CSharp - Write program to use this keyword to reference instance variable


Create two objects of the same class but the instance variable (i) is initialized with different values.

To do this job, we have used a parameterized constructor that can accept one integer argument.



using System;

class ClassA//w ww .  j  av a  2  s .  c om
    public int i;
    public ClassA(int i)
        this.i = i;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        ClassA obA = new ClassA(10);
        ClassA obB = new ClassA(20);
        Console.WriteLine("obA.i =" + obA.i);
        Console.WriteLine("obB.i =" + obB.i);


What is the purpose of this?

To refer the current object, we use the "this" keyword.

In the example, instead of using the "this" keyword, we could write code like the following to achieve the same result.

class ClassA
    int i;//instance variable 
    ClassA(int myInteger)//myInteger is a local variable here 
        i = myInteger;