Calculates the best fragment size to be split. - CSharp File IO

CSharp examples for File IO:Directory


Calculates the best fragment size to be split.

Demo Code

using System;/*from w  ww  .ja  va  2  s. c om*/

public class Main{
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the best fragment size to be split.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">File size, counted in terms of bytes.</param>
        public static long CalculateFragmentSize(string dir)
           FileInfo info = new FileInfo(dir);
           long size = FileInfo.Length();
            const int KB = 1024;
            const int MB = 1024 * KB;
            if (size <= 4*KB)
                return 4 * KB;
            else if (size >= 4*KB && size < 32*KB)
                return 4 * KB;
            else if (size >= 32*KB && size < 256*KB)
                return 32 * KB;
            else if (size >= 256*KB && size < 4*MB)
                return 256 * KB;
            else if (size >= 4*MB && size < 32*MB)
                return 4 * MB;
            else if (size >= 32*MB && size < 256*MB)
                return 32 * MB;
            // You don't often have files that large...
                return 256 * MB;

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