Querying an array of Employee objects - CSharp LINQ

CSharp examples for LINQ:Query Array


Querying an array of Employee objects

Demo Code

using System;/*from  w  ww.j av a  2  s.  c o  m*/
using System.Linq;

class LINQWithArrayOfObjects
   static void Main()
      // initialize array of employees
      var employees = new[] {
         new Employee("A", "X", 5432M),
         new Employee("B", "Y", 7600M),
         new Employee("C", "Z", 2657.23M),
         new Employee("D", "Z", 4700.77M),
         new Employee("E", "Z", 6527.23M),
         new Employee("A", "V", 3200M),
         new Employee("F", "W", 6257.23M)};

      // display all employees
      Console.WriteLine("Original array:");
      foreach (var element in employees)

      // filter a range of salaries using && in a LINQ query
      var between4K6K =
         from e in employees
         where (e.MonthlySalary >= 4000M) && (e.MonthlySalary <= 6000M)
         select e;

      // display employees making between 4000 and 6000 per month
      Console.WriteLine("\nEmployees earning in the range " +
         $"{4000:C}-{6000:C} per month:");
      foreach (var element in between4K6K)


class Employee
   public string FirstName { get; } // read-only auto-implemented property
   public string LastName { get; } // read-only auto-implemented property
   private decimal monthlySalary; // monthly salary of employee

   public Employee(string firstName, string lastName,decimal monthlySalary)
      FirstName = firstName;
      LastName = lastName;
      MonthlySalary = monthlySalary;

   // property that gets and sets the employee's monthly salary
   public decimal MonthlySalary
         return monthlySalary;
         if (value >= 0M) // validate that salary is nonnegative
            monthlySalary = value;

   // return a string containing the employee's information
   public override string ToString() => $"{FirstName,-10} {LastName,-10} {MonthlySalary,10:C}";


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