Finding Things in Strings, search a string for something. - C++ STL

C++ examples for STL:string


Finding Things in Strings, search a string for something.

Demo Code

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

int main() {/*from  ww  w.j a  va2s . c  o  m*/
   std::string s = "this is a test art swift";

   std::cout << s.find("ar") << '\n';            // Search from the
                                                 // beginning
   std::cout << s.rfind("ar") << '\n';           // Search from the end

   std::cout << s.find_first_of("swi")           // Find the first of
             << '\n';                            // any of these chars

   std::cout << s.find_first_not_of("is")        // Find the first
             << '\n';                            // that's not in this
                                                 // set

   std::cout << s.find_last_of("abg") << '\n';   // Find the first of any of these chars starting from the end

   std::cout << s.find_last_not_of("aDinrw")     // Find the first
             << '\n';                            // that's not in this set, starting from the end


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