Example usage for Java android.app ActivityOptions fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
ActivityOptions | makeClipRevealAnimation(View source, int startX, int startY, int width, int height) Create an ActivityOptions specifying an animation where the new activity is revealed from a small originating area of the screen to its final full representation. |
ActivityOptions | makeCustomAnimation(Context context, int enterResId, int exitResId) Create an ActivityOptions specifying a custom animation to run when the activity is displayed. |
ActivityOptions | makeScaleUpAnimation(View source, int startX, int startY, int width, int height) Create an ActivityOptions specifying an animation where the new activity is scaled from a small originating area of the screen to its final full representation. |
ActivityOptions | makeSceneTransitionAnimation(Activity activity, View sharedElement, String sharedElementName) Create an ActivityOptions to transition between Activities using cross-Activity scene animations. |
ActivityOptions | makeSceneTransitionAnimation(Activity activity, Pair Create an ActivityOptions to transition between Activities using cross-Activity scene animations. |
ActivityOptions | makeThumbnailScaleUpAnimation(View source, Bitmap thumbnail, int startX, int startY) Create an ActivityOptions specifying an animation where a thumbnail is scaled from a given position to the new activity window that is being started. |
Bundle | toBundle() Returns the created options as a Bundle, which can be passed to android.content.Context#startActivity(android.content.Intent,android.os.Bundle) Context.startActivity(Intent, Bundle) and related methods. |