CSharp System Math Number

CSharp examples for System:Math Number


Click the following links for the tutorial for System and Math Number.

  1. Calc Noise
  2. fast floor float value
  3. To Money Format
  4. Returns a random floating point number between 0 and 1 using the two seeds in a repeatable way.
  5. Returns the "correct" rounding DOWN of xy, assuming y>0. That is, the largest integer k such that k*y <= x.
  6. Constructs a seed (for pseudo-random number generation purposes) using an (x,y) coordinate and third random seed.
  7. Returns the "correct" x%y (that is, the positive remainder of xy). Assumes y>0, but is made to deal with x<=0.
  8. This takes a number between 0 and 1 and applies a smoothing to it (still increasing and between 0 and 1) so that the resulting function is smooth and has first and second derivatives 0 at the endpoints (0 and 1). The formula itself is 6t^5 - 15t^4 + 10t^3

  9. Binary to hexadecimal converter
  10. Binary to signed decimal
  11. Binary to unsigned decimal
  12. Convert positive 10 base number to any number from base 2 to 16
  13. Determines whether the specified s item is number.
  14. Determines whether the specified value is an odd number.
  15. Determine if two numbers are close in value.
  16. Create string with zero or ones. Detect automatically number and choose 8, 16, 32, 64 digits.

  17. Create string with ones and zeros. Limited to exact number of digits.
  18. Convert any positive number from base 2 till 16 to 10 base number
  19. Hexadecimal to binary converter
  20. High-accuracy Complementary normal distribution function.
  21. High-accuracy Normal cumulative distribution function.
  22. Create a hex string from an array of bytes
  23. Convert a hexadecimal string to a byte array
  24. Converts a number of bytes to a shorter, more readable string representation
  25. A complex number
  26. Converts number to its roman representation.
  27. Number To Roman
  28. Convert One Digit to English
  29. Formats a number (series of single numbers) to a phone number format xxx-xxx-xx-xx
  30. generate a pseudo unique 9 digit number. It uses the System.DateTime.Now.Ticks as the base for its calculations.
  31. Gets an Alphanumeric Key of the provided length.
  32. rounds a decimal value to even, the number of decimal places indicated in the parameters
  33. takes a decimal value, and truncates all the decimals after the total Decimal specified.
  34. Compute the factorial (n!) for p.
  35. Convert degrees to radians.
  36. Calculate sqrt(a^2 + b^2) without under overflow.
  37. Returns the hyperbolic arc tangent of the specified number.
  38. Returns the hyperbolic arc cosine of the specified number.
  39. Returns the hyperbolic arc sine of the specified number.
  40. Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified number.
  41. get Fibonacci Number
  42. get Number Of Divisors
  43. get Square Of The Sum
  44. get Sum Of The Square
  45. get Triangle Number
  46. is Palindrome number
  47. is Prime Number
  48. is Pythagorean Triplet
  49. Angle Difference
  50. Gets modulo of value - 1
  51. Gets the positive modulo of a double
  52. Find out whether the provided 64 bit integer is an even number.
  53. Find out whether the provided 64 bit integer is an odd number.
  54. Approximate Nth Prime
  55. big Factorial
  56. Test if Double is less than some other value by some degree of error in epsilon.
  57. Test if Double is greater than some other value by some degree of error in epsilon.
  58. Returns if the value is in between or equal to max and min
  59. Return the maximum of several values
  60. Return the minimum value of several values
  61. Max among values
  62. Min among values
  63. Convert radians to degrees.
  64. Calculates the median from the given values.
  65. Formats the distance.
  66. Get Formatted Day
  67. Returns the greatest common divisor of two numbers
  68. Returns the least common multiple of two numbers
  69. Linear interpolation.
  70. Bilinear interpolation.
  71. Change Byte To Img
  72. Generate a positive number based on the current date's hash.
  73. Convert Number To Words
  74. Converts a length value to a readable size.
  75. Computes the Jacobi Symbol for BigInteger