Demonstrating operator keywords. - C++ Operator

C++ examples for Operator:Logical Operator


Demonstrating operator keywords.

Demo Code

#include <iostream> 
#include <ciso646>
using namespace std; 

int main() /*from w w w.j  a v  a2  s  .  c  om*/
    bool a = true; 
    bool b = false; 
    int c = 2; 
    int d = 3; 

    // sticky setting that causes bool values to display as true or false 
    cout << boolalpha; 

    cout << "a = " << a << "; b = " << b << "; c = " << c << "; d = " << d; 

    cout << "\n\nLogical operator keywords:"; 
    cout << "\n       a and a: " << ( a and a ); 
    cout << "\n       a and b: " << ( a and b ); 
    cout << "\n        a or a: " << ( a or a ); 
    cout << "\n        a or b: " << ( a or b ); 
    cout << "\n         not a: " << ( not a ); 
    cout << "\n         not b: " << ( not b ); 
    cout << "\na not_eq b: " << ( a not_eq b ); 

    cout << "\n\nBitwise operator keywords:"; 
    cout << "\nc bitand d: " << ( c bitand d ); 
    cout << "\nc bit_or d: " << ( c bitor d ); 
    cout << "\n      c xor d: " << ( c xor d ); 
    cout << "\n      compl c: " << ( compl c ); 
    cout << "\nc and_eq d: " << ( c and_eq d ); 
    cout << "\n c or_eq d: " << ( c or_eq d ); 
    cout << "\nc xor_eq d: " << ( c xor_eq d ) << endl; 


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