Passing an array to a function to get its maximum value - C++ Function

C++ examples for Function:Function Parameter


Passing an array to a function to get its maximum value

Demo Code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int findMax(int [], int);  // function prototype
int main()//from   w  w  w . jav a  2  m
   const int NUMPTS = 5;
   int nums[NUMPTS] = {2, 18, 1, 27, 16};
   cout << "\nThe maximum value is " << findMax(nums,NUMPTS) << endl;
   return 0;
// This function returns the maximum value in an array of ints
int findMax(int vals[], int numels)
   int i, max = vals[0];
   for (i = 1; i < numels; i++)
      if (max < vals[i])
   max = vals[i];
return max;


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