CSharp - Write program to Play Rock-Scissors-Paper game


You will write a program that plays a specified number of rounds of the rock-scissors-paper game with the user.

Scoring one point for a victory and half a point for a tie.


The computer "chooses" using random numbers: 1 for rock, 2 for scissors, and 3 for paper.

When the user enters something other than R, S, or P, you take it as "paper."

Do not distinguish between lowercase and uppercase in user input.


using System;
class Program{/*from ww w.j  a va 2  s  .  c o m*/
    static void Main(string[] args){
        // Preparations 
        Random randomNumbers = new Random();

        double playerPoints = 0;
        double computerPoints = 0;

        int rock = 1, scissors = 2, paper = 3;

        // Inputs 
        Console.Write("Enter your name: ");
        string playerName = Console.ReadLine();

        Console.Write("Enter number of game rounds: ");
        string input = Console.ReadLine();
        int totalRounds = Convert.ToInt32(input);


        // Individual rounds 
        for (int roundNumber = 0; roundNumber < totalRounds; roundNumber++)
            // Computer chooses 
            int computerChoice = randomNumbers.Next(1, 3 + 1);

            // Player chooses 
            Console.Write("Enter R or S or P: ");
            string playerInput = Console.ReadLine();
            string playerInputUppercase = playerInput.ToUpper();
            int playerChoice = playerInputUppercase == "R" ?
                rock : (playerInputUppercase == "S" ? scissors : paper);

            // Round evaluation 
            string message = "";
            if (computerChoice == rock && playerChoice == scissors ||
                computerChoice == scissors && playerChoice == paper ||
                computerChoice == paper && playerChoice == rock)
                // Computer won 
                computerPoints += 1;
                message = "I won";
                // Tie or player won 
                if (computerChoice == playerChoice)
                    // Tie 
                    computerPoints += 0.5;
                    playerPoints += 0.5;
                    message = "Tie";
                }else{// Player won 
                    playerPoints += 1;
                    message = "You won";
            string playerChoiceInText = playerChoice == rock ? "Rock" : (playerChoice == scissors ? "Scissors" : "Paper");
            string computerChoiceInText = computerChoice == rock ? "Rock" : (computerChoice == scissors ? "Scissors" : "Paper");
            Console.WriteLine(playerName + ":Computer - " + playerChoiceInText + ":" + computerChoiceInText);
        Console.WriteLine(playerName + ":Computer - " + playerPoints.ToString() + ":" + computerPoints.ToString());

