Rotate Bitmap Right - CSharp System.Drawing

CSharp examples for System.Drawing:Image Operation


Rotate Bitmap Right

Demo Code

using System.Net;
using System.IO;/*from www.j a va  2  s.  c o m*/
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Drawing;
using System;

public class Main{
        public static Bitmap RotateBitmapRight270(Bitmap inputBmp) {
         //Copy bitmap
         Bitmap newBmp = (Bitmap)inputBmp.Clone();


         //The RotateFlip transformation converts bitmaps to memoryBmp,
         //which is uncool.  Convert back now
         return ConvertBitmap(newBmp, inputBmp.RawFormat);
                /// <summary>Converts a bitmap to another bitmap format, returning the new converted
      ///     bitmap
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="inputBmp">Bitmap to convert</param>
      /// <param name="destFormat">Bitmap format to convert to</param>
      /// <returns>A new bitmap object containing the input bitmap converted.
      ///     If the destination format and the target format are the same, returns
      ///     a clone of the destination bitmap.</returns>
      public static Bitmap ConvertBitmap(Bitmap inputBmp, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat destFormat) {
         //If the dest format matches the source format and quality/bpp not changing, just clone
         if (inputBmp.RawFormat.Equals(destFormat)) {

         //Create an in-memory stream which will be used to save
         //the converted image
         System.IO.Stream imgStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();

         //Save the bitmap out to the memory stream, using the format indicated by the caller
         inputBmp.Save(imgStream, destFormat);

         //At this point, imgStream contains the binary form of the
         //bitmap in the target format.  All that remains is to load it
         //into a new bitmap object
         Bitmap destBitmap = new Bitmap(imgStream);

         //Free the stream
         //For some reason, the above causes unhandled GDI+ exceptions
         //when destBitmap.Save is called.  Perhaps the bitmap object reads
         //from the stream asynchronously?

         return destBitmap;
        /// <summary>Converts a bitmap to another bitmap format, returning the new converted
      ///     bitmap
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="inputBmp">Bitmap to convert</param>
      /// <param name="destMimeType">MIME type of format to convert to</param>
      /// <returns>A new bitmap object containing the input bitmap converted.
      ///     If the destination format and the target format are the same, returns
      ///     a clone of the destination bitmap.</returns>
      public static Bitmap ConvertBitmap(Bitmap inputBmp, String destMimeType) {
         return ConvertBitmap(inputBmp, ImageFormatFromMimeType(destMimeType));

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