Use switch Statement to check user input value - C++ Statement

C++ examples for Statement:switch


Use switch Statement to check user input value

Demo Code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()//from w w  w .j a v a 2s  .c  o m
   int opselect;
   double fnum, snum;
   cout << "Please type in two numbers: ";
   cin  >> fnum >> snum;
   cout << "Enter a select code: ";
   cout << "\n         1 for addition";
   cout << "\n         2 for multiplication";
   cout << "\n         3 for division : ";
   cin  >> opselect;
   switch (opselect)
      case 1:
      cout << "The sum of the numbers entered is " << fnum+snum;
      case 2:
      cout << "The product of the numbers entered is " << fnum*snum;
      case 3:
      cout << "The first number divided by the second is " << fnum/snum;
   }    // end of switch
   cout << endl;
   return 0;


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