CSharp System String Case

CSharp examples for System:String Case


Click the following links for the tutorial for System and String Case.

  1. Proper Title Case
  2. All Letters Are Lowercase in String by LINQ
  3. All Letters Are Uppercase in String by LINQ
  4. Remove Duplicate String and Ignore Case
  5. Convert To Lower Camel Case
  6. Convert To Upper Camel Case
  7. To Upper First letter in string
  8. String To Camel Case

  9. To Capitalized Word
  10. String To the lower trim.
  11. Get index of a string from a given index with case option
  12. Get index of a string with case option in StringBuilder
  13. Parses a camel cased or pascal cased string and returns an array of the words within the string.
  14. Creates a new string with Title Case (ie "hEllO wORLd" becomes "Hello World")
  15. Creates a new string with Title Case (ie "hEllO wORLd" becomes "Hello World") using the Invariant Culture
  16. String Case insensitive contains

  17. Get the head of a string non destructive, ie leaves the text as it was case sensitive
  18. Case insensitive replace
  19. Remove the tail from text non destructive, ie leaves the text as it was case sensitive
  20. Separate Title Cases
  21. Equals Invariant Culture Ignore Case
  22. To Camel Case
  23. Tests to see if a string's letters are all lower case.
  24. Tests to see if a string's letters are all upper case.
  25. Performs a case insensitive string replacement.
  26. specify camel cased-strings
  27. Performs a case-insensitive comparison and returns true if the string is contained within the current string.
  28. Performs a case-insensitive comparison and returns true if equivalent.
  29. Performs a Trim() on both strings and then a case-insensitive comparison and returns true if equivalent.
  30. Lowers the case of the first char.
  31. Match evaluator returning uppercase of matching character
  32. Starts with upper case.
  33. Uppers the case of the first char.
  34. Parses a camel cased or pascal cased string and returns a new string with spaces between the words in the string.
  35. To Title Case
  36. To Initial Case
  37. Iterates thru an entire string, and sets the first letter of each word to uppercase, and all ensuing letters to lowercase
  38. Compare char case insensitive
  39. To Sentence Case
  40. Helps to compare strings, uses case insensitive comparison.
  41. Is any of the names in search-Names contained in text To Check, will check case insensitive
  42. Returns a camelcase string, where the first character is lowercase.
  43. Replace camel cased identifiers with space delimited string.
  44. String Alternate Cases
  45. Is Alternate Cases, Checks to see if a string has alternate cases
  46. Checks whether a string is in all lower case
  47. Checks whether a string is in all upper case
  48. Swap Cases in a String
  49. Whether the all string is upper cased, ie whether all the letters in the string are upper cased
  50. Whether the first character of a string is upper cased. Info: if char = '0' or char = '.', IsUpper(char) = false.
  51. Lowercased the first letter of a string
  52. Uppercased the first letter of a string
  53. To Lower Camel Case
  54. To Friendly Case
  55. Capitalizes the first letter of the String in the StringBuilder object
  56. String extension method which capitalizes the first letter of the input string.
  57. Capitalize the first letter of a string
  58. Capitalizes a word or sentence
  59. capitalizes the first letter of every word
  60. Get Title, Capitalizes the first letter of every word
  61. Checks whether a word or sentence is capitalized
  62. Checks whether the first letter of each word is capitalized
  63. Capitalizes the specified string.
  64. Camel Friendly
  65. Returns the initials of a name or sentence
  66. Accepts a string like "ArrowRotateClockwise" and returns "arrow_rotate_clockwise.png".