EXTRA_PROVISIONING_LOCALE A String extra holding the java.util.Locale that the device will be set to. |
String | EXTRA_PROVISIONING_WIFI_SSID A String extra holding the ssid of the wifi network that should be used during nfc device owner provisioning for downloading the mobile device management application. |
String | EXTRA_PROVISIONING_WIFI_SECURITY_TYPE A String extra indicating the security type of the wifi network in #EXTRA_PROVISIONING_WIFI_SSID and could be one of NONE , WPA or WEP . |
String | EXTRA_PROVISIONING_WIFI_PASSWORD A String extra holding the password of the wifi network in #EXTRA_PROVISIONING_WIFI_SSID . |
String | EXTRA_PROVISIONING_SKIP_ENCRYPTION A boolean extra indicating whether device encryption can be skipped as part of device owner or managed profile provisioning. |
String | MIME_TYPE_PROVISIONING_NFC This MIME type is used for starting the device owner provisioning. |
String | ACTION_ADD_DEVICE_ADMIN Activity action: ask the user to add a new device administrator to the system. |
String | EXTRA_DEVICE_ADMIN The ComponentName of the administrator component. |
String | EXTRA_ADD_EXPLANATION An optional CharSequence providing additional explanation for why the admin is being added. |
String | ACTION_SET_NEW_PASSWORD Activity action: have the user enter a new password. |
String | ACTION_SET_NEW_PARENT_PROFILE_PASSWORD Activity action: have the user enter a new password for the parent profile. |
int | PERMISSION_POLICY_PROMPT Permission policy to prompt user for new permission requests for runtime permissions. |
int | PERMISSION_POLICY_AUTO_GRANT Permission policy to always grant new permission requests for runtime permissions. |
int | PERMISSION_POLICY_AUTO_DENY Permission policy to always deny new permission requests for runtime permissions. |
int | PERMISSION_GRANT_STATE_GRANTED Runtime permission state: The permission is granted to the app and the user cannot manage the permission through the UI. |
int | PASSWORD_QUALITY_UNSPECIFIED Constant for #setPasswordQuality : the policy has no requirements for the password. |
int | PASSWORD_QUALITY_ALPHANUMERIC Constant for #setPasswordQuality : the user must have entered a password containing at least both> numeric and alphabetic (or other symbol) characters. |
int | PASSWORD_QUALITY_COMPLEX Constant for #setPasswordQuality : the user must have entered a password containing at least a letter, a numerical digit and a special symbol, by default. |
int | RESET_PASSWORD_REQUIRE_ENTRY Flag for #resetPasswordWithToken and #resetPassword : don't allow other admins to change the password again until the user has entered it. |
int | RESET_PASSWORD_DO_NOT_ASK_CREDENTIALS_ON_BOOT Flag for #resetPasswordWithToken and #resetPassword : don't ask for user credentials on device boot. |
int | WIPE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Flag for #wipeData(int) : also erase the device's external storage (such as SD cards). |
int | WIPE_RESET_PROTECTION_DATA Flag for #wipeData(int) : also erase the factory reset protection data. |
int | ENCRYPTION_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED Result code for #setStorageEncryption and #getStorageEncryptionStatus : indicating that encryption is not supported. |
int | ENCRYPTION_STATUS_INACTIVE Result code for #setStorageEncryption and #getStorageEncryptionStatus : indicating that encryption is supported, but is not currently active. |
int | ENCRYPTION_STATUS_ACTIVATING Result code for #getStorageEncryptionStatus : indicating that encryption is not currently active, but is currently being activated. |
int | ENCRYPTION_STATUS_ACTIVE Result code for #setStorageEncryption and #getStorageEncryptionStatus : indicating that encryption is active. |
String | ACTION_START_ENCRYPTION Activity action: begin the process of encrypting data on the device. |
int | KEYGUARD_DISABLE_FEATURES_NONE Widgets are enabled in keyguard |
int | SKIP_SETUP_WIZARD Flag used by #createAndManageUser to skip setup wizard after creating a new user. |
List | getActiveAdmins() Return a list of all currently active device administrators' component names. |
Set | getAffiliationIds(@NonNull ComponentName admin) Returns the set of affiliation ids previously set via #setAffiliationIds , or an empty set if none have been set. |
List | getBindDeviceAdminTargetUsers(@NonNull ComponentName admin) Returns the list of target users that the calling device or profile owner can use when calling #bindDeviceAdminServiceAsUser . |
boolean | getCameraDisabled(@Nullable ComponentName admin) Determine whether or not the device's cameras have been disabled for this user, either by the calling admin, if specified, or all admins. |
String | getDeviceOwner() Returns the device owner package name, only if it's running on the calling user. |
int | getStorageEncryptionStatus() Called by an application that is administering the device to determine the current encryption status of the device. |
boolean | installCaCert(@Nullable ComponentName admin, byte[] certBuffer) Installs the given certificate as a user CA. |
boolean | isAdminActive(@NonNull ComponentName admin) Return true if the given administrator component is currently active (enabled) in the system. |
boolean | isApplicationHidden(@NonNull ComponentName admin, String packageName) Determine if a package is hidden. |
boolean | isDeviceOwnerApp(String packageName) Used to determine if a particular package has been registered as a Device Owner app. |
boolean | isManagedProfile(@NonNull ComponentName admin) Return if this user is a managed profile of another user. |
boolean | isProfileOwnerApp(String packageName) Used to determine if a particular package is registered as the profile owner for the user. |
boolean | isProvisioningAllowed(@NonNull String action) Returns whether it is possible for the caller to initiate provisioning of a managed profile or device, setting itself as the device or profile owner. |
void | lockNow() Make the device lock immediately, as if the lock screen timeout has expired at the point of this call. |
void | removeActiveAdmin(@NonNull ComponentName admin) Remove a current administration component. |
boolean | resetPassword(String password, int flags) Force a new password for device unlock (the password needed to access the entire device) or the work profile challenge on the current user. |
void | setActiveAdmin(@NonNull ComponentName policyReceiver, boolean refreshing, int userHandle) |
void | setAffiliationIds(@NonNull ComponentName admin, @NonNull Set Indicates the entity that controls the device or profile owner. |
boolean | setApplicationHidden(@NonNull ComponentName admin, String packageName, boolean hidden) Hide or unhide packages. |
void | setApplicationRestrictions(@Nullable ComponentName admin, String packageName, Bundle settings) Sets the application restrictions for a given target application running in the calling user. |
void | setCameraDisabled(@NonNull ComponentName admin, boolean disabled) Called by an application that is administering the device to disable all cameras on the device, for this user. |
void | setOrganizationColorForUser(@ColorInt int color, @UserIdInt int userId) |
void | setProfileEnabled(@NonNull ComponentName admin) Sets the enabled state of the profile. |
void | setProfileName(@NonNull ComponentName admin, String profileName) Sets the name of the profile. |
boolean | setProfileOwner(@NonNull ComponentName admin, @Deprecated String ownerName, int userHandle) |
void | wipeData(int flags) Ask that all user data be wiped. |