CSharp - XML Documentation Standard Tags


The following table lists the standard XML tags that Visual Studio and documentation generators recognize:


a single phrase or sentence to describe the usage of a field or a type

Additional text that describes the type or member. Documentation generators
pick this up and merge it into the bulk of a type or member's description.

<param name="name">...</param>
Explains a parameter on a method.

Explains the return value for a method.

<exception [cref="type"]>...</exception>
Lists an exception that a method may throw (cref refers to the exception type).

<permission [cref="type"]>...</permission>
Indicates an IPermission type required by the documented type or member.

Denotes an example.
This usually contains both description text and source code marked within a <c> or <code> tag.

Indicates an inline code snippet. This tag is usually used inside an <example> block.

Indicates a multiline code sample. This tag is usually used inside an <example> block.

<see cref="member">...</see>
Inserts an inline cross-reference to another type or member. Tools convert this to a hyperlink.

<seealso cref="member">...</seealso>
Cross-references another type or member.

<paramref name="name"/>
References a parameter from within a <summary> or <remarks> tag.

<list type=[ bullet | number | table ]>
<term> ...</term>
<description> ...</description>
<term> ...</term>
<description> ...</description>
Instructs documentation generators to emit a bulleted, numbered, or table-style list.

Instructs documentation generators to format the contents into a separate paragraph.

<include file='filename ' path='tagpath[@name="id"]'>...</include>
Merges an external XML file that contains documentation. The path attribute
denotes an XPath query to a specific element in that file.