Deserializes an XML string to an instance of T. - CSharp System.Xml

CSharp examples for System.Xml:XML Serialization


Deserializes an XML string to an instance of T.

Demo Code

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.IO;//  w ww .  ja  v  a  2 s .co  m
using System.Globalization;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System;

public class Main{

      #region static FromXml method
      /// <summary>
      /// Deserializes an XML string to an instance of T.
      /// TODO: check the XML against a schema for the type and report any errors
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="xml">
      /// An XML string representing an instance of the supplied System.Type.
      /// </param>
      /// <returns>
      /// The System.Object represented by the supplied XML string.
      /// </returns>
      /// <exception cref="InvalidDataException">
      /// The XML string could not be deserialized to the given type. See the
      /// InnerException for more information.
      /// </exception>
      /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
      /// The supplied System.Type is null.
      /// </exception>
      public static T FromXml( string xml )
            XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer( typeof( T ) );
            TextReader tr = new StringReader( xml );
            return (T) xs.Deserialize( tr );
         catch( InvalidOperationException ex )
            #region handle the exception
            string message = "XmlDeserializer.FromXmlString was unable to "
               + "deserialize an XML string to an instance of the type "
               + typeof( T ).ToString()
               + ". "
               + Environment.NewLine
               + Environment.NewLine
               + "This could mean the XML string is corrupt, or it could mean "
               + "you are trying to deserialize an XML string which is a "
               + "representation of a completely different System.Type."
               + Environment.NewLine
               + Environment.NewLine
               + "The XML string is: "
               + xml;
            throw new InvalidDataException( message, ex );

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