CSharp System.Xml XML Element

CSharp examples for System.Xml:XML Element


Click the following links for the tutorial for System.Xml and XML Element.

  1. Create a new XML Element
  2. Child Element Count
  3. Create Child Element
  4. Get CData Element
  5. Get Child XML Element
  6. Get XML Element Text
  7. Get Text from XMLElement
  8. Set XML Element Text

  9. XML Element Any Namespace
  10. Get XML Single Child Element
  11. Has XML Child Element
  12. Add XML Text Element
  13. Extends XElement to Get Attribute Value
  14. Append XML Element
  15. Enforces that parent has exactly 1 child of type XML element and nothing else (barring comments and whitespaces) and returns the child
  16. Appends an element to XML node.

  17. Select Element by xpath
  18. Select Elements via xpath
  19. Adds a new element as a child of an existing XmlNode and returns it.
  20. Adds the a new element as a child of an existing node and returns it. A CDataSection is added to the new element using the data provided.
  21. Creates a new top level element node.
  22. Get XML Element As Boolean
  23. Get XML Element As Double
  24. Get XML Element As Float
  25. Get XML Element As Int
  26. Get XML Element As String
  27. Read XML Element Data
  28. Skips current element and moves to next element. Similar to XmlReader.Skip, but this method also skips even if current node is text node.
  29. Inserts a new element as a child of an existing XmlNode and returns it.
  30. Parse an Xml element into a specified type.
  31. Add Attribute to XmlElement
  32. Remove Element from XmlElement
  33. Update XML Element
  34. Create And Add XML Element
  35. Create And Add XML Element With Value
  36. Filters a list of XElements to a subset which match ALL of the given attributes
  37. Filters the collection of elements by XML attribute.
  38. Gets the next element of a given XML element, ignoring any non-element nodes Returns either the first valid descendant or the next sibling.
  39. Gets the next XML element of a given element, ignoring any non-element nodes
  40. Gets the previous XML element of a given element, ignoring any non-element nodes Returns either the last previous valid descendant or the next sibling.
  41. Gets the previous XML element of a given element, ignoring any non-element nodes
  42. Compare XElements
  43. Enumerate XML Elements
  44. Get Date Time from XmlElement
  45. Get Decimal from XmlElement
  46. Get Double from XmlElement
  47. Get XML Element
  48. Remove XML Element
  49. get XML Root Element Text
  50. Get XML Elements Any Namespace
  51. First XML Element from Any Namespace
  52. Find Child in XmlElement
  53. Find Children XmlElement
  54. Find XML Element Index
  55. Add XML Element To XElement
  56. Get XML Attribute Value from XElement
  57. Get UShort Element from XElement
  58. Find Next XML Element In Sequence
  59. Casting XML element to string
  60. Casting XML element to boolean.
  61. Casting XML element to int32.
  62. Casting XML element to int64.
  63. Is End XML Element
  64. Skip XML Element
  65. Create XML Root Element
  66. Get All Complex Elements from XmlSchemaElement
  67. Get all elements from the XML schema.
  68. Get All Simple Elements from XmlSchemaElement
  69. Get Elements from XmlSchemaObject
  70. Is All Simple Type from XmlSchemaElement
  71. return true if a Element is a Choice from XmlSchemaComplexType
  72. return true if a Element is a Simple Type from XmlSchemaElement
  73. process an xml element when reading an xml stream
  74. Move Next To End XML Element
  75. Gets the first XML element.
  76. Gets the single XML element.
  77. Gets the single XML element value.
  78. Writes the non null XML element string.
  79. Create Empty XElement Leaf
  80. Create Root XElement
  81. Create XElement Empty
  82. Create XElement Recursive
  83. Create a property XML element. Do not append it though!
  84. Find a child XML element.
  85. Remove All Namespaces from XElement
  86. retrieving an boolean value of a given XML element, with a default initialization value passed in a parameter.
  87. quickly retrieving an integer value of a given XML element. Helper function for quickly retrieving a String value of a given XML element.
  88. Return the value of an attribute on XML element.
  89. Return the content of the given XML element.
  90. Returns the First child XML element or null if none found
  91. Get the next right sibling that is XML element.
  92. Returns trimmed inner text of given parent element's child element with given name. If there is no such element returns null.
  93. Get First XML Element
  94. Get Single XML Element
  95. Get Single XML Element Value
  96. Get XML Attribute from XElement
  97. Get XElement Attribute
  98. Retrieves the value of a boolean ("true" or "false") attribute on an XML element, returning a default value if it is not found.
  99. Retrieves the value of an enum-based attribute on an XML element, returning a default value if it is not found.
  100. Retrieves the value of a floating-point attribute on an XML element, returning a default value if it is not found.
  101. Retrieves the value of a integer attribute on an XML element.
  102. Retrieves the value of a integer attribute on an XML element, returning a default value if it is not found.
  103. Retrieves the value of an attribute on an XML element, returning a default value if it is not found.
  104. Returns whether or not XML element has an attribute set.
  105. Given an XML element, remove the closing operator for it, so you can add new child elements to it by concatenation.
  106. Create XML Element
  107. Adds a child element to an XML node.
  108. Normalize XElement
  109. Attribute Value from XElement
  110. Add Xml Content to XElement
  111. Determines whether the specified location can be created in the specified XML element.
  112. Creates and returns the attribute with the given name in the location specified by the given location string in the given XML element.
  113. Creates and returns the XML element with the given name located in the given location string in the given XML element.
  114. Creates and returns XML element corresponding to the specified location in the given XML element.
  115. Is XML Property Defined