CSharp System Int32
CSharp examples for System:Int32
Click the following links for the tutorial for System and Int32.
Check if a given number is greater then and less then or equal to a range. x > y && x <= z
Check if a given number is greater then and less then a range. x > y && x < z
Check if a given number is greater then or equal to and less then a range. x >= y && x < z
Check if a given number is greater then or equal and less then or equal to a range. x >= y && x <= z
Extract Number
Align value to a target value
Is Default Value
Is Nullable
Check Not Null
Returns true is c is a hexadecimal digit (A-F, a-f, 0-9)
Reads a signed 32 bit integer from an array coming from a device.
convert to and from two's complement representation
Bit Count UInt 32
Bit Count UInt 32 (method 2)
Convert the given hex number of the specified bit length to a 32-bit integer
Split an integer to as many 7-bit parts as needed so it can be sent using the firmata protocol
Convert String to Int Value Or Default
Convert String to Int Value Or Zero
Get Random int and String
Gets highest byte of an unsigned 16 bit integer
Gets lowest byte of an unsigned 16 bit integer
Parses a number in the specified radix.
Exchanges two values
Network Bytes To Host U Int
Convert int To Unsigned Byte
Is Number Type
Is Integer Type
Decodes the Encoded int32 data.
Encodes the ShortInt16 data given.
Encodes the Int32 data given.
Hashes a 32-bit signed int
True if number is in range