Performing group ... by ... query - CSharp LINQ

CSharp examples for LINQ:Group By


Performing group ... by ... query

Demo Code

using System;/*from   www .  ja  v  a  2s. co  m*/
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

class MainClass
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IList<Item> datasource = createData();

            Console.WriteLine(" query");
            // perform a query with a basic grouping
            IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, Item>> result =
                from e in datasource group e by e.Color;

            foreach (IGrouping<string, Item> group in result)
                Console.WriteLine("\nStart of group for {0}", group.Key);
                foreach (Item fruit in group)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} Color: {1} Shelf Level: {2} days.",
                        fruit.Name, fruit.Color, fruit.Level);


        static IList<Item> createData()
            return new List<Item>()
                new Item("Oracle", "green", 7),
                new Item("MySQL", "MySQL", 10),
                new Item("C", "green", 4),
                new Item("fig", "brown", 12),
                new Item("XML", "red", 2),
                new Item("file", "yellow", 10),
                new Item("PLSQL", "red", 7)
    class Item
        public Item(string namearg, string colorarg, int lifearg)
            Name = namearg;
            Color = colorarg;
            Level = lifearg;
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Color { get; set; }
        public int Level { get; set; }


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