HTML CSS examples for HTML Tag:input


Click the following links for the tutorial for HTML Tag and input.

  1. input autocomplete
  2. <input>
  3. Disable input elements so that the user cannot enter data.
  4. input autofocus
  5. input placeholder
  6. input maxlength
  7. input type='text'
  8. input type='file'

  9. input type='image'
  10. input type='hidden'
  11. input type='search'
  12. input type='color'
  13. input type='date'
  14. input type='url'
  15. input type='tel'
  16. input type='email'

  17. input type='radio'
  18. input type='checkbox'
  19. input type='range'
  20. input type='number'
  21. Using the input Element to Restrict Data Entry
  22. input type='reset' type='submit' type='button'
  23. input type='password'
  24. input readonly
  25. input disabled
  26. input pattern
  27. input min max
  28. input required
  29. Using Input Validation
  30. input formnovalidate
  31. Ensuring a Value Is an E-mail Address or URL
  32. <input type="image"> alt Attribute
  33. input autocomplete Attribute
  34. input accept Attribute
  35. input autofocus Attribute
  36. input checked Attribute
  37. input dirname Attribute
  38. input disabled Attribute
  39. input form Attribute
  40. input formaction Attribute
  41. input formenctype Attribute
  42. input formmethod Attribute
  43. input formnovalidate Attribute
  44. input formtarget Attribute
  45. input height Attribute
  46. input list Attribute
  47. input max Attribute
  48. input maxlength Attribute
  49. input min Attribute
  50. input multiple Attribute
  51. input name Attribute
  52. input pattern Attribute
  53. input pattern Attribute - An <input> element with type="password" that must contain 6 or more characters:
  54. input pattern Attribute - <input> element with type="password" that must contain 8 or more characters that are of at least one number, and one uppercase and lowercase letter:
  55. input pattern Attribute - An <input> element with type="email" that must be in the following order: characters@characters.domain
  56. input pattern Attribute - An <input> element with type="search" that CANNOT contain the following characters: ' or "
  57. input pattern Attribute - An <input> element with type="url" that must start with http:// or https:// followed by at least one character:
  58. input placeholder Attribute
  59. input readonly Attribute
  60. input required Attribute
  61. input size Attribute
  62. input src Attribute
  63. input step Attribute
  64. input type Attribute
  65. Input type button
  66. input value Attribute
  67. input width Attribute
  68. List all input type