Java android.animation ObjectAnimator fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java android.animation ObjectAnimator fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for android.animation ObjectAnimator.

The text is from its open source code.


Creates a new ObjectAnimator object.


voidaddListener(AnimatorListener listener)
Adds a listener to the set of listeners that are sent events through the life of an animation, such as start, repeat, and end.
voidaddPauseListener(AnimatorPauseListener listener)
Adds a pause listener to this animator.
voidaddUpdateListener(AnimatorUpdateListener listener)
Adds a listener to the set of listeners that are sent update events through the life of an animation.
Gets the name of the property that will be animated.
ObjectAnimatorofArgb(Object target, String propertyName, int... values)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between color values.
ObjectAnimatorofArgb(T target, Property property, int... values)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between color values.
ObjectAnimatorofFloat(Object target, String propertyName, float... values)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between float values.
ObjectAnimatorofFloat(T target, Property property, float... values)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between float values.
ObjectAnimatorofFloat(Object target, String xPropertyName, String yPropertyName, Path path)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates coordinates along a Path using two properties.
ObjectAnimatorofFloat(T target, Property xProperty, Property yProperty, Path path)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates coordinates along a Path using two properties.
ObjectAnimatorofInt(Object target, String propertyName, int... values)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between int values.
ObjectAnimatorofInt(T target, Property property, int... values)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between int values.
ObjectAnimatorofInt(Object target, String xPropertyName, String yPropertyName, Path path)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates coordinates along a Path using two properties.
ObjectAnimatorofInt(T target, Property xProperty, Property yProperty, Path path)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates coordinates along a Path using two properties.
ObjectAnimatorofObject(T target, Property property, TypeConverter converter, TypeEvaluator evaluator, V... values)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between Object values.
ObjectAnimatorofObject(Object target, String propertyName, TypeEvaluator evaluator, Object... values)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between Object values.
ObjectAnimatorofObject(Object target, String propertyName, @Nullable TypeConverter converter, Path path)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates a property along a Path.
ObjectAnimatorofObject(T target, Property property, TypeEvaluator evaluator, V... values)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between Object values.
ObjectAnimatorofObject(T target, @NonNull Property property, @Nullable TypeConverter converter, Path path)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates a property along a Path.
ObjectAnimatorofPropertyValuesHolder(Object target, PropertyValuesHolder... values)
Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between the sets of values specified in PropertyValueHolder objects.
Plays the ValueAnimator in reverse.
voidsetAutoCancel(boolean cancel)
autoCancel controls whether an ObjectAnimator will be canceled automatically when any other ObjectAnimator with the same target and properties is started.
ObjectAnimatorsetDuration(long duration)
Sets the length of the animation.
voidsetEvaluator(TypeEvaluator value)
The type evaluator to be used when calculating the animated values of this animation.
voidsetFloatValues(float... values)
voidsetInterpolator(TimeInterpolator value)
The time interpolator used in calculating the elapsed fraction of this animation.
voidsetIntValues(int... values)
voidsetPropertyName(@NonNull String propertyName)
Sets the name of the property that will be animated.
voidsetRepeatCount(int value)
Sets how many times the animation should be repeated.
voidsetRepeatMode(@RepeatMode int value)
Defines what this animation should do when it reaches the end.
voidsetStartDelay(long startDelay)
The amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay starting the animation after #start() is called.
voidsetTarget(@Nullable Object target)
voidsetValues(PropertyValuesHolder... values)
Sets the values, per property, being animated between.