Calling a Data Member Within a Method - CSharp Custom Type

CSharp examples for Custom Type:Method


Calling a Data Member Within a Method

Demo Code

using System;//w w  w  .  ja va2  s .c  o  m
class loco
   public int x;
   public void count_x()
      int x;
      Console.WriteLine("In count_x method. Printing X values...");
      for ( x = 0; x <= 10; x++)
         Console.Write("{0} - ", x);
      Console.WriteLine("\nDone looping.  x = {0}", x);
      Console.WriteLine("The data member x's value: {0}", this.x);
      Console.WriteLine("At the end of count_x method.");
class LocalsApp
   public static void Main()
      loco Locals = new loco();
      int x = 999;
      Locals.x = 555;
      Console.WriteLine("\nIn Main(), x = {0}", x);
      Console.WriteLine("Locals.x = {0}", Locals.x);
      Console.WriteLine("Calling Method");
      Console.WriteLine("\nBack From Method");
      Console.WriteLine("Locals.x = {0}", Locals.x);
      Console.WriteLine("In Main(), x = {0}", x);


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