Throw exceptions with arguments - C++ Class

C++ examples for Class:Exception Class


Throw exceptions with arguments

Demo Code

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Measure//from ww  w.  jav  a 2s  .  co m
   int feet;
   float inches;
   class InchesEx              //exception class
      string origin;       //for name of routine
      float iValue;        //for faulty inches value
      InchesEx(string or, float in)  //2-arg constructor
         origin = or;      //store string
         iValue = in;      //store inches
   };                      //end of exception class
   { feet = 0; inches = 0.0; }
   Measure(int ft, float in)
      if(in >= 12.0)
         throw InchesEx("2-arg constructor", in);
      feet = ft;
      inches = in;
   void getdist()              //get length from user
      cout << "\nEnter feet: ";  cin >> feet;
      cout << "Enter inches: ";  cin >> inches;
      if(inches >= 12.0)
         throw InchesEx("getdist() function", inches);
    void showdist()
      { cout << feet << "\'-" << inches << '\"'; }
int main()
         Measure dist1(17, 3.5);    //2-arg constructor
         Measure dist2;             //no-arg constructor
         dist2.getdist();            //get values
         cout << "\ndist1 = ";  dist1.showdist();
         cout << "\ndist2 = ";  dist2.showdist();
      catch(Measure::InchesEx ix)   //exception handler
         cout << "\nInitialization error in " << ix.origin
         << ".\n   Inches value of " << ix.iValue
         << " is too large.";
      cout << endl;
      return 0;


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