Download jmxremote-1.0.1_04.jar file - Jar j

Jar examples for j:jmxremote


Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology provides the tools for building distributed, Web-based, modular and dynamic solutions for managing and monitoring devices, applications, and service-driven networks. By design, this standard is suitable for adapting legacy systems, implementing new management and monitoring solutions, and plugging into those of the future.

You can download jar file jmxremote 1.0.1_04 in this page.

Build File

You can use the following script to add jmxremote-1.0.1_04.jar to your project.

compile group: '', name: 'jmxremote', version: '1.0.1_04'
libraryDependencies += "" % "jmxremote" % "1.0.1_04"
<dependency org="" name="jmxremote" rev="1.0.1_04"/>
@Grapes(@Grab(group='', module='jmxremote', version='1.0.1_04'))


Click the following link to download the jar file.


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