Example usage for Java android.accessibilityservice AccessibilityServiceInfo fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
int | FEEDBACK_SPOKEN Denotes spoken feedback. |
int | FEEDBACK_HAPTIC Denotes haptic feedback. |
int | FEEDBACK_AUDIBLE Denotes audible (not spoken) feedback. |
int | FEEDBACK_VISUAL Denotes visual feedback. |
int | FEEDBACK_GENERIC Denotes generic feedback. |
int | FEEDBACK_BRAILLE Denotes braille feedback. |
int | FEEDBACK_ALL_MASK Mask for all feedback types. |
int | DEFAULT If an AccessibilityService is the default for a given type. |
int | FLAG_INCLUDE_NOT_IMPORTANT_VIEWS If this flag is set the system will regard views that are not important for accessibility in addition to the ones that are important for accessibility. |
int | FLAG_REQUEST_TOUCH_EXPLORATION_MODE This flag requests that the system gets into touch exploration mode. |
int | FLAG_REPORT_VIEW_IDS This flag requests that the AccessibilityNodeInfo s obtained by an AccessibilityService contain the id of the source view. |
int | FLAG_REQUEST_FILTER_KEY_EVENTS This flag requests from the system to filter key events. |
int | FLAG_RETRIEVE_INTERACTIVE_WINDOWS This flag indicates to the system that the accessibility service wants to access content of all interactive windows. |
AccessibilityServiceInfo() Creates a new instance. |
String | getId() The accessibility service id. |
ResolveInfo | getResolveInfo() The service ResolveInfo . |
String | getSettingsActivityName() The settings activity name. |
String | loadDescription(PackageManager packageManager) The localized description of the accessibility service. |
CharSequence | loadSummary(PackageManager packageManager) The localized summary of the accessibility service. |