Returns the k_th number in the Lucas Sequence reduced modulo n - CSharp System

CSharp examples for System:Math Statistics


Returns the k_th number in the Lucas Sequence reduced modulo n

Demo Code

// All rights reserved.
using System;//from  w  ww .  j  a  va  2  s  .com

public class Main{
    // Returns the k_th number in the Lucas Sequence reduced modulo n.
    // Uses index doubling to speed up the process.  For example, to calculate V(k),
    // we maintain two numbers in the sequence V(n) and V(n+1).
    // To obtain V(2n), we use the identity
    //      V(2n) = (V(n) * V(n)) - (2 * Q^n)
    // To obtain V(2n+1), we first write it as
    //      V(2n+1) = V((n+1) + n)
    // and use the identity
    //      V(m+n) = V(m) * V(n) - Q * V(m-n)
    // Hence,
    //      V((n+1) + n) = V(n+1) * V(n) - Q^n * V((n+1) - n)
    //                   = V(n+1) * V(n) - Q^n * V(1)
    //                   = V(n+1) * V(n) - Q^n * P
    // We use k in its binary expansion and perform index doubling for each
    // bit position.  For each bit position that is set, we perform an
    // index doubling followed by an index addition.  This means that for V(n),
    // we need to update it to V(2n+1).  For V(n+1), we need to update it to
    // V((2n+1)+1) = V(2*(n+1))
    // This function returns
    // [0] = U(k)
    // [1] = V(k)
    // [2] = Q^n
    // Where U(0) = 0 % n, U(1) = 1 % n
    //       V(0) = 2 % n, V(1) = P % n

    public static BigInteger[] LucasSequence(BigInteger P, BigInteger Q,
                                             BigInteger k, BigInteger n)
        if (k.dataLength == 1 &&[0] == 0)
            BigInteger[] result = new BigInteger[3];

            result[0] = 0; result[1] = 2 % n; result[2] = 1 % n;
            return result;

        // calculate constant = b^(2k) / m
        // for Barrett Reduction
        BigInteger constant = new BigInteger();

        int nLen = n.dataLength << 1;[nLen] = 0x00000001;
        constant.dataLength = nLen + 1;

        constant = constant / n;

        // calculate values of s and t
        int s = 0;

        for (int index = 0; index < k.dataLength; index++)
            uint mask = 0x01;

            for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                if (([index] & mask) != 0)
                    index = k.dataLength;      // to break the outer loop
                mask <<= 1;

        BigInteger t = k >> s;

        //Console.WriteLine("s = " + s + " t = " + t);
        return LucasSequenceHelper(P, Q, t, n, constant, s);
    // Performs the calculation of the kth term in the Lucas Sequence.
    // For details of the algorithm, see reference [9].
    // k must be odd.  i.e LSB == 1

    private static BigInteger[] LucasSequenceHelper(BigInteger P, BigInteger Q,
                                                    BigInteger k, BigInteger n,
                                                    BigInteger constant, int s)
        BigInteger[] result = new BigInteger[3];

        if (([0] & 0x00000001) == 0)
            throw (new ArgumentException("Argument k must be odd."));

        int numbits = k.bitCount();
        uint mask = (uint)0x1 << ((numbits & 0x1F) - 1);

        // v = v0, v1 = v1, u1 = u1, Q_k = Q^0

        BigInteger v = 2 % n, Q_k = 1 % n,
                   v1 = P % n, u1 = Q_k;
        bool flag = true;

        for (int i = k.dataLength - 1; i >= 0; i--)     // iterate on the binary expansion of k
            while (mask != 0)
                if (i == 0 && mask == 0x00000001)        // last bit

                if (([i] & mask) != 0)             // bit is set
                    // index doubling with addition

                    u1 = (u1 * v1) % n;

                    v = ((v * v1) - (P * Q_k)) % n;
                    v1 = n.BarrettReduction(v1 * v1, n, constant);
                    v1 = (v1 - ((Q_k * Q) << 1)) % n;

                    if (flag)
                        flag = false;
                        Q_k = n.BarrettReduction(Q_k * Q_k, n, constant);

                    Q_k = (Q_k * Q) % n;
                    // index doubling
                    u1 = ((u1 * v) - Q_k) % n;

                    v1 = ((v * v1) - (P * Q_k)) % n;
                    v = n.BarrettReduction(v * v, n, constant);
                    v = (v - (Q_k << 1)) % n;

                    if (flag)
                        Q_k = Q % n;
                        flag = false;
                        Q_k = n.BarrettReduction(Q_k * Q_k, n, constant);

                mask >>= 1;
            mask = 0x80000000;

        // at this point u1 = u(n+1) and v = v(n)
        // since the last bit always 1, we need to transform u1 to u(2n+1) and v to v(2n+1)

        u1 = ((u1 * v) - Q_k) % n;
        v = ((v * v1) - (P * Q_k)) % n;
        if (flag)
            flag = false;
            Q_k = n.BarrettReduction(Q_k * Q_k, n, constant);

        Q_k = (Q_k * Q) % n;

        for (int i = 0; i < s; i++)
            // index doubling
            u1 = (u1 * v) % n;
            v = ((v * v) - (Q_k << 1)) % n;

            if (flag)
                Q_k = Q % n;
                flag = false;
                Q_k = n.BarrettReduction(Q_k * Q_k, n, constant);

        result[0] = u1;
        result[1] = v;
        result[2] = Q_k;

        return result;
    // Fast calculation of modular reduction using Barrett's reduction.
    // Requires x < b^(2k), where b is the base.  In this case, base is
    // 2^32 (uint).
    // Reference [4]

    private BigInteger BarrettReduction(BigInteger x, BigInteger n, BigInteger constant)
        int k = n.dataLength,
            kPlusOne = k + 1,
            kMinusOne = k - 1;

        BigInteger q1 = new BigInteger();

        // q1 = x / b^(k-1)
        for (int i = kMinusOne, j = 0; i < x.dataLength; i++, j++)
  [j] =[i];
        q1.dataLength = x.dataLength - kMinusOne;
        if (q1.dataLength <= 0)
            q1.dataLength = 1;

        BigInteger q2 = q1 * constant;
        BigInteger q3 = new BigInteger();

        // q3 = q2 / b^(k+1)
        for (int i = kPlusOne, j = 0; i < q2.dataLength; i++, j++)
  [j] =[i];
        q3.dataLength = q2.dataLength - kPlusOne;
        if (q3.dataLength <= 0)
            q3.dataLength = 1;

        // r1 = x mod b^(k+1)
        // i.e. keep the lowest (k+1) words
        BigInteger r1 = new BigInteger();
        int lengthToCopy = (x.dataLength > kPlusOne) ? kPlusOne : x.dataLength;
        for (int i = 0; i < lengthToCopy; i++)
  [i] =[i];
        r1.dataLength = lengthToCopy;

        // r2 = (q3 * n) mod b^(k+1)
        // partial multiplication of q3 and n

        BigInteger r2 = new BigInteger();
        for (int i = 0; i < q3.dataLength; i++)
            if ([i] == 0) continue;

            ulong mcarry = 0;
            int t = i;
            for (int j = 0; j < n.dataLength && t < kPlusOne; j++, t++)
                // t = i + j
                ulong val = ((ulong)[i] * (ulong)[j]) +
                             (ulong)[t] + mcarry;

      [t] = (uint)(val & 0xFFFFFFFF);
                mcarry = (val >> 32);

            if (t < kPlusOne)
      [t] = (uint)mcarry;
        r2.dataLength = kPlusOne;
        while (r2.dataLength > 1 &&[r2.dataLength - 1] == 0)

        r1 -= r2;
        if (([maxLength - 1] & 0x80000000) != 0)        // negative
            BigInteger val = new BigInteger();
  [kPlusOne] = 0x00000001;
            val.dataLength = kPlusOne + 1;
            r1 += val;

        while (r1 >= n)
            r1 -= n;

        return r1;
    // Returns the position of the most significant bit in the BigInteger.
    // Eg.  The result is 0, if the value of BigInteger is 0...0000 0000
    //      The result is 1, if the value of BigInteger is 0...0000 0001
    //      The result is 2, if the value of BigInteger is 0...0000 0010
    //      The result is 2, if the value of BigInteger is 0...0000 0011

    public int bitCount()
        while (dataLength > 1 && data[dataLength - 1] == 0)

        uint value = data[dataLength - 1];
        uint mask = 0x80000000;
        int bits = 32;

        while (bits > 0 && (value & mask) == 0)
            mask >>= 1;
        bits += ((dataLength - 1) << 5);

        return bits;

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