Example usage for android.accounts AccountManager getAuthenticatorTypes

List of usage examples for android.accounts AccountManager getAuthenticatorTypes


In this page you can find the example usage for android.accounts AccountManager getAuthenticatorTypes.


public AuthenticatorDescription[] getAuthenticatorTypes() 

Source Link


Lists the currently registered authenticators.


From source file:com.hemou.android.account.AccountUtils.java

 * Verify authenticator registered for account type matches the package name
 * of this application//from w  w w  . ja v  a  2  s . c  o  m
 * @param manager
 * @return true is authenticator registered, false otherwise
public static boolean hasAuthenticator(final AccountManager manager) {
        final AuthenticatorDescription[] types = manager.getAuthenticatorTypes();
        LogUtils.v("All Authenticator types:" + StrUtils.obj2Str(types));
        if (types != null && types.length > 0)
            for (AuthenticatorDescription descriptor : types) {
                if (descriptor != null && ACCOUNT_TYPE.equals(descriptor.type)) {

                    HAS_AUTHENTICATOR = "com.hemou.android".equals(descriptor.packageName);


From source file:saschpe.birthdays.service.loader.ContactAccountListLoader.java

public List<AccountModel> loadInBackground() {
    if (!AccountHelper.isAccountActivated(getContext())) {
    }/*from   w w  w.  j  a  va2 s  . c o  m*/

    // Retrieve all accounts that are actively used for contacts
    HashSet<Account> contactAccounts = new HashSet<>();
    Cursor cursor = null;
    try {
        cursor = getContext().getContentResolver()
                .query(ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, new String[] {
                        ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME, ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE },
                        null, null, null);

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            String account_name = cursor
            String account_type = cursor
            Account account = new Account(account_name, account_type);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Error retrieving accounts", e);
    } finally {
        if (cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) {

    List<Account> accountBlacklist = AccountProviderHelper.getAccountList(getContext());
    Log.d(TAG, "Stored account list: " + accountBlacklist);

    AccountManager manager = AccountManager.get(getContext());
    AuthenticatorDescription[] descriptions = manager.getAuthenticatorTypes();

    ArrayList<AccountModel> items = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Account account : contactAccounts) {
        for (AuthenticatorDescription description : descriptions) {
            if (description.type.equals(account.type)) {
                boolean disabled = accountBlacklist.contains(account);
                items.add(new AccountModel(getContext(), account, description, !disabled));

    // Sort the list
    Collections.sort(items, ALPHA_COMPARATOR);

    return items;

From source file:org.birthdayadapter.util.AccountListLoader.java

 * This is where the bulk of our work is done. This function is called in a background thread
 * and should generate a new set of data to be published by the loader.
 *//*ww w  .ja  va2 s .  c  o m*/
public List<AccountListEntry> loadInBackground() {
    // Retrieve all accounts that are actively used for contacts
    HashSet<Account> activeContactAccounts = new HashSet<>();
    Cursor cursor = null;
    try {
        cursor = getContext().getContentResolver()
                .query(ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, new String[] {
                        ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME, ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE },
                        null, null, null);

        if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0) {
            while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                Account account = new Account(
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(Constants.TAG, "Error retrieving accounts!", e);
    } finally {
        if (cursor != null) {

    // get current blacklist from preferences
    HashSet<Account> accountBlacklist = ProviderHelper.getAccountBlacklist(getContext());

    Log.d(Constants.TAG, "accountBlacklist" + accountBlacklist);
    for (Account account : accountBlacklist) {
        Log.d(Constants.TAG, "accountBlacklist acc type: " + account.type + ", name: " + account.name);

    // Build List<AccountListEntry> by getting AuthenticatorDescription for every Account
    AccountManager manager = AccountManager.get(getContext());
    AuthenticatorDescription[] descriptions = manager.getAuthenticatorTypes();

    ArrayList<AccountListEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Account account : activeContactAccounts) {
        for (AuthenticatorDescription description : descriptions) {
            if (description.type.equals(account.type)) {
                // add to entries, disable entry if in blacklist
                boolean enabled = !accountBlacklist.contains(account);
                entries.add(new AccountListEntry(getContext(), account, description, enabled));

    // Sort the list.
    Collections.sort(entries, ALPHA_COMPARATOR);

    // Done!
    return entries;

From source file:com.android.tv.settings.MainFragment.java

private void updateAccounts() {
    if (mAccountsGroup == null) {
        return;//from w  ww  . j ava 2s.  c o m

    final Set<String> touchedAccounts = new ArraySet<>(mAccountsGroup.getPreferenceCount());

    final AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(getContext());
    final AuthenticatorDescription[] authTypes = am.getAuthenticatorTypes();
    final ArrayList<String> allowableAccountTypes = new ArrayList<>(authTypes.length);
    final Context themedContext = getPreferenceManager().getContext();

    for (AuthenticatorDescription authDesc : authTypes) {
        final Context targetContext;
        try {
            targetContext = getContext().createPackageContext(authDesc.packageName, 0);
        } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Authenticator description with bad package name", e);
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Security exception loading package resources", e);

        // Main title text comes from the authenticator description (e.g. "Google").
        String authTitle = null;
        try {
            authTitle = targetContext.getString(authDesc.labelId);
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(authTitle)) {
                authTitle = null; // Handled later when we add the row.
        } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Authenticator description with bad label id", e);

        // There exist some authenticators which aren't intended to be user-facing.
        // If the authenticator doesn't have a title or an icon, don't present it to
        // the user as an option.
        if (authTitle != null || authDesc.iconId != 0) {

        Account[] accounts = am.getAccountsByType(authDesc.type);
        if (accounts == null || accounts.length == 0) {
            continue; // No point in continuing; there aren't any accounts to show.

        // Icon URI to be displayed for each account is based on the type of authenticator.
        Drawable authImage = null;
        try {
            authImage = targetContext.getDrawable(authDesc.iconId);
        } catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Authenticator has bad resources", e);

        // Display an entry for each installed account we have.
        for (final Account account : accounts) {
            final String key = "account_pref:" + account.type + ":" + account.name;
            Preference preference = findPreference(key);
            if (preference == null) {
                preference = new Preference(themedContext);
            preference.setTitle(authTitle != null ? authTitle : account.name);
            preference.setSummary(authTitle != null ? account.name : null);
            AccountSyncFragment.prepareArgs(preference.getExtras(), account);



    for (int i = 0; i < mAccountsGroup.getPreferenceCount();) {
        final Preference preference = mAccountsGroup.getPreference(i);
        final String key = preference.getKey();
        if (touchedAccounts.contains(key) || TextUtils.equals(KEY_ADD_ACCOUNT, key)) {
        } else {

    // Never allow restricted profile to add accounts.
    final Preference addAccountPref = findPreference(KEY_ADD_ACCOUNT);
    if (addAccountPref != null) {
        if (isRestricted()) {
        } else {
            Intent i = new Intent().setComponent(new ComponentName("com.android.tv.settings",
                    allowableAccountTypes.toArray(new String[allowableAccountTypes.size()]));

            // If there are available account types, show the "add account" button.

From source file:com.mobileglobe.android.customdialer.common.model.AccountTypeManager.java

 * Loads account list and corresponding account types (potentially with data sets). Always
 * called on a background thread./*from  w  w  w .  j  a v a  2  s  . c  o m*/
protected void loadAccountsInBackground() {
    if (Log.isLoggable(Constants.PERFORMANCE_TAG, Log.DEBUG)) {
        Log.d(Constants.PERFORMANCE_TAG, "AccountTypeManager.loadAccountsInBackground start");
    TimingLogger timings = new TimingLogger(TAG, "loadAccountsInBackground");
    final long startTime = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
    final long startTimeWall = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();

    // Account types, keyed off the account type and data set concatenation.
    final Map<AccountTypeWithDataSet, AccountType> accountTypesByTypeAndDataSet = Maps.newHashMap();

    // The same AccountTypes, but keyed off {@link RawContacts#ACCOUNT_TYPE}.  Since there can
    // be multiple account types (with different data sets) for the same type of account, each
    // type string may have multiple AccountType entries.
    final Map<String, List<AccountType>> accountTypesByType = Maps.newHashMap();

    final List<AccountWithDataSet> allAccounts = Lists.newArrayList();
    final List<AccountWithDataSet> contactWritableAccounts = Lists.newArrayList();
    final List<AccountWithDataSet> groupWritableAccounts = Lists.newArrayList();
    final Set<String> extensionPackages = Sets.newHashSet();

    final AccountManager am = mAccountManager;

    final SyncAdapterType[] syncs = ContentResolver.getSyncAdapterTypes();
    final AuthenticatorDescription[] auths = am.getAuthenticatorTypes();

    // First process sync adapters to find any that provide contact data.
    for (SyncAdapterType sync : syncs) {
        if (!ContactsContract.AUTHORITY.equals(sync.authority)) {
            // Skip sync adapters that don't provide contact data.

        // Look for the formatting details provided by each sync
        // adapter, using the authenticator to find general resources.
        final String type = sync.accountType;
        final AuthenticatorDescription auth = findAuthenticator(auths, type);
        if (auth == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "No authenticator found for type=" + type + ", ignoring it.");

        AccountType accountType;
        if (GoogleAccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE.equals(type)) {
            accountType = new GoogleAccountType(mContext, auth.packageName);
        } else if (ExchangeAccountType.isExchangeType(type)) {
            accountType = new ExchangeAccountType(mContext, auth.packageName, type);
        } else if (SamsungAccountType.isSamsungAccountType(mContext, type, auth.packageName)) {
            accountType = new SamsungAccountType(mContext, auth.packageName, type);
        } else {
            Log.d(TAG, "Registering external account type=" + type + ", packageName=" + auth.packageName);
            accountType = new ExternalAccountType(mContext, auth.packageName, false);
        if (!accountType.isInitialized()) {
            if (accountType.isEmbedded()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Problem initializing embedded type " + accountType.getClass().getCanonicalName());
            } else {
                // Skip external account types that couldn't be initialized.

        accountType.accountType = auth.type;
        accountType.titleRes = auth.labelId;
        accountType.iconRes = auth.iconId;

        addAccountType(accountType, accountTypesByTypeAndDataSet, accountTypesByType);

        // Check to see if the account type knows of any other non-sync-adapter packages
        // that may provide other data sets of contact data.

    // If any extension packages were specified, process them as well.
    if (!extensionPackages.isEmpty()) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Registering " + extensionPackages.size() + " extension packages");
        for (String extensionPackage : extensionPackages) {
            ExternalAccountType accountType = new ExternalAccountType(mContext, extensionPackage, true);
            if (!accountType.isInitialized()) {
                // Skip external account types that couldn't be initialized.
            if (!accountType.hasContactsMetadata()) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Skipping extension package " + extensionPackage + " because"
                        + " it doesn't have the CONTACTS_STRUCTURE metadata");
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(accountType.accountType)) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Skipping extension package " + extensionPackage + " because"
                        + " the CONTACTS_STRUCTURE metadata doesn't have the accountType" + " attribute");
            Log.d(TAG, "Registering extension package account type=" + accountType.accountType + ", dataSet="
                    + accountType.dataSet + ", packageName=" + extensionPackage);

            addAccountType(accountType, accountTypesByTypeAndDataSet, accountTypesByType);
    timings.addSplit("Loaded account types");

    Account[] accounts = mAccountManager.getAccounts();
    for (Account account : accounts) {
        boolean syncable = ContentResolver.getIsSyncable(account, ContactsContract.AUTHORITY) > 0;

        if (syncable) {
            List<AccountType> accountTypes = accountTypesByType.get(account.type);
            if (accountTypes != null) {
                // Add an account-with-data-set entry for each account type that is
                // authenticated by this account.
                for (AccountType accountType : accountTypes) {
                    AccountWithDataSet accountWithDataSet = new AccountWithDataSet(account.name, account.type,
                    if (accountType.areContactsWritable()) {
                    if (accountType.isGroupMembershipEditable()) {

    Collections.sort(allAccounts, ACCOUNT_COMPARATOR);
    Collections.sort(contactWritableAccounts, ACCOUNT_COMPARATOR);
    Collections.sort(groupWritableAccounts, ACCOUNT_COMPARATOR);

    timings.addSplit("Loaded accounts");

    synchronized (this) {
        mAccountTypesWithDataSets = accountTypesByTypeAndDataSet;
        mAccounts = allAccounts;
        mContactWritableAccounts = contactWritableAccounts;
        mGroupWritableAccounts = groupWritableAccounts;
        mInvitableAccountTypes = findAllInvitableAccountTypes(mContext, allAccounts,

    final long endTimeWall = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
    final long endTime = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();

            "Loaded meta-data for " + mAccountTypesWithDataSets.size() + " account types, " + mAccounts.size()
                    + " accounts in " + (endTimeWall - startTimeWall) + "ms(wall) " + (endTime - startTime)
                    + "ms(cpu)");

    if (mInitializationLatch != null) {
        mInitializationLatch = null;
    if (Log.isLoggable(Constants.PERFORMANCE_TAG, Log.DEBUG)) {
        Log.d(Constants.PERFORMANCE_TAG, "AccountTypeManager.loadAccountsInBackground finish");

    // Check filter validity since filter may become obsolete after account update. It must be
    // done from UI thread.