Catching by Reference and Polymorphism - C++ Statement

C++ examples for Statement:try catch


By passing the exception by reference, you can use the inheritance hierarchy to take the appropriate action based on the runtime type of the exception.

Demo Code

#include <iostream> 
const int defaultSize = 10; 
// define the exception classes 
class XBoundary {}; 
class XSize /*  ww w  . ja va  2  s  .c  o m*/
    XSize(int newSize):size(newSize) {} 
    virtual int getSize() { return size; } 
    virtual void printError() 
    { std::cout << "Size error. Received: " 
         << size << "\n"; } 
    int size; 
class XTooBig : public XSize 
    XTooBig(int size):XSize(size) {} 
    virtual void printError() 
         std::cout << "Too big! Received: "; 
         std::cout << XSize::size << "\n"; 
class XTooSmall : public XSize 
    XTooSmall(int size):XSize(size) {} 
    virtual void printError() 
         std::cout << "Too small! Received: "; 
         std::cout << XSize::size << "\n"; 
class XZero : public XTooSmall 
    XZero(int newSize):XTooSmall(newSize){} 
    virtual void printError() 
         std::cout << "Zero Received: "; 
         std::cout << XSize::size << "\n"; 
class XNegative : public XSize 
     XNegative(int size):XSize(size){} 
     virtual void printError() 
         std::cout << "Negative! Received: "; 
         std::cout << XSize::size << "\n"; 
class Array 
     // constructors 
     Array(int size = defaultSize); 
     Array(const Array &rhs); 
     ~Array() { delete [] pType; } 
     // operators 
     Array& operator=(const Array&); 
     int& operator[](int offSet); 
     const int& operator[](int offSet) const; 
     // accessors 
     int getSize() const { return size; } 
     // friend function 
     friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const Array&); 
     int *pType; 
     int  size; 
Array::Array(int newSize): 
    if (newSize == 0) 
        throw XZero(size); 
    if (newSize < 0) 
        throw XNegative(size); 
    if (newSize < 10) 
        throw XTooSmall(size); 
    if (newSize > 30000) 
        throw XTooBig(size); 
     pType = new int[newSize]; 
     for (int i = 0; i < newSize; i++) 
         pType[i] = 0; 
int& Array::operator[] (int offset) 
     int size = getSize(); 
     if (offset >= 0 && offset < size) 
         return pType[offset]; 
     throw XBoundary(); 
     return pType[offset]; 
const int& Array::operator[] (int offset) const 
     int size = getSize(); 
     if (offset >= 0 && offset < size) 
         return pType[offset]; 
     throw XBoundary(); 
     return pType[offset]; 
int main() 
         int choice; 
         std::cout << "Enter the array size: "; 
         std::cin >> choice; 
         Array intArray(choice); 
         for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) 
             intArray[j] = j; 
             std::cout << "intArray[" << j << "] OK ..." 
                 << "\n"; 
     catch (XBoundary) 
         std::cout << "Unable to process your input\n"; 
      catch (XSize& exception) 
      catch (...) 
           std::cout << "Something went wrong," 
                << "but I've no idea what!" << "\n"; 
      std::cout << "Done\n"; 
      return 0; 


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