CSharp - Polymorphism: Base Class reference to Child Class Object Demo


Polymorphism is generally associated with one method name with multiple forms/constructs.


using System;

class Vehicle//from  w ww .ja  va 2s  . c o  m
    public void ShowMe()
        Console.WriteLine("Inside Vehicle.ShowMe");
class Bus : Vehicle
    public void ShowMe()
        Console.WriteLine("Inside Bus.ShowMe");
    public void BusSpecificMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("Inside Bus.ShowMe");

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        Vehicle obVehicle = new Bus();
        obVehicle.ShowMe();//Inside Vehicle.ShowMe
                           // obVehicle.BusSpecificMethod();//Error
                           //Bus obBus = new Vehicle();//Error



For the following two lines of codes in the preceding program:

Vehicle obVehicle = new Bus();

In the code above we are pointing to a derived class object (Bus object) through a parent class reference (Vehicle reference).

Then we are invoking the ShowMe() method.

This way of invoking is allowed: a base class reference can point to a derived class object.

But we cannot use either of these lines:


Since the type here is Vehicle not Bus.

To remove this error, you need to downcast, as follows:


The following line of code has compile time error

Bus obBus = new Vehicle();//Error

To remove this error, you need to downcast, as follows:

Bus obBus = (Bus)new Vehicle();


Through a parent class reference, we can refer to a child class object but the reverse is not true.

An object reference can implicitly upcast to base class reference and explicitly downcast to a derived class reference.

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