CSharp System String Encode Decode

CSharp examples for System:String Encode Decode


Click the following links for the tutorial for System and String Encode Decode.

  1. Decodes the specified HTTP parameter string to an Ascii85 string. The results of this function would normally be fed to Ascii85.Decode().
  2. Encodes the specified Ascii85 string for safe passage in an HTTP header by substituting other characters for characters used by Ascii85 in the set to avoid the set of separator characters not allowed in HTTP headers, which is {()<>@,;:\"[]?=}. The curly braces aren't used by Ascii85, but cannot be used in HTTP headers, either. Since there are 15 disallowed characters, and only 6 printable ASCII characters that are both allowed in HTTP headers and not used by Ascii85, one of those (~) is used as an escape character to introduce a two-character set to represent each of 10 of those disallowed sequences. This function would normally be used to encode the results of Ascii85.Encode().
  3. Will return the ANSI string stored in the buffer
  4. Deserialize Object from String
  5. Serialize To Base Encoded String
  6. Encode Javascript
  7. Encode Vbs
  8. Decode Bool from string

  9. Decode Value as String
  10. Quick helper method to decode text
  11. Quick helper method to encode text
  12. Skip the encoding process for 'safe strings'
  13. Encode Tab Delimited
  14. Encodes a URL string. These method overloads can be used to encode the entire URL, including query-string values.
  15. Url Encode Spaces
  16. Guesses the encoding.

  17. Is Base Encoded
  18. Decodes and returns the parameter Value stored in the specified Stream.
  19. Decodes and returns the parameter Value stored in the specified buffer Stream.
  20. Decode Tab Delimited
  21. Serialize an object and compute it's hash code