CSharp System Converter

CSharp examples for System:Converter


Click the following links for the tutorial for System and Converter.

  1. Specified object to convert the Boolean.
  2. Specified object of the specified type to convert the Enum.
  3. Specified object to convert the Byte.
  4. Specified object to convert the DateTime.
  5. Specified object to convert the DateTimeOffset.
  6. Specified object to convert the Decimal.
  7. Specified object to convert the Double.
  8. Specified object to convert the Guid.

  9. Specified object to convert the Int 16.
  10. Specified object to convert the Int 32.
  11. Specified object to convert the Int 64.
  12. Specified object to convert the SByte.
  13. Specified object to convert the Single.
  14. Specified object to convert the TimeSpan.
  15. Specified object to convert the UInt 16.
  16. Specified object to convert the UInt 32.

  17. Specified object to convert the UInt 64.
  18. Convert input value object to decimal.
  19. Convert String To Bool
  20. Convert String To Date
  21. Convert String To Double
  22. Convert String To Int
  23. Convert number to String
  24. Convert known colors to their Argb int32 format
  25. Convert double and int To Bool
  26. Json Convert Serialize Object
  27. Converts specified string to hexa string.
  28. convert a string to a bar code that can be printed with code128.ttf font.
  29. Converts 1 or 2 character string into equivalent byte value
  30. Convert base32 string to array of bytes
  31. Convert a number to base 62 (0-9a-zA-Z)
  32. Base 64 Decode with Convert class
  33. Base 64 Encode with Convert class
  34. Convert byte array To Base 64 String
  35. Char array to byte array base 64 Convert
  36. Convert To Bool
  37. Convert To Byte Array
  38. Convert To Date
  39. Convert To Decimal
  40. Convert To Double
  41. Convert To Int
  42. Convert To String