C++ STL Lambda
C++ examples for STL:Lambda
Click the following links for the tutorial for STL and Lambda.
Defining the Lambda Expression Solution
Throwing an Exception within a Lambda Expression
Sorting Data Using a Lambda Expression
Using the Capture Clause
Creating lambda expressions with multiple inputs
Using the Auto Keyword to Automate the Return Type
Using a specific return type
Relying on compiler detection of return type
What are Lambda Expressions?
Cope an array into a vector using a lambda function.
Using the Lambda Capture Feature
Passing a Lambda Closure into a Function
A Lambda closure referenced by a variable
C++ lambdas can create closures and can be passed around in your code.
Example of lambda expressions
A recursive lambda expression
A lambda expression returning the number of vector elements that begin with a given letter.
A lambda expression accessing a variable in the outer scope by reference
A lambda expression finding the largest even number in a vector
Recursive calls in a lambda expression
Using lambda expressions in function templates
Define Lambda Expressions to calculate sum of values in vector